Our consultants support you throughout Germany. Our staff has well-founded, extensive, and diverse know-how in virtually all industries and occupations, as well as many years of experience. As a full-service provider in all personnel matters, we offer services in the areas of executive search, personnel consulting, personnel development, potential analysis, outplacement and temporary work.
Rainer Meeh
Managing Partner
ISG Personalmanagement GmbH
Frankenstraße 167
D-97078 Würzburg
Rainer Meeh is your primary contact person and consultant in the region of Würzburg (Northern Bavaria).
After completing his studies in business management at the university in Würzburg with the degree of “Business Economist (FH), Rainer Meeh started his career at a specialist wholesaler for clocks, watches and technical accessories. At first his area of work comprised the organisation of fairs, sales force management, employee training and marketing combined with the responsibility for personnel.
After a short time he joined the management board and founded another trading company in the area of private label products where he held the post of managing director. Apart from selling to traditional specialist sole traders, the new company mainly supplied industrial companies with “suitable”, custom-made products.
Over the years Rainer Meeh’s entrepreneurial actions transitioned more and more into the consulting area. Since 2018 he has been managing partner and senior consultant for ISG.
Focus areas:
- Search & selection of specialists and leaders
- Professional & executive search
- Recruiting projects in the automotive industry
- Strategic consulting for special SME clients
Motto: “Those who do not want, find reasons. Those who want, find ways.” (Unknown)
Walter Raml
Managing Partner
Walter Raml is a partner of ISG GmbH in Weiden (Northern Bavaria / Oberpfalz).
After training to become an industrial sales representative at the company Hofbauer Lead Crystal (manufacturing industry), he worked another 10 years for this enterprise in the personnel department performing over time all roles up to deputy staff director.
In 1992, Walter Raml switched to become the auditing department head of the automotive company “Auto Parts Unger.” Because of his long and profound experience in human resources, management soon drew him back to the personnel area again. Here he supervised the very intense expansion with up to 50 new stores per year, as well as numerous restructurings, improvements and changes.
From 1998 he worked as head of personnel and was responsible for the management of the central administration and personnel management of the European companies in Austria, Czech Republic, Italy, the Netherlands and Switzerland. In the Austrian company Walter Raml was also managing director.
As an additional qualification he acquired from 2000 to 2002 training in human resource management.
His experience, knowledge and potential extend across all of personnel management: from payroll and salary calculation, to the application of payroll and time management software, to the design of efficient HR processes, to the concrete implementation of individual measures with workshops and individual coaching.
His approach is a holistic strategy, which is always practical and oriented to the specific needs of the customer.
Areas of Expertise:
- Personnel management consulting from one source – a competent partner for operational and strategic human resource management
- Implementation and optimization of operational personnel management processes and tools
- Guidance of change processes
- Interim Management
- Coaching of experts and executives
- Recruitment & selection of specialists and executives
- Cross-border monitoring of HR processes.
Motto: “I do my job because it provides me pleasure, and I have no reason to take this pleasure away from myself.” Dr. Hans Riegel (Haribo)
Frank Vergin
Managing Partner
Hans – Seehase – Ring 50a
D-18059 Rostock
Frank Vergin is a Managing Consultant of ISG Germany, Ltd. and contact for all ISG Services in Rostock.
After training to become a certified machine-assembly technician, he successfully completed an Engineering Degree in Shipbuilding (FH) from the University of Rostock, as well as a distance-learning course to become a state-qualified business manager.
During his career, Frank Vergin gained extensive experience in various functions as well as technical and management positions. For many years he was responsible in the areas of production, technology and development in the chemical industry and mechanical engineering as well as in personnel management, staff development and training in the field of personnel consulting and recruiting. Building on this experience, he founded his own successful company with several branches in wholesale and retail as well as business consulting. Thus, he gained further experience in the areas of sales, controlling, marketing, production, marketing of the company’s own brands at home and abroad as well as in supply-chain management, and successfully demonstrated his entrepreneurial skills in the conduct of his business.
For him, personnel consulting means focusing on people, finding what is shared and strengthening it because this is the basis for long-term success. Only when one understands things as they are, can they be changed together more easily.
Areas of Expertise:
- Search & selection of specialists and executives / Executive Search
- Diagnosis / analysis of potential
Motto: “If you do not try to do something that is beyond what you have already mastered, then you will not grow.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
Adrjen Weber
Managing Partner
Adrjen Weber is a Manging Partner of ISG Personalmanagement GmbH in Stuttgart – Bodensee with an office in Aldingen. After successfully completing his training as an industrial clerk and continuing his education as a Business Economist, Mr. Weber worked for a leading industrial company in sales, most recently as a Sales Manager.
With nearly 20 years of professional experience in management and specialist positions, with a focus on the distribution of the supplier industry and the automotive sector, Mr. Weber has a correspondingly high level of consulting expertise. He expanded his knowledge through continuous education and with extra-occupational study (Fern-Universität).
Mr. Weber has been a Managing Partner at ISG since 2017 and was able to gain well-known customers after a short time and support them competently and successfully with regard to personnel requirements. Even in hard-to-fill areas, e.g. In the area of service technician (m / w), Mr. Weber was able to build up a high level of special expertise and to win the sought-after personnel for his customers.
Mr. Weber is a member of the so-called ” Automotive Sector Group ” due to his focus on the supplier industry and automotive sector. He can thus access a team specializing in the automotive industry, both in Germany and internationally, in order to provide his customers with optimal advice and support.
Areas of Expertise:
- Search & selection of specialists and executives
- Professional & Executive Search
- Recruiting projects Automotive / Industry
- Training & Developement Consulting – about ISG specialists
Motto: “One has a head start in life, who tackles where the others first talk.” (John F. Kennedy)
V. Richard Bilic
Managing Partner
Mr. Richard Bilic serves as Managing Partner at ISG. With over 25 years of extensive expertise in executive search, he holds a degree in Marketing and Communications. His career spans from recruitment to executive leadership, specializing in establishing and expanding personnel service locations and targeted placement of highly skilled professionals across various industries including skilled workers, finance, medical, and real estate.
Key Consulting Areas:
- Direct Search
- Placement of High Potentials
- International Recruiting
Leveraging his vast experience and dedicated commitment, Mr. Bilic stands as a reliable partner to clients, offering customized solutions to meet their individual needs.
Martin Kraml
Managing Partner
Martin Kraml is a Managing Consultant of ISG Personnel Management Germany Ltd. and contact person at the Hamburg office.
Born in Vienna, Mr. Kraml brings to his consulting work his many years of international management experience in the areas of sales and management consulting.
After completing his degree in Business Administration at the Vienna University of Economics with a focus on “International Management & Marketing”, he collected his first sales experience in a world-leading American hotel corporation.
He then managed one of the largest personnel advertising agencies in Central Europe and in this time he built up and expanded a broad HR network, especially in the DACH and CEE region. Recently, Mr. Kraml held a management function at the leading German private radio marketing company.
His many years of personal experience, especially in acquisition and in key account management in the areas of B2B & B2C, his distinctive, cross-industry management experience, as well as his extensive experience in the HR environment make Martin Kraml an outstanding partner for our company.
He dedicates his free time to his family – he’s an excellent skier, tennis player and a talented amateur chef, who cooks with passion.
Consulting Focus:
- Direct contact & Database Search
- Search & Selection of specialists and executives
- Career counseling
- Outplacement
Motto: “Do or do not. There is no try.”
Yoda to Luke Skywalker while training
Andrea Bachmann
Managing Partner
Andrea Bachmann ist Managing-Partnerin der ISG Personalmanagement GmbH am Standort Gnarrenburg / Bremervörde (Niedersachsen).
