ISG Recruiting


Meet the team behind ISG Recruiting

Horst Neumayer

Head of Sales & Recruiting D.A.CH

Universitätsring 14
A-1010 Wien


During his training at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Munich, Horst Neumayer focused on marketing and sales. He was able to apply and successfully implement the professional skills he had acquired at various companies in German-speaking countries.

Horst Neumayer has been supporting the ISG sales team at the Vienna headquarters since 2008.

Due to his many years of experience and acquired professional expertise, he was given operational responsibility for the development and expansion as well as the management of the DACH sales team by the management in 2019 and the management of the recruiting department in 2022. When working with his team, he relies on open communication, respectful cooperation and continuous development. Humor is also a welcome companion in his eyes.

Motto: “It’s not enough to know – you also have to apply. It is not enough to want – you must also do.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Manuel Major

Deputy Head of Sales & Recruiting D.A.CH

Universitätsring 14
A-1010 Wien


Manuel Major has been Deputy Head of Sales & Recruiting for the D.A.CH region at ISG since 2022.

After graduating from AHS De La Salle in Vienna, he completed his military service. As a sportsman, he is passionate about soccer – his ability to act as a team player is something he also brings to his new role at ISG.

Manuel has turned his passion for meeting people into a profession thanks to his sound scientific education and his professional career with positions in the public sector and HR consulting.

Motto: “Anyone who stops learning is old. He may be twenty or eighty.” (Henry Ford)


Tobias Auer



Tobias Auer ist seit 2022 bei der ISG Personalmanagement GmbH als Recruiter tätig.

Er zeichnet sich durch seine zuverlässige Arbeitsweise und beeindruckende Zielstrebigkeit aus. Seine große Freude, täglich mit Menschen zusammenzuarbeiten, spiegelt seine Begeisterung für Human Resources wider. Herr Auer studiert derzeit an der WU Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften mit Schwerpunkt HR, um seine Expertise kontinuierlich weiterzuentwickeln. Mit seinem umfassenden Wissen trägt er maßgeblich zum Erfolg seines Teams bei.

Sein Motto “Wer will, findet Wege – wer nicht will, findet Gründe” zeigt ein hohes Maß an Motivation, das von seinen KollegInnen und KundInnen sehr geschätzt wird.



We strive for our continuous development and the ongoing improvement of our services to exceed your expectations!