

… your competent partner in all personnel matters!

Our consultants support you throughout Spain in almost every province. Our staff has well-founded, extensive, and diverse know-how in virtually all industries and occupations, as well as many years of experience. As a full-service provider in all personnel matters, we offer services in the areas of executive search, personnel consulting, personnel development, potential analysis, outplacement and temporary work.


Meet the team behind Spain

Emilio Redondo Usanos

Managing Director

ISG International Service Group
Calle Viella 21
E-28040 Madrid


After finishing his degree in Sociology, he complemented this with postgraduate studies in Marketing and Market Research, and began his career in the commercial world as an advisor and business manager.

In 1990 he began working in HR consulting, and first focused on sales training, a task  which he has performed for over 70 organizations, both Spanish and multinational companies, many of which are leaders in their respective markets.

Since 2008 he combines the training activity with  executive search and selection.

He is the author of the book: “Consultative Selling”, published in 2007 by the Pirámide Editorial, and has recently been reissued.

His extensive experience in different sectors, his knowledge of the Spanish market, professional ethics and the passion with which he approaches each new project, enable  him to offer an excellent service to customers.

Motto: “The one who is prepared, has already won half the battle” (Miguel de Cervantes)


Sabine Wimpissinger

Managing Partner

ISG International Service Group
Calle Viella 21
E-28040 Madrid


Sabine Wimpissinger joined ISG Spain as a Partner in 2017. Sabine brings many years of international experience in the regulatory, public affairs, communications and legal areas, being a lawyer by background and having been based in Vienna, Brussels and Madrid as a communications and public affairs consultant as well as initially as a trade diplomat. Her experience covers EU-wide projects with particular knowledge of the Austrian, German, Swiss, Scandinavian, Spanish, Belgian and French  markets. Sabine has worked with a broad variety of sectors and policy areas including environment, energy, trade, food, consumer, health and digital policy and she advises clients on the recruitment of profiles in the functional areas related to regulatory, legal and public affairs as well as to communications. In accordance with her multi-cultural background she helps companies and organisations regarding needs for international positions.

Sabine is a dual citizen of Austria and Sweden. She has a Master´s degree in law from the University of Vienna and she also holds a Master of international politics from the Université Libre de Bruxelles. In addition to her native German and Swedish, she speaks fluently English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.


Sergio Rivera, BSc

Sector Head - Tech

ISG Tech
ES-28040 Madrid, Calle Viella 21
AT-1010 Vienna, Universitätsring 14


Sergio Rivera is Business Administration graduate from Saint Louis University where he discovered his talent for Human Resources. During his studies, he had the opportunity to specialize in accounting and finance, representing his university in international competitions. He’s lived and worked in both Europe and North America and understands how to operate in both markets professionally.

After his studies, he entered the Human Resources sector where he began his career and applied theory to the real world. He’s also gained experience in the retail, education, and tourism sectors throughout his life. Currently, he is a search and selection consultant, and manages the ISG social network marketing channels.

His focus is on providing solutions to the IT and Finance sectors selecting intermediate and management profiles.


Karmele Guibert


ISG International Service Group
Calle Viella 21
E-28040 Madrid


Karmele Guibert, graduated in 2017 with a double degree in International Business and Economics. After a first professional experience at Volkswagen Navarra in the HR and Communication department she decided to move her career to the HR consulting side. Since then, she has been focusing on projects all over Europe with a special focus on the IT and Automotive sector. Having a very profound understanding of different HR processes thanks to her experience at ISG and completing an additional Masters degree, she has been able to successfully guide candidates and find the right match.

Karmele enjoys working on cross border projects and assists clients in all phases of the process, trying to find the perfect balance between the client’s requirements and the expectations of the candidates. She has a special focus on supporting candidates in their relocation within the EU, guiding them throughout the process and preparing them for the cultural changes.


Simon Leissinger

Country Manager


Simon Leissinger first completed a degree in business administration. After successfully graduating, his professional career took him to various countries in the field of HR, Finance and Technology.

Already at the beginning of his career, he discovered his great passion for personnel consulting. His focus lies on connecting companies and people focusing on fruitful, long-term and sustainable cooperation. He is convinced that employees are always the decisive factor for success in any company.

In the course of his work at ISG, he built up the locations in Spain and also established a Technology Recruiting Hub. Today, this hub supports the worldwide ISG branches in global IT recruiting tasks.

Simon Leissinger has been Managing Director of ISG Germany since 2020.


Franca Höss



Franca Höss studierte Internationale Betriebswirtschaft an der Hochschule Furtwangen University. Hierbei spezialisierte sie sich auf das Personalwesen mit besonderem Augenmerk auf hispanische Länder. Im Rahmen ihres Studiums absolvierte sie ein Auslandssemester in Málaga sowie anschließend ein Praktikum bei der ISG in Madrid. Dabei konnte sie nicht nur ihre sprachlichen Kenntnisse in Englisch sowie Spanisch verfeinern, sondern ebenfalls ihre interkulturellen Kompetenzen weiter stärken.

Seit Praktikumsende März 2020 verstärkt Franca Höss auch künftig das ISG Team mit Ihrer aufgeschlossenen Art. Insbesondere im IT- und Technologiesektor konnte sie sich branchenspezifisches Know-how aneignen und berät empathisch und zielsicher länderübergreifend Kandidaten sowohl bei den nächsten Karriereschritten, als auch beim Relocatingprozess.


Narcisa-Nicoleta Vasilache



Narcisa Vasilache is a Psychology graduate from University of Bucharest. During her studies, she had the opportunity to work in a start-up as well as being part of an international volunteering network both experiences contributing to her growing passion of working in international environments.

After finishing her student exchange program in Spain, she decided to settle in Madrid and pursue an opportunity that renders a multicultural working environment. At ISG she had the chance to fulfill this particular goal. During her internship, she acquired specific know-how in the technology sector along with strong intercultural skills and since then she was able to kindly counsel and guide people throughout the recruitment process with her good-natured, friendly approach.


Paula Farias

Managing Partner


Human Resources Diploma, Psychologyst with postgraduate studies in Organizational Psychology. Coach certified for the International Coaching Federation. Member of Mujeres Lideres de las Américas.

During +15 years she has worked in Human Resources in with several international companies in LATAM & Europe. She has been working in sectors such as Engineering, Energy, IT, Retail, Logistics, Pharma & Services.

Since 2018 she has been collaborating in outplacement services and coaching. Nowadays, she is working with universities and companies giving talks and trainings.

She enjoys working with people and looking for best fit for clients and candidates. Her knowledge in different sectors and geographic zones has made a big support for clients with offices worldwide.


Yulia Tsvetkova



Yulia Tsvetkova is a Project Management Master graduate, who has a double degree from EAE Business School and Rey Juan Carlos University. During her studies, she started to gain her professional experience within international environment, taking internships in Russia and Spain, and obtaining knowledge in the fields of IT and multinational communications.

Deciding to combine her personal skills with professional interests, she joined the team of ISG in 2021, making a step forward in her career. Project Management background is helping her to understand needs of both client and candidate sides, always trying to find a perfect match.


Jaime Noguera

Managing Partner


More than 30 years working in “organizational architecture” (organization, structure, and change management), “human performance technology” and in “communication” and “human resources”. Focused on the productivity of organizations and the efficiency (and happiness) of people. He likes to work with precise goals and values responsibility for results. He has a background in Law, Business Administration and Religious Studies. He has been general manager at Consultores Españoles and Quero. He has worked as a consultant in more than 40 organizations, both SMEs and large companies.

He is the author of the book: “Sólo hace falta ser humilde”, published in 2017 by Schedas, which has been translated into English in 2018 (“It pays to be humble”).

He has a broad knowledge of the Spanish professional reality, is governed by ethical criteria in business, always seeks solutions focused on the satisfaction of clients and candidates, as well as the happiness of people.


Rafael López

Managing Partner


Bachelor of Law and Business Sciences, Master in Human Resources and Labor Law.

He has focused his professional activity in Human Resources departments in international companies such as Vestas, Carrefour and Gazprom, but has also acted as a Human Resources Consultant focusing on the areas of recruitment, executive search and  HR development in consultancies such as Randstad Professionals and Cegos Europe.

In the selection area, he has specialized in profiles of Industrial Sales, Finance and Management Control and legal & tax.

He currently belongs to the ISG office in Madrid, with preferential activity in business development at a national level in all types of activity sectors.

His professional profile is based on closeness to the client, acting as a true business partner.

Allso, He considers quality and clarity in communication with clients and candidates to be key, always trying to offer the best experience to both.


Elmar Scheuba, M.A.

General Manager Americas | Global Head of Sector Group Healthworld | Executive Managing Partner



Europe / EMEA, USA & CANADA, CENTRAL- AND SOUTHAMERICA (LATAM), Asia, Middle- & Far East / U.A.E.


Healthcare private equity and venture capital funds in the range of $50M to $500B AUM / Global Life Sciences, Biotech, Pharma, Medical Devices/Diagnostics, Innovation & Digital Health Transformation / Healthcare Private Equity and Venture Capital backed companies / Privately and public held firms (for-profit) in the range of $10M to $500B / Start-up, Spin Offs, small-, mid- and large-size enterprises, turn-around operations / Multinational Blue chip organizations.


C-Suite & Board Level Search / Board-Level and CEO appointments / Senior Vice President and VP roles / General Management appointments / Senior Directors & Directors / Middle Management Appointments / Engineers / Scientists / Specialists




Commercial Marketing & Sales | Business Development / Health Economics & Market Access | Pricing & Reimbursement / Regulatory Affairs | Quality Management & Safety / Hospital Administration & Management / Medical Assignments / Scientific Research (Biotechnological & Pharmaceutical) / Preclinical & Clinical Development / Medical Manufacturing | Production, Prototyping & OEM / Bioprocessing | Pharmaceutical Engineering & Packaging / Health Care IT Management | Medical- & Bio-Informatics


Mr. Scheuba shows an excellent and unique knowledge of international medical devices, pharmaceutical, biotech and health care markets in general. From his university background perspective, Elmar Scheuba is an international health economist and graduate of “health care management” master studies at International Management Center Krems (IMC) / Austria with the focus on international pharmaceutical management, international hospital management and international health care consulting.

Mr. Scheuba possesses over 20 years of professional work experience during which he has had the opportunity to gain substantial financial health care experience as a global buy side equity analyst for an exclusive health care investment-boutique in Switzerland, where he was responsible for worldwide medical services research (hospitals, distributors, HMO’s, health care IT). During his several professional assignments he could also gain valuable experience in the endovascular medical devices industry at Medtronic Corporation and received an extensive insight in Novartis pharmaceutical Drug Regulatory Affairs (DRA) business. Apart from that, he was later performing as an international product manager for a leading European supplier of consumer medical products and could further contribute to Deloitte’s Life Science consulting business in Zurich where his profound industry expertise and personal dedication made him a valuable asset as a global subject matter expert for topics associated with medical devices, life science, pharma and health care providers.

Prior to setting up his own global recruiting and executive search company Mr. Scheuba was able to successfully build up his strong personal competence in health care recruiting and executive search by performing as a European senior business manager for medical devices and pharma on board of two globally renowned major executive search companies, located in Germany and the UK respectively.

Elmar Scheuba represents a high caliber manager and visionary leader in the following sub-industrial and functional executive search segments:

Covered (Sub-)Industries:

  • Medical Devices, Surgical & Implantology
  • Pharma and Generics
  • Biotechnology, Cell Biology & Life Sciences
  • Medical Capital Equipment & Imaging Technology
  • Medical Diagnostics, Laboratory & Testing
  • Health Care IT, Digital Health & Medical Informatics
  • Dental Medicine & Orthodontology
  • Medical Rehabilitation and Robotics
  • Hospitals and Senior Residences
  • Consumer Healthcare
  • Animal Health and Veterinery Medicine
  • Clinical Nutrition, Clinical Food & Dietary Products
  • Health Insurance & Health Care Finance
  • Chemicals, Fine Chemicals & Specialty Chemicals
  • Cosmetics, Perfumes & FMCG
  • Medical Automation, General Engineering & OEM
  • Micro & Nanotechnology, Material Sciences
  • Sports Medicine & Fitness
  • Health Care Consulting Industry
  • Health Insurance & Health Care Finance
  • Medical Communications & Advertising Industry
  • Health Tourism, Spa & Medical Travel
  • Alternative Medicine, Beauty & Well-Being
  • International Aid & Non-Profit Organizations
  • Medical Professionals

Covered Functions:

  • Commercial Marketing & Sales | Business Development
  • Regulatory, Quality & Safety
  • Market Research & Business Intelligence | Medical Education
  • Scientific Advisory & Medical Education
  • Health Economics & Market Access | Pricing & Reimbursement
  • Scientific Research (Biotech & Pharma)
  • Clinical Discovery & Development
  • Medical Manufacturing, Production & Prototyping
  • Bioprocessing | Pharmaceutical Engineering & Packaging
  • Environmental Health and Safety | Occupational Medicine
  • Hospital Administration & -Management
  • Health Care IT Management & Informatics
  • Medical Controlling & DRG Management
  • Health Consulting & Health Advisory
  • Medical Communications, PR & Advertising
  • Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing
  • Controlling & Finance
  • Logistics & Supply Chain Management
  • Human Resources & Legal
  • Medical Assignments

Representative Search Projects



We strive for our continuous development and the ongoing improvement of our services to exceed your expectations!