Nach erfolgreicher Ausbildung zur Einzelhandelskauffrau und Abitur in Rostock studierte sie Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Schwerpunkt im Personalmanagement in Berlin. Im Anschluss arbeitete sie über 20 Jahre im Personalwesen, davon über 15 Jahre als Personalleiterin in unterschiedlichen Regionen Deutschlands. Ihre beruflichen Stationen finden sich in Dienstleistung und Logistik, Rechtsanwalts-Großkanzlei sowie Industrie- und Handelsunternehmen. Während ihrer Beschäftigungszeit hat Frau Bachmann die gesamte Palette des betrieblichen Personalwesens kennen gelernt und bearbeitet. Sie verfügt über umfassende, praxiserprobte Kenntnisse im Arbeits-, Steuer- und Sozialversicherungsrecht, ist sowohl vertraut mit strategischer Konzept- wie operativer Detailarbeit und erfahren in Verhandlungen mit Betriebsräten und Gewerkschaft. Daneben hat sie erfolgreich eine firmeneigene Weiterbildungs-Akademie ins Leben gerufen.
Frau Bachmann hat zusätzlich die AdA-Ausbildung als Voraussetzung zur Ausbildung durchlaufen und war als Prüferin bei der IHK Ostwestfalen / Lippe tätig.
In ihrer beruflichen Laufbahn hat Frau Bachmann mehrfach betriebliche Veränderungsprozesse personalseitig begleitet und kann hierin tiefgreifendes Know how vorweisen.
- Personalmanagementberatung aus einer Hand – kompetenter Ansprechpartner für operatives und strategisches Personalmanagement
- Einführung und Optimierung von betrieblichen Personalmanagement-Prozessen und Instrumenten
- Begleitung von Veränderungsprozessen
- Interim Management
- Coaching von Fach- und Führungskräften
- Suche & Auswahl von Fach- und Führungskräften
- Aus- und Weiterbildung, Personalentwicklung
Ihr Motto: „Es ist nicht der Verstand, auf den es ankommt, sondern auf das, was ihn leitet: Herz und Charakter“ (Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski)
Thomas Heinrich
Managing Partner
Thomas Heinrich ist Ansprechpartner für die ISG Personalmanagement GmbH am Standort Tornesch (Schleswig-Holstein / Metropolregion Hamburg).
Nach seiner Ausbildung zum Industriekaufmann schloss er sein Betriebswirtschaftsstudium mit rechtswissenschaftlicher Zusatzausbildung mit 1.63 (Jahrgangsdritter) an der Universität Bayreuth als Diplom-Kaufmann ab.
Erste berufliche Station war die eines Produktmanagers bei der BASF AG in Ludwigshafen, wo er sich um die Entwicklung und Vermarktung von Farbstoffzwischenprodukten in andere technische Anwendungen hinein kümmerte. Anschließend baute er beim Edelstahlverarbeiter BLANCO den Bereich Produktmanagement Haushalttechnik auf und war dort im Rahmen einer Matrixorganisation für die Koordination von Einkauf, F&E, Produktion, Werbung und Vertrieb verantwortlich für Entwicklung und Vermarktung neuer Produkte. Im Anschluss an eine Brand-Manager-Position beim Porzellanhersteller ROSENTHAL wechselte er im Jahr 2000 zum Luxuslabel MONTBLANC und begann dort als Produktmanager für die Hauptlinie Meisterstück und für Eyewear. Nach zwei Jahren Übernahme er die Position des Marketing Directors Western Hemisphere (EMEA sowie Indien) und verantwortete als Führungsverantwortlicher bis zum Jahr 2013 das Marketing von 14 Tochtergesellschaften weltweit. Außerdem verantwortete er zeitweise von Murray Hill / New Jersey aus zusätzlich als Senior Vice President von MONTBLANC North America das Marketing für USA und Canada. Neben klassischen Marketingthemen hat er insbesondere CRM (datenbankgestützte Kundenansprache) sowie das SiS-Konzept von MONTBLANC geprägt.
Seit 2014 ist Thomas Heinrich selbständiger Unternehmens- und Personalberater. Bei der Personalberatung liegt sein Fokus auf der Direktansprache von Kandidat:Innen.
Recruiting bedeutet für ihn immer Menschen und Unternehmen zusammenzubringen, bei denen es „passt“. Wichtiger noch als ein Match zwischen fachlichen Anforderungen und Qualifikation ist, dass auch die viel zitierte Chemie stimmt und die Bewerber:Innen zur jeweiligen Firmenkultur passen et vice versa.
- Suche & Auswahl von Fach- und Führungskräften / Executive Search
- Datenbankgestützte Personalsuche
- Active Sourcing
- Social Media Recruiting
- Employer Branding
Motto: „Wer Leistung fordert, muss Sinn stiften.“ (Thomas Heinrich)
Dirk Müller
Managing Partner
Dirk Müller is your ISG contact and primary consultant in the region of Fulda / Kassel. He is one of our managing partners at the ISG automotive team. He is responsible for the recruiting of specialists and executive staff for leading manufactureres, suppliers or engineering-partners in the automative sector in Germany or worldwide.
After studying business administration in Fulda, Mr. Müller began his professional career in the food industry, at first as assistant to management in leading projects on topics such as marketing to higher education, employee retention and staff development. After training to become a certified Personnel Consultant, Mr. Müller became the personnel manager of the industrial group’s many locations. Several operational transitions and associated social plans with budget responsibility were also managed by Mr. Müller. He also shaped some collective agreements, and successfully developed and implemented concepts in time management, personnel controlling and company retirement provisions. His experience and knowledge spectrum as an HR-generalist extends across strategic and operational human resource management. As a recruiter Mr. Müller supports his clients, primarily small and medium enterprises, especially in the fields of procurement / recruiting, retention and integrated personnel management consulting.
Areas of Expertise:
- Search & Selection of specialists and managers / Executive Search
- Personnel management consulting – for SMEs with option “50% EU-funding”
- Human resources development and training
- Interim Management, including project management for HR tasks
Motto: “All that we take on, will not be completed in the first few days, and perhaps not even in our lifetime, but let us begin.”
Marc Raczkowiak
Managing Partner
Marc Raczkowiak absolvierte zunächst ein betriebswirtschaftliches Studium. Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss führte ihn seine berufliche Laufbahn in die Personalberatung und in die Bau- und Immobilienbranche. Im Anschluss an den erfolgreichen Verkauf seines eigenen Unternehmens war er zuletzt als Mitglied der Geschäftsführung in einem Unternehmen der Baubranche tätig.
Bereits zu Beginn seiner Karriere entdeckte er seine große Leidenschaft für die Personalberatung. Durch seine Erfahrungen sowohl auf Corporate als auf Beratungsseite kennt er die Herausforderungen bei der Suche nach den besten MitarbeiterInnen sehr gut. Er ist davon überzeugt, dass MitarbeiterInnen in jedem Unternehmen stets der entscheidende Erfolgsfaktor sind. Er unterstützt seine KundInnen aus der Bau- und Lebensmittelbranche erfolgreich bei der Besetzung offener Positionen im Bereich der Fach- und Führungskräfte.
Seit 2023 ist Marc Raczkowiak Managing Partner der ISG Deutschland.
Carsten Möller
Team Leader Germany
Mr Möller is responsible for the ISG automative team in Germany. Together with his team he recruits specialists and executive staff for leading manufacturers, suppliers or engineering-partners in the automative sector in Germany or worldwide.
As Managing Partner at ISG, Carsten Möller is your contact and consultant for Munich / Rosenheim, and is also responsible for Bavaria.
Mr. Moller is a native of Hannover and has lived in Rosenheim for 13 years. In connection with his business activities, he is involved among other things with regional business associations and in an honorary capacity with a sports club.
Following his school and bank training, he studied business administration at the University of Applied Sciences in Osnabruck (Dipl.-Kfm. FH) with focus on human resource management, marketing, and finance. Afterwards, Mr. Möller completed a management trainee program and a trainee program with a focus on HR and business management within the Sparkasse savings bank group.
In the course of his professional career, Mr. Möller has held management and specialist positions in various industries (finance, IT, industry, services, and consulting). The focus of his career has been on personnel management. Mr. Moller was active in this environment as Head of HR, Director of HR and Organizational Development, and as a Recruitment Specialist. As a result, he gained valuable experience regarding change processes and generational change, also in owner-managed businesses.
For several years, Mr. Möller has worked as a corporate and personnel consultant, currently as a Managing Partner at ISG. His practical philosophy is based on an honest, trustful dialogue with his conversation partners, aimed at meeting the needs of the customer as closely as possible.
Consulting Focus:
- Personnel consulting for recruitment & selection of specialists and executives / Executive Search
- Personnel Management Consulting – for SMEs with the option of “50% EU funding”
- Personnel development and training, and personnel marketing (concepts)
- Interim management for HR agendas, including project management
- Facilitation of change processes with a focus on HR
Motto: “Nothing good happens unless one does it.” (Erich Kästner)
Kerstin Wunderlich
Managing Partner
Kerstin Wunderlich works with ISG Personnel Management Ltd. in Rosenheim / Munich.
After completing her studies of foreign languages in Erlangen (English, Italian) she had a short training to become a retail business woman, she was then immediately made a trainee, and subsequently became department head in a large German department store group. In 1998 Ms. Wunderlich relocated to London and took over the position of International Field Sales Executive for an English production and trading company for three years.
From 2002 to 2006 she took on in the same company the position of export sales manager and was able to achieve very good results in this task. Because of her outstanding achievements, she received the “Queen’s Award for Export Achievement” from Queen Elizabeth.
Due to her family situation Ms. Wunderlich moved to the United States in 2006. She work there as a ski instructor, and German language teacher at a school in Seattle, Washington and organized various events for the resident German community.
After returning to Germany in 2010, she worked as an assistant in a company for education and training in the field of quality control.
Since 2015 Kerstin Wunderlich has been a Managing Partner at ISG Personnel Management Ltd. and specializes in HR consulting for commercial enterprises
During her career Ms. Wunderlich collected intercultural competence and extensive international experience in various roles in both technical and managerial positions.
Motto: “What you can dream, you can achieve”
Ulrich Kiesl
Managing Partner
Ulrich Kiesl is your direct contact person and consultant for the region of Munich and its surrounding area. Originally from Munich, he has lived in the Rosenheim area for 25 years and is committed to providing excellent service to medium-sized companies, specifically in the industries of Sport and (Rotary?). With focus on personnel / organization, sales and financing, while studying business administration at the University of Passau (Dipl.-Kfm. Univ.) he started his career as a trainee in one of the leading insurance companies. With an approximate 30 years of professional experience in management and specialist roles, mainly in sales positions within the finance and insurance industry, Mr. Kiesl brings a very high level of consulting expertise. Mr. Kiesl works as an accredited consultant in the promotion program corporate value: MENSCH and as a listed BAFA consultant and trainer. His focus is on strategic (HR) consulting, the strengthening of the success factor of people and the networking of small and medium-sized enterprises. In addition, as product manager and project manager, he successfully implemented nationwide innovation projects. Since 2017, Mr. Kiesl has been active as a personnel consultant for ISG and advises clients on innovative HR management with a focus on staff retention and recruiting. He specializes in the technology sectors (automotive, mechanical engineering, semiconductor industry) and the insurance industry.
Areas of Expertise:
- Search & Selection of Specialists and Executives
- Professional & Executive Search
- Personnel Marketing / Employer Branding
- Personnel Development and Training
- Outplacement
- Personnel Policy Advice with the Support Program company value: People
- Strategic Management Consulting / Change for SMEs (also with BAFA funding )
Motto: “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” Steve Jobs
Gerhard Grimm
Managing Partner
ISG Personalmanagement GmbH
Am Pulverturm 22
D-83278 Traunstein
Gerhard Grimm is your contact person and solution provider based in Munich / Chiemgau regarding the search and recruitment of new employees (m/f/d). His areas of specialization are the technological sectors of drive and automation technology, automotive, machine and plant construction, mechatronics, medical technology, optoelectronics and robotics.
For over 16 years he has been recruiting specialists and leaders on all levels for medium-sized as well as owner-operated companies of all sizes.
His clients appreciate his competences and his pragmatic and benefit-oriented consultation which is based on 23 years of practical experience in leading positions in technology-oriented companies as well as 16 years as solution provider as personnel and business consultant.
After graduating from school, completing his officer’s training and finishing a degree in electrical technology, he started working as trainer and learning guide in electronics education. Several years as department leader at a technical school followed. For the next 16 years Gerhard Grimm was leader of the training and development / personnel department of an international market and technology leader for tooling machines, automation and steering technology. These years proved to be formative for both his career and private life. In a highly technological environment Gerhard Grimm acquired extensive skills in leadership, recruiting, employee selection, leadership development and HR-Marketing. Trainings in systemic consulting, coaching, moderation, value-oriented leadership and business studies complete his know-how which he uses for the benefit of his clients with great enthusiasm. Gerhard Grimm also enjoys working on topics such as health-conscious leadership and sustainable company development as coach and personal consultant.
Gerhard Grimm is voluntary deputy chairman and district chair of the “Berufsausbilder-Verband Bayern e.V.” (Association of vocational trainers of Bavaria) and is a mentor and judge at the “Bayrische EliteAkademie” (Bavarian Elite Academy).
Focus areas:
- Search & selection of specialists and leaders / Expert & Executive Search
- Personnel development and training
- Personnel management and consulting
- Support of change processes
- Career consulting / support and coaching
- Health-conscious leadership and sustainable company development
- HR-Marketing / Employer Branding HR
Motto: “The secret to success is to understand the viewpoint of others.” (Henry Ford I., car manufacturer)
Criss Grape
Managing Partner
Criss is Managing Partner of ISG Personal Management Germany based in Munich / Garmisch.
Following a successful training as Industrial Business Manager she started her early career in various positions in the personnel department of a Munich DAX corporation. Subsequently, she joined a renowned asset management company in South Africa for several years. She was responsible for HR Management and established effective communication structures in order to encourage mutually beneficial trade and business relations between various companies in Southern Africa.
Back in Germany Criss set up her own export company. Based on her wide international experience she held various senior sales and management positions in consumer goods and lifestyle enterprises. Since 2014, she once again became an independent entrepreneur and joined ISG.
In addition to all services related to HR management, she advises national and international clients on the appropriate search strategy national and international and builds the ISG cooperation with the international recruitment network NPA.
Today, within the ISG Group, she is a member of the Sector Team “Pharma / Biotech / Chemicals”, “Building & Construction” and “Machinery & Plant Engineering” and advises and supports various companies of all key HR-Management related issues primarily concentrating on recruiting of executive and managing positions . . In addition, she is specialized in EXPAT placements and secondment to APAC and MEA.
Her experience and competence profile covers the entire spectrum of corporate management, personnel management, sales management and international business development.
Her expert knowledge and competence profile covers the full range of HR Management, Corporate Management, national and international Sales Management as well as International Business Development, etc.
For her, recruiting means to bring the diversity of people and companies in line and to find not only the “best” but the perfectly “right” candidate for her clients.
It goes without saying that exceptional personal dedication is an essential factor for joint success
Personal specialisms are:
- Search & selection of specialists and executives – nationally and internationally
- Professional & Executive Search
- Support and implementation of executive search projects
- Further development of international structures and activities in collaboration with the Recruiters Network NPA
- Conceptual design and implementation of Development Center
- Interim Management
- Outplacement
Motto: “Paths are made by walking.” (Franz Kafka)
Jörg Hohlfeld
Trainer, Coach & Berater
Jörg Hohlfeld is a partner of ISG Personalmanagement Germany GmbH and responsible for Training & Development at the Augsburg site.
After successfully training to become a state-approved electrical engineer, Jörg Hohlfeld began as a service technician in the IT industry. His further professional development led him into the areas of sales and training with the world’s leading ICT service provider, Ingram Micro. As a sales manager there, he headed sales teams for several years in the areas of key accounts and pan-European accounts, before he became the Regional Sales Manager in Germany responsible for international customers. At the same time he served as a trainer for in-house workshops in the fields of CRM and ERP, as well as sales department trainings. In addition, Jörg Hohlfeld developed himself further as a consultant in the areas of body language, communication skills and personality development for private clients and SMEs. To polish it all off he completed the training to become a certified personnel and business coach, before he started his own consulting, coaching and training business.
Jörg Hohlfeld delivers over 25 years of practical experience from the industrial, service, and commercial sectors, and serves to develop the potential of technical and management personnel as well as in the professional support of employees in the areas of business coaching and training. His entrepreneurial know-how from the economy and his leadership positions, in addition to his cross-industry experience in service, form the practical and value-oriented basis for successful personal development and sustainable business success.
Training focus:
- Developing the potential of professionals and executives (including coaching guidance during the first 100 days of the new management role)
- Sales analysis, sales consulting and sales coaching (also on site)
- Trainings for communication, discussion and negotiation, leadership development, successful selling, customer and key-account management, personal development and knowledge of human nature
- Consulting and creation of programs to develop potential and leadership
Motto: “Progress does not consist of the improvement of what was, but in directing what will be.” (Khalil Gibran)
Petra Kopp
Petra Kopp is partner of ISG Personalmanagement GmbH located in Munich.
After her successful studies of economics at TU Munich she worked more than 20 years as sales and marketing manager for innovative products. As senior director she developed and built up international sales and marketing organizations in Europe and Latin America e.g. at Microsoft and Siemens. The years before, she was co founder and board member of a mid level company. Today she works as consultant to support customers in developing business models, market strategies and innovative sales and marketing organizations. Additionally she is active as member of advisory board of a Tech Start Up and Vice President at Professional Women Network Munich.
Following her belief that success and innovation of companies depends on the continuous development of its people skills and mindset, she works as trainer and consultant for leadership and talent development at ISG Personalmanagement.
Areas of focus:
- CHANGE MANAGEMENT: Developing and orchestrating organization, processes and employees,
implementation of efficient learning and innovation processes. - LEADERSHIP & TEAM: Development of skills and leveraging the potential of professionals and executives; sustainable development of teams and implementation of self leading and performance-improving team processes, communication trainings.
- SALES: Developing business models, sales strategies and value selling, acquisition- and sales trainings for B2B and B2C, negotiation skills, strategic customer management.
Credo: “A company can only develop as fast as the people in the organization are able and willing to do.”
Elmar Scheuba, M.A.
General Manager Americas | Global Head of Sector Group Healthworld | Executive Managing Partner
Europe / EMEA, USA & CANADA, CENTRAL- AND SOUTHAMERICA (LATAM), Asia, Middle- & Far East / U.A.E.
Healthcare private equity and venture capital funds in the range of $50M to $500B AUM / Global Life Sciences, Biotech, Pharma, Medical Devices/Diagnostics, Innovation & Digital Health Transformation / Healthcare Private Equity and Venture Capital backed companies / Privately and public held firms (for-profit) in the range of $10M to $500B / Start-up, Spin Offs, small-, mid- and large-size enterprises, turn-around operations / Multinational Blue chip organizations.
C-Suite & Board Level Search / Board-Level and CEO appointments / Senior Vice President and VP roles / General Management appointments / Senior Directors & Directors / Middle Management Appointments / Engineers / Scientists / Specialists
Commercial Marketing & Sales | Business Development / Health Economics & Market Access | Pricing & Reimbursement / Regulatory Affairs | Quality Management & Safety / Hospital Administration & Management / Medical Assignments / Scientific Research (Biotechnological & Pharmaceutical) / Preclinical & Clinical Development / Medical Manufacturing | Production, Prototyping & OEM / Bioprocessing | Pharmaceutical Engineering & Packaging / Health Care IT Management | Medical- & Bio-Informatics
Mr. Scheuba shows an excellent and unique knowledge of international medical devices, pharmaceutical, biotech and health care markets in general. From his university background perspective, Elmar Scheuba is an international health economist and graduate of “health care management” master studies at International Management Center Krems (IMC) / Austria with the focus on international pharmaceutical management, international hospital management and international health care consulting.
Mr. Scheuba possesses over 20 years of professional work experience during which he has had the opportunity to gain substantial financial health care experience as a global buy side equity analyst for an exclusive health care investment-boutique in Switzerland, where he was responsible for worldwide medical services research (hospitals, distributors, HMO’s, health care IT). During his several professional assignments he could also gain valuable experience in the endovascular medical devices industry at Medtronic Corporation and received an extensive insight in Novartis pharmaceutical Drug Regulatory Affairs (DRA) business. Apart from that, he was later performing as an international product manager for a leading European supplier of consumer medical products and could further contribute to Deloitte’s Life Science consulting business in Zurich where his profound industry expertise and personal dedication made him a valuable asset as a global subject matter expert for topics associated with medical devices, life science, pharma and health care providers.
Prior to setting up his own global recruiting and executive search company Mr. Scheuba was able to successfully build up his strong personal competence in health care recruiting and executive search by performing as a European senior business manager for medical devices and pharma on board of two globally renowned major executive search companies, located in Germany and the UK respectively.
Elmar Scheuba represents a high caliber manager and visionary leader in the following sub-industrial and functional executive search segments:
Covered (Sub-)Industries:
- Medical Devices, Surgical & Implantology
- Pharma and Generics
- Biotechnology, Cell Biology & Life Sciences
- Medical Capital Equipment & Imaging Technology
- Medical Diagnostics, Laboratory & Testing
- Health Care IT, Digital Health & Medical Informatics
- Dental Medicine & Orthodontology
- Medical Rehabilitation and Robotics
- Hospitals and Senior Residences
- Consumer Healthcare
- Animal Health and Veterinery Medicine
- Clinical Nutrition, Clinical Food & Dietary Products
- Health Insurance & Health Care Finance
- Chemicals, Fine Chemicals & Specialty Chemicals
- Cosmetics, Perfumes & FMCG
- Medical Automation, General Engineering & OEM
- Micro & Nanotechnology, Material Sciences
- Sports Medicine & Fitness
- Health Care Consulting Industry
- Health Insurance & Health Care Finance
- Medical Communications & Advertising Industry
- Health Tourism, Spa & Medical Travel
- Alternative Medicine, Beauty & Well-Being
- International Aid & Non-Profit Organizations
- Medical Professionals
Covered Functions:
- Commercial Marketing & Sales | Business Development
- Regulatory, Quality & Safety
- Market Research & Business Intelligence | Medical Education
- Scientific Advisory & Medical Education
- Health Economics & Market Access | Pricing & Reimbursement
- Scientific Research (Biotech & Pharma)
- Clinical Discovery & Development
- Medical Manufacturing, Production & Prototyping
- Bioprocessing | Pharmaceutical Engineering & Packaging
- Environmental Health and Safety | Occupational Medicine
- Hospital Administration & -Management
- Health Care IT Management & Informatics
- Medical Controlling & DRG Management
- Health Consulting & Health Advisory
- Medical Communications, PR & Advertising
- Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing
- Controlling & Finance
- Logistics & Supply Chain Management
- Human Resources & Legal
- Medical Assignments
Representative Search Projects
Franca Höss
Franca Höss studierte Internationale Betriebswirtschaft an der Hochschule Furtwangen University. Hierbei spezialisierte sie sich auf das Personalwesen mit besonderem Augenmerk auf hispanische Länder. Im Rahmen ihres Studiums absolvierte sie ein Auslandssemester in Málaga sowie anschließend ein Praktikum bei der ISG in Madrid. Dabei konnte sie nicht nur ihre sprachlichen Kenntnisse in Englisch sowie Spanisch verfeinern, sondern ebenfalls ihre interkulturellen Kompetenzen weiter stärken.
Seit Praktikumsende März 2020 verstärkt Franca Höss auch künftig das ISG Team mit Ihrer aufgeschlossenen Art. Insbesondere im IT- und Technologiesektor konnte sie sich branchenspezifisches Know-how aneignen und berät empathisch und zielsicher länderübergreifend Kandidaten sowohl bei den nächsten Karriereschritten, als auch beim Relocatingprozess.
Uwe Schmitt
Managing Partner
Uwe Schmitt is Managing Partner in the metropolitan region Frankfurt / Rhine-Main. He has 33 years of professional and management experience in international IT companies, including Nixdorf Computer, Oracle, and IBM in the areas of sales and HR / personnel development.
He is a certified management coach, member of the world’s largest coaching association ICF (International Coach Federation), and former menber of the ICF Management Board. In addition, he is member of the German Federal Association of Personnel Managers (BPM) and has been executive coach & mentor at Absolventum’s alumni network of the University of Mannheim since 2019.
He is focused on:
- 1. labor market of the 50 plus generation in Germany
- 2. Working worlds 4.0 – Support of the digital transformation from a personnel point of view
- 3. Support in the implementation of strategic personnel planning
- 4. Career coaching for outstanding top talents
- 5. Supporting executives selection process
- 1. ICT
- 2. Management consultancy
Heike Martin
Managing Partner
Heike Martin ist Managing Partner der ISG Personalmanagement GmbH Standort Bayern / Baden Württemberg.
Nach Ihrer Ausbildung arbeitete die gebürtige Hohenloherin im Vertrieb und Export verschiedener Modefirmen in München. Danach wechselte sie in eine Mode Vertriebs-Agentur mit Schwerpunkt Mittlerer Osten.
Seit dem Jahr 2001 hat sie sich als selbständige Agentin in dem Bereich Mode Retail erfolgreich einen Namen in der Branche gemacht. Sie verlagerte im Jahr 2008 ihr Büro nach Doha/Qatar und hat dort ein Netzwerk an Retailflächen für diverse Modefirmen aus Europa aufgebaut. Ferner hat sie für einen lokalen Partner in Qatar die Firmenstruktur modernisiert, Personalentwicklung und Unternehmen neu ausgerichtet und fit für die verschärften Marktbedingungen gemacht.
2018 zog es sie zurück nach Deutschland. Frau Martin berät Modeunternehmen aus dem In und Ausland. Ihr Erfahrungs- und Kompetenzprofil erstreckt sich über Vertriebsstrukturen, Internationales Business Development, Unternehmensführung, Personalmanagement und Personalentwicklung u.a.
Personalberatung ist Frau Martins Leidenschaft. Frau Martin hat im Laufe Ihres Berufslebens erfahren, dass eine homogene Personalstruktur die Mutter allen Erfolgs ist. Sie ist engagiert und dynamisch in der Betreuung des Kunden. Erfolg ist für Sie, ein zufriedener Kunde, der gerne bei der nächsten Vakanz wieder zur ISG kommt.
Zu Ihrem Tätigkeits- und Beratungsfokus zählen
- Suche & Auswahl von Fachspezialisten und Führungskräften national und international
- Professional und Executive Search
- Begleitung und Umsetzung von Executive Search Projekten
- Weiterentwicklung von internationalen Strukturen
- Interim Management
- Outplacement
Dominik Beuscher
Managing Partner
Mr. Dominik Beuscher is a Managing Partner for ISG Personalmanagement GmbH located in Munich.
He is an expert in the areas of automotive, industry and technology and has personally experienced the entire range from skilled worker to managing director and authorized signatory. With the step into self-employment as Managing Partner of ISG, he has turned his passion into his profession. In his work, he pays special attention to sustainable and transparent business relationships with clients as well as outstanding and positive hiring experiences for candidates.
As a digital native who has spent more than 15 years working for both small mid-sized companies and large global corporations, the very diverse aspects of the increasingly complex world of work are a well-known and familiar environment for Mr. Beuscher – both on the applicant side and on the company side. This makes him a reflective sparring partner at eye level for both sides and at all hierarchical levels.
Dipl. Betriebswirt (FH) Lothar Lenke
Managing Partner
Lothar Lenke studied business administration at the Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences. Here he specialized in the areas of taxes, auditing and accounting.
After graduation, he began his career in sales in the consumer goods industry and held various sales positions in renowned companies.
The scope of activities of these positions included topics such as:
- Strategic and operational sales management
- Process development and change management
- Service orientation, quality management
- Establishment of new sales structures
- Implementation of change management processes
- Management of direct sales organizations
In his last function as Managing Director within a service group, he successfully led the subsidiary company in Germany into the future and turned it into a company of market significance. During this time, numerous change processes were initiated, as well as numerous strategic decisions, for example with regard to market and company development, but also in the area of HR.
Key areas:
- Executive search, search and selection of specialists and managers
- Design and support of change processes
- Coaching of specialists and executives
- Design and support of creative processes
Motto: “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” (Henry Ford)
Narcisa-Nicoleta Vasilache
Narcisa Vasilache is a Psychology graduate from University of Bucharest. During her studies, she had the opportunity to work in a start-up as well as being part of an international volunteering network both experiences contributing to her growing passion of working in international environments.
After finishing her student exchange program in Spain, she decided to settle in Madrid and pursue an opportunity that renders a multicultural working environment. At ISG she had the chance to fulfill this particular goal. During her internship, she acquired specific know-how in the technology sector along with strong intercultural skills and since then she was able to kindly counsel and guide people throughout the recruitment process with her good-natured, friendly approach.
Marisa Otto, BA LLB.oec
Marisa Otto studied law, economics and sociology at the University of Salzburg. There she specialized in the areas of strategic management and personnel.
After graduating, she began as a trainee in the ISG Executive Search team, which she has supported as a consultant in the search and selection of qualified candidates since 2013.
- Consulting national and international clients about search strategies
- Text formulation and layout of job advertisements
- Research | Executive Search
- Personnel search and Selection
- Carrying out candidate interviews
Motto: “Paths are made by walking them.” Franz Kafka
Vivian Wojta
Sales Manager
Vivian Wojta has been working in sales and customer service for more than 10 years. In the course of his career, he has worked in various industries, such as the financial services and logistics sectors, and during this time he got to know various companies and their working methods as well as different divisions from scratch.
Due to his versatile professional activity, Mr. Wojta analyzes the labor market objectively and holistically, can support his business partners individually and offers customized solutions. Solution-oriented thinking, empathy and a clear customer focus are among his strengths.
Mr. Wojta has been working for ISG Personalmanagement GmbH since the beginning of 2021. His focus is on the support of the German market. As the first point of contact for his clients, he ensures professional and best possible support for any kind of challenge.
Simon Leissinger
Country Manager
Simon Leissinger first completed a degree in business administration. After successfully graduating, his professional career took him to various countries in the field of HR, Finance and Technology.
Already at the beginning of his career, he discovered his great passion for personnel consulting. His focus lies on connecting companies and people focusing on fruitful, long-term and sustainable cooperation. He is convinced that employees are always the decisive factor for success in any company.
In the course of his work at ISG, he built up the locations in Spain and also established a Technology Recruiting Hub. Today, this hub supports the worldwide ISG branches in global IT recruiting tasks.
Simon Leissinger has been Managing Director of ISG Germany since 2020.
Dr.-Ing. Jan-Dirk Glaser
Managing Partner
Jan-Dirk Glaser ist ihr ISG-Ansprechpartner im Bereich Recruiting von Fach- und Führungskräften und Executive Search mit Sitz am Standort München. Er hat in seiner Heimatstadt Bremerhaven nach dem Abitur eine Lehre als Industriemechaniker auf der Lloyd-Werft absolviert und war dann als Wehrdienstleistender in der Panzerinstandsetzung tätig. Anschließend studierte er an der Technischen Universität Braunschweig Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Fachrichtung Maschinenbau und promovierte im Anschluss im Bereich der Produktionstechnik. Er ist zudem internationaler Schweißfachingenieur und europäischer Klebfachingenieur. Jan-Dirk Glaser war insgesamt 20 Jahre als Führungskraft – zuletzt als Bereichsleiter – in internationalen Konzernen und dem deutschen Mittelstand tätig. Sein Schwerpunkt im Personalrecruiting liegt auf dem produzierenden Gewerbe – sowohl für den Mittelstand als auch den Konzern – der
- allgemeiner Maschinen- und Anlagenbau
- Automotive
- Schienenfahrzeuge
- Landmaschinen und Nutzfahrzeuge
- Antriebs- und Automatisierungstechnik
- Luftfahrttechnik und
- Klebstoffherstellung, Kleb- und Dichttechnik
- Recruiting von Fach- und Führungskräfte / Executive Search
- Direct Search / Direktansprache geeigneter Kandidaten und Interviews
- Coaching von Fach- und Führungskräften
- Erstellung von Stellenbeschreibungen und Inseraten
Motto: „Verwechsle niemals Bewegung mit Handeln.“ (Ernest Hemingway)
Klaus-Jürgen Scholz
Managing Partner
Klaus-Jürgen Scholz ist Managing Partner in der Metropolregion München. Er verfügt über 31 Jahre Berufs.- und Führungserfahrung in großen und internationalen IT Unternehmen u.a. bei IBM und G+D, als Geschäftsführer und Vorstand.
Seit 20 Selbständig im Bereich Sales/Recruiting, Freelancer Vermittlung.
Erfahrener Manager, Ergebnis- / Zahlengetrieben, Aufbau neuer Firmen, Bereiche, Teams, etc. Ausbau bestehender Firmen, Teams, etc., Verschmelzung mehrerer Firmen/Bereiche Provider Steuerung Aufbau und Neuorganisation von Organisationen und neuen Themen/Services Vertrieb, Key Account Management IT-Recruiting und Freelancer-Vermittlung
Klaus-Jürgen ist verheiratet und hat 2 Kinder.
Priyant Mane, M.Eng.
Managing Partner
As a seasoned professional with a postgraduate degree in engineering, I offer over 23 years of extensive experience in both engineering and IT domains. Throughout my career, I’ve honed my skills and expertise in portfolio, program, and project management, which has enabled me to orchestrate and oversee complex initiatives with precision.
My journey has given me the privilege of witnessing the entire horizon of development plus the supply chain operations, allowing me to navigate challenges and seize opportunities. I take pride in my ability to optimize processes, streamline workflows, and drive efficiency within this intricate landscape.
One of my key strengths lies in talent acquisition. With a knack for identifying top-tier talent, I’ve successfully recruited and built high-performing teams across various industries, including healthcare, automotive, industrial, IT, and manufacturing. I understand the unique demands of these sectors and can tailor my approach to meet your organization’s specific needs.
Let’s collaborate to leverage my wealth of experience and expertise, driving success and achieving your project goals. Together, we can chart a path to excellence.
Diana Fritz
Managing Partner
“My smile – my logo, my personality is my business card and the way I deal with people is my trademark”
Diana Fritz is Managing Partner of ISG Personalmanagement GmbH in Horb am Neckar (Baden-Württemberg). She counts personnel consulting and daily interaction with different people from different cultures, with different nationalities, age groups and professional groups as her passion. When customers describe her, they say “she is authentic”.
With 17 years of professional experience in temporary employment, personnel consulting and personnel placement for small, medium-sized and also large companies in a variety of industries, she has developed a good feeling for ensuring that the applicant selection suits the customer company. She focuses on transparent and long-term customer loyalty.
Consulting focus:
- Search and selection of helpers, specialists and managers
- Professional & Executive Search
- Recruiting foreign assistants from Romania and Hungary
- Training & Development advice – contact person with the ISG specialists
Manfred Köpf
Managing Partner
Herr Manfred Köpf ist als Managing Partner von Deutschland aus für die ISG Personalmanagement GmbH aktiv.
Er ist ein Experte für die Bereiche Automotive, speziell bei den Werkstattausrüstern und in der KFZ-Branche. Seine Karriere startete er als Facharbeiter bei einem mittelständischen Autohaus. Über den zweiten Bildungsweg konnte er sich bis zum GmbH-Geschäftsführer hocharbeiten und kennt damit die verschiedensten Bereiche aus persönlicher Erfahrung. Seine fünf-jährige Auslandserfahrung als Technischer Standortleiter für einen namhaften, deutschen Automobilhersteller und als Key Account Manager eines mehrmaligen deutschen Weltmarktführers haben ihn Zudem zu einem weltoffenen Menschen mit breitem Horizont geformt. Besonderes Augenmerk legt er auf eine nachhaltige und von vertrauen geprägte Kundenbeziehung.
Isabella Peicov
Managing Partner
“In the world of care, quality is not only defined by expertise, but also by the warmth of the heart.”
As Managing Partner of ISG, Isabella Peicov brings many years of experience and passion for the healthcare sector to the table. With 20 years of experience in geriatric and nursing care, including many years in management positions, she stands for competence and empathy in personnel consulting.
Her path to ISG:
- Extensive experience: 20 years in geriatric and nursing care, including many years in management positions.
- Academic expertise: Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in nursing management.
- Focus on humanity: A deep conviction to prioritize the human side of nursing and healthcare.
- Consulting at eye level: She provides empathetic and targeted advice to strengthen organizations in the healthcare sector.
At the interface between nursing and management, Isabella uses her expertise to connect talent: She identifies professionals who not only excel professionally, but also fit into the culture of our clients on a human level.
With her friendly and professional manner, Isabella Peicov is a driving force at ISG to strengthen relationships between qualified professionals and leading healthcare organizations.
Mag. Hannes Maier
Managing Partner
Our ISG Managing Partner, Hannes Maier, holds a degree in International Economics from the Universities of Innsbruck and Siena. In 2004, he founded his own management consulting, coaching, and training company.
Hannes’s career journey includes roles as a marketing consultant, sales and marketing manager, and management consultant & trainer, all of which paved the way for his successful transition into self-employment.
He is a certified systemic management consultant with extensive additional training in recruiting, management assessment, coaching, communication, employer branding, and more.
As an expert and senior consultant, Hannes Maier specializes in executive search, recruiting, employer branding, HR marketing, change management, strategy consulting, and organizational development. His clientele spans internationally active companies across the DACH region, encompassing industries such as trade, commerce, public administration, and healthcare.
Karin Rathje
Training & Development
Karin Rathje is a consultant, trainer, and coach at the ISG Personnel Development and Training Institute and follows the breath of the new world.
Clients from all industries contact her when it comes to keeping pace with digitization and their own growth. Hierarchies are continuously dissolving and new business forms and cultures are making their way through old thought models.
She advises and trains clients who want to develop towards modern leadership with self-organized and motivated teams, and companies that aspire to New Work and agility.
Karin Rathje believes that to discover the new world of work, one should act like a curious child: tirelessly experimenting, captivated by new things, constantly evolving, and masterful in the end.
Susanne Benning
Managing Partner
Susanne Benning – benefit from experience in recruiting and consulting
After studying and qualifying as a personnel developer, she worked for various training institutes and consulting firms in sales and as a lecturer.
Since April 15, 2023, she has been working as a managing partner at ISG.
Her extensive professional experience in both “traditional” personnel search as well as executive search and employer branding guarantees a professional handling and support of the consulting processes. Conceptualization and implementation of numerous trainings and coachings in sales, project management, communication, and conflict management round out her profile.
Critical success factors for her include, in addition to professional search and selection of potential candidates, empathy and communication skills in dealing with customers and candidates, as well as a hands-on mentality and reliability as a guarantee for a trusting cooperation.
Areas of work:
- Candidate search based on customer requirements
- Executive search
- Coaching
- Newplacement
- IT service providers
- Automotive
- Financial services
- Consulting services
Saba Gürleyen
Managing Partner
As Managing Partner of ISG, Saba is based in the Munich office in Germany, where he delivers HR solutions to small and medium-sized enterprises as well as international conglomerates across Europe.
Additionally, in collaboration with his local teams in Abu Dhabi and Riyadh, he oversees ISG’s HR solutions for the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In this role, he serves as a key advisor for Europe-based clients seeking growth opportunities in the Arab Gulf region.
Saba brings over 20 years of experience in leadership roles at global companies such as Amazon, Wayfair, and LC Waikiki. His extensive background spans sales, operations, business development, and management consulting, with a focus on digitalization, transformation management, and change management. He has successfully guided companies through complex transitions and growth initiatives, leveraging his deep expertise in these areas.
Saba holds a Master’s degree in Global Marketing and an MBA from Sabanci University in collaboration with MIT Sloan School of Management.
Focus Areas:
- Executive Search
- Talent Search & Selection
- Career Coaching / Personal Development
- Organizational Design
- Business Development
- Digitalization Management
- Change / Transformation Management
Yafei Lu
Managing Partner
Yafei Lu initially studied industrial engineering at Mannheim University of Applied Sciences. After successfully completing her studies, her professional career took her to China and Europe. In her career to date, she has successfully managed numerous challenging projects in the areas of personnel recruitment, project management and SCM.
Her focus is on connecting resources between China and Europe. She supports European companies with recruitment and business inquiries in China and Chinese companies with HR services and compliance-oriented operational solutions in Europe.
Yafei Lu specializes in effective communication and coordination across regions and teams. Her strengths include the efficient allocation of resources and the promotion of win-win cooperation. She has been a Managing Partner at ISG Germany since 2024 and is committed to connecting companies and people in a long-term and sustainable way.
Maxim Karch
Managing Partner
„Leidenschaftlicher Recruiter, systemischer Coach, Hobbypsychologe und Bodenseefan.“
Maxim Karch ist als Managing Partner der ISG Personalmanagement GmbH im schönen Konstanz am Bodensee (Baden-Württemberg) tätig. Er ist großer Sympathisant des Bodensees und zog deshalb Ende 2021 in seine Wunschheimat Konstanz, wo er mehrere Jahre in Festanstellung in der Branche Pharma und IT im Recruiting und Employer Branding tätig war. Davor hat er über fünf Jahre als Personaldisponent bei einem Personaldienstleister seine Erfahrungen im Vertrieb und Recruiting sammeln können.
Seit Maxim während seiner Zeit im Studium (Wirtschaftsinformatik & E-Business) im Praxissemester seine Zeit im HR-Service verbracht hat, wollte er sich hauptsächlich in einem Bereich etablieren: Recruiting! Deswegen befasste er sich entsprechend in seiner Bachelorarbeit mit der Thematik der Personalbeschaffung samt Nachwuchsgewinnung und -sicherung im industriellen Umfeld.
Maxim hat sich auch nach seiner Zeit im Studium stets fortgebildet. Unter anderem hat er sich selbst durch verschiedene Seminare und Webinare intensives Know-How im Active Sourcing angeeignet. Zudem hat er den AEVO(Ausbildereignungsverordnung)-Schein nebenberuflich erlangt und sich als Systemischer Coach fortgebildet. Ursprünglich hat er eine Lehre in der Mediengestaltung abgeschlossen, war beim Militär und verbrachte vier Jahre in der Logistik, bevor es zum Studieren ging.
Da sich Maxim in den Branchen Maschinenbau, Verlag & Medien, Pharma(dienstleistungen), kunststoffverarbeitende Industrie, IT und IT-Dienstleistungen bewegt hat, bedient er diese Sektoren in seiner Funktion bei uns – Hauptsächlich in der südlichen Region Deutschlands. Außerdem ist er für die Stellenbesetzungen im IT- und IT-Dienstleistungssektor für die D-A-CH-Region zuständig.
Dr. Frank Schreiner
Managing Partner
Dr. Frank Schreiner is a partner of ISG Personalmanagement Germany GmbH in Bielefeld. He is one of our managing partners at the ISG automotive team. He is responsible for the recruiting of specialists and executive staff for leading manufactureres, suppliers or engineering-partners in the automative sector in Germany or worldwide.
After completing his studies in business administration at the University of Bielefeld with a focus on marketing and sales, he became the project and seminar leader at the USW University workshop on economics at Schloss Gracht, Erftstadt. There, Dr. Carpenter was responsible for marketing and sales seminars for different business sectors, especially the automotive, chemical, and capital goods industries, as well as for banks and telecommunications companies. Parallel to these teaching activities, he received his doctorate under the supervision of Prof. Lutz von Rosenstiel, Munich, in the area of customer psychology.
Next Dr. Schreiner took on a partnership in the HR consulting firm Neuhaus+Partner in the area of search & selection of specialists and executives with a focus on medium-sized industry and trade in the clothing and furniture sectors. Parallel to this, he served as director of the RÜTLI executive leadership seminars in Bielefeld, was responsible for management and personnel, and worked also in cooperation with foreign companies and institutes. The focus was on the development of leadership programs for major German companies. As managing partner of the INTRAC GmbH in Bielefeld, he then served as a consultant and trainer in the areas of personnel, strategic marketing, acquisition and professional negotiation.
His training and great years of experience provide the ideal basis for search and selection of specialists and executives, also across sectors, and with great success. Personnel consulting and management development are the foundations of his professional work.
Areas of Expertise:
- Search & Selection of specialists and executives / Executive Search
- Advising senior executives
- Management development programs
- Training and coaching in marketing, strategy, acquisition, and negotiation
Motto: “Having the capacity to lead a team is not enough. The leader must be willing to use it.” (Vince Lombardi)
Dipl.-Psych. Tillmann Gehlhoff
Managing Partner
Tillmann Gehlhoff is a partner of ISG Germany GmbH at the company location Bielefeld.
As a qualified occupational and organizational psychologist with a focus on human resources and personnel development, he worked for several years in a medium-sized textile-industry company as the head of the personnel department.
Tillmann Gehlhoff has been working since 1994 as a human resources and organizational consultant, personnel developer and management coach among other roles for Kienbaum Management Consultants, the Neuhaus+Partner Advisory Group. Since 1999 he has been a founder and managing partner of INTRAC GmbH, an institute for HR consulting and management training. His clients include both nationally and internationally successful companies and corporations.
As a specialist and coach on the topic of change management his consultant focus is on the search for and development of personnel in the context of rapidly changing entrepreneurial environments. His search for and integration of new professionals and executives is based on a comparison of the client’s requirements and the candidate’s professional and personal qualifications. At your request he can also perform a detailed analysis of the candidate’s actual capabilities and the desired situation for both the company and the team.
In interviews with specialists and executives, his training in client-centered talk therapy provides his customers with greater insight into candidate personality when selecting employees.
For over 20 years Tillmann Gehlhoff has been advising companies on issues of personnel development, especially in matters of leadership development. The spectrum of his activities ranges from the building up of management development programs to the implementation of specific programs, workshops, and individual coaching.
Areas of expertise:
- Search & Selection for specialists and executives / Executive Search
- Advising senior executives
- Management development programs
Motto: “Those who can’t change their minds, can’t change anything.” (George Bernard Shaw)
Massimo Schrijvers
Recruiting Consultant
Massimo Schrijvers graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics & Political Science from the University of Bielefeld; already then, he was particularly interested in HR-issues, such as behavior in organizations and different HR functions.
Since his induction at ISG headquarters in Vienna in 2017, he has been working very successfully as a consultant for ISG at our Bielefeld office. Massimo Schrijvers has a wide range of experience in personnel search and selection, active sourcing and executive search, especially in online media – but also offline. His open, straightforward and positive approach makes him a valued and competent partner for our clients and candidates.
Belonging to the interesting target group of “Generation Y” himself, he is particularly successful in this recruiting field and especially drawn to positions that are difficult to fill (see “Motto” below).
In Mr. Schrijvers you will find a competent partner for your staffing needs: From East Westphalia, for East Westphalia – worldwide!
Main areas of activity:
- Search & selection of specialists and executives / Executive Search
- Operational support for the entire recruiting process
- Advice on suitable platforms and selection of ideal recruiting channels
- Active Sourcing / Headhunting
- Research analyst
Motto: “Can’t be done’ is not an option…”
Thomas Fink, Diplom Betriebswirt (FH)
Managing Partner / Senior Personalberater
Thomas Fink ist Ihr ISG Ansprechpartner und Personalberater vorrangig in der Region Berlin/Brandenburg aber auch deutschlandweit. Nach dem Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre in Konstanz verfolgte Herr Fink seine berufliche Karriere in der Automobilindustrie, Nahrungsmittelindustrie und IT-Branche. Herr Fink erhielt dabei mit Prädikat „Best of 2012“ den Innovationspreis IT für innovative Lösungen mit hohem Nutzen für den Mittelstand. Das Erfahrungs- und Kompetenzspektrum von Herrn Fink umfasst die Fachbereiche Personal, IT, Technik sowie Vertrieb. Als Personalberater unterstützt Herr Fink überwiegend mittelständische Unternehmen, speziell in den Bereichen Personalbeschaffung / Recruiting sowie ganzheitliches Personalmanagement.
- Suche & Auswahl von Fach- und Führungskräften / Executive Search
- Personalmanagement-Beratung, insbesondere für KMU Firmen
- Personalentwicklung und Training
- Interim Management
Motto: “Es gibt nichts Gutes außer man tut es!” (Erich Kästner)
Dkfm. Oliver Mang
Managing Partner
Mr. Oliver Mang is active as a Managing Partner for ISG Personalmanagement GmbH, operating from Munich and Vienna offices.
He is an expert in the fields of automotive, financial and insurance services, as well as business consultancy, with 25 years of professional experience in various leadership positions in Germany and Austria, including 12 years as a Managing Director in a globally operating automotive company.
Mr. Mang’s experience and expertise particularly covers the areas of HR, Operations, IT, as well as Sales & Marketing.
With his step into self-employment as a Managing Partner at ISG, Mr. Mang has turned his passion into profession. His special focus lies on sustainable and transparent business relationships with clients, as well as on delivering esteeming and positive recruiting experiences for candidates.
Consulting Focus:
- Search & Selection of Specialists and Executives / Executive Search
- Human Resources Management Consulting
- Personnel Development and Training
- HR Project Management “Digital Transformation”
Eckard Bathe
Managing Partner
As part of the recruitment process, Eckard Bathe looks very closely at the personality traits of the applicants and brings them into line with the corporate culture. It is important to find a candidate who, in addition to the professional qualifications, also personally suits the new colleagues. In order to achieve good cooperation and mutual appreciation, he sees his task, in addition to recruiting, in onboarding the candidates.
For consulting projects, Eckard Bathe focuses on the strategic and organizational (new) development of a company using change processes. Methodologies from mediation are also used here.
Eckard Bathe holds a degree in mechanical engineering (FH), business coach (certified DCV & Steinbeis University Berlin IfBE), personal coach (certified DCV), had many years of management positions and management in medium-sized companies and is a lecturer at DHBW Lörrach.
Subject areas
- Recruitment of specialists and managers
- Change management
- Personal development
- Coaching managers in challenging situations
Stefan Blattmann
Managing Partner
After studying business administration, Stefan Blattmann worked as a recruiter, primarily in the area of employee selection and development in the automotive supplier industry. Afterwards he studied psychology with focus on work processes and organizations as well as pedagogy of further education and qualification and took on teaching positions for business administration at various educational institutions.
For 20 years he has been involved intensively in supporting people and organizations in change processes. He conducted nationwide scientific studies on the subject of “outplacement” and the effects of job loss. He has remained in this field to this day in various contexts as an outplacement consultant, coach, seminar, project and regional manager as well as authorized signatory of over 40 transfer companies, among others as Lee Hecht Harrison. He intensified his basis of consulting expertise through trainings in client-centered conversation and consulting as well as in neurosystemic coaching, team and organizational development at the Milton-Erickson Institute in Heidelberg (with Dr. Gunther Schmidt).
Areas of focus:
Customized filling of HR AND MANAGEMENT POSITIONS – Expertise through years of HR and Consulting work
OUTPLACEMENT, CAREER ADVICE, PROFESSIONAL CAREER DEVELOPMENT – Develop performance potential and use it in a targeted manner (individual and group programs)
DESIGN OF CHANGE PROCESSES – holistic and goal-oriented optimization of performance-supporting conditions for sustainable corporate success (sustainable strengthening and promotion of individuals and teams)
DEALING WITH CRISES – constructive solutions when dealing with difficulties or challenging situations – effective, efficient and sustainable
Viktoria Sawall
„I am a connector. Along comes a responsibilty, which I am aware of.“
Viktoria Sawall is a Consultant for ISG, based in Germany – Frankfurt am Main. She finds national and international suitable candidates for SME German European companies, especially family businesses.
Focus areas:
- Executive Search & Middle Management
- HR, Engineering, Finances & Banking
- Craftsmen, truckdriver, health care, roofer
Professional background:
Since 2019 she works as a recruiting consultant with engineering background and is specialised in helping SME companies in finding suitable candidates. Furthermore she acts as a bridge for German-european companies, who are expanding into the CIS region.
She absolved dual studies in chemical engineering and graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering. As a Design Release Engineer in the automotive industry she worked as the intersection between many departments like production, purchase, management, supplier, etc.
She acted instinctively as an intercultural mediator, especially between German and Russian cultures. Though she was born in Germany, her roots are also in Central Asia, in Kazakhstan.
Michael Zirbes
Managing Partner
Michael Zirbes is Managing Partner at ISG Personalmanagement Deutschland GmbH in Osnabrück/Münster, Germany. He is your nationwide contact for search and recruitment of executives and top specialists for your key position with a strong focus on the needs and requirements of medium-sized companies.
For more than seven years, Michael Zirbes has been working successfully as a consultant in Executive Search and Recruiting. His market and industry competencies focus particularly on the industrial segments of mechanical engineering, metal processing, electrical engineering/electronics/building services, building and construction as well as retail and consumer goods.
His main focus is:
- Executive & professional search
- Search & selection of specialists and executives
- Main sectors of industry, building & construction, commerce & consumer
- Function focus on technology & digitalization, production, sales & marketing, human resources
Professional experience