ISG Guntramsdorf


Meet the team behind ISG Guntramsdorf

Mag. (FH) Birgit Roschitz, MSc

Managing Partner


Birgit Roschitz started her career with PriceWaterhouseCoopers in Vienna, auditing international, listed group of companies, additionally with focus on insurance companies. She attended the University of Applied Sciences in Wiener Neustadt and completed her degree in accounting and auditing, real estate management as well as in organisational development and human resources consultancy with excellence.

Due to her insights gained in different sectors (industry, trade and commerce, services etc.) she enhanced her analytical structure-centered view of things. Furthermore she found her preference in solving the employees’ „troubles of communication“. Following Paul Watzlawick’s motto „you cannot avoid to communicate“ she graduated the study of mediation and conflict-management, is therefore listed at the Austrian ministry of justice and presently publishing her international master-thesis concerning chances of mediation within companies. At the same time she started her own business

During her maternity break she decided to work part-time for ISG in 2004, primarily to get knowledge of telemarketing and acquisition in addition to her longtime experience in the fields of bank, insurance, tax consultancy, auditing and accounting, controlling, project-management, start-up-consultancy and human resources consultancy. On the basis of her definitive interest in human resources management, her pleasure in contact with clients as well as her above-average personal effort she has been operating as managing partner of ISG with her own team and office in Guntramsdorf (Lower Austria) since 2006.


  • acquisition and customer care
  • personnel search and selection
  • headhunting
  • outplacement consulting
  • mediation and conflict-management within companies
  • It’s always the person who should be focused!

Motto: Coming together is a beginningKeeping together is progress. Working together is success Henry Ford


Dr. Gottfried Jägersberger

Senior Consultant


After completing secondary school Gottfried Jägersberger graduated from a university of applied sciences degree program for military leadership. Working in various capacities with personnel and disciplinary responsibility for up to 200 employees he gained extensive experience in training, further education, and managing employees.

After graduation in the social and economic sciences he shifted his professional interest to the field of personnel management. Gottfried Jägersberger joined the ISG team in Oberwaltersdorf in the fall of 2010.

Areas of consulting:

  • Personnel search and selection
  • Executive Search
  • Development of individual assessment centers
  • Micro-politics and lobbying

Patrick Adler, MA

Managing Partner



  • Bachelor- sowie Masterstudium “Wirtschaftsberatung und Unternehmensführung” jeweils mit Fokus Human Resources
  • Senior Recruiter mit 10 Jahren Search-Praxis – davon 7,5 Jahre im Consulting und 2,5 Jahre inhouse
  • Schwerpunkt im Bereich Active Sourcing / Direktansprache
  • Know-how im strategischen Recruiting bzw. Projekt- und Prozessmanagement (neue Konzepte, Tools, Prozesse)
  • Erfahrung in der Führung von Teams und der fachlichen Verantwortung von Fachbereichen
  • Professioneller und moderner Arbeitsstil auf höchstem Niveau
  • Ausgeprägte Flexibilität und Anpassungsfähigkeit in der Handlungs- und Kommunikationsweise


  • Produzierende Industrie (Metallverarbeitung, Elektrotechnik, Maschinen- und Anlagenbau)
  • Logistik & Transport
  • Automotive
  • Banken & Finanzdienstleister & Versicherungen
  • Immobilien & Bauwesen
  • Airline Industrie
  • Kunststoff & Recycling
  • Pharma
  • Dienstleistungssektor


  • Diverse Leitungspositionen
  • Produktionsplanung, Qualitätswesen, Instandhaltung, Forschung und Entwicklung, Verfahrenstechnik
  • Einkauf, Lager, Disposition, Supply Chain Management
  • Sales, Produktmanagement, Marketing
  • Prozessmanagement, Projektmanagement, Changemanagement
  • Controlling, Rechnungswesen, Buchhaltung
  • Technische und kaufmännische Sachbearbeitung, Assistenzfunktionen
  • Human Resources

Niemand, der sein Bestes gegeben hat, hat es später bereut



We strive for our continuous development and the ongoing improvement of our services to exceed your expectations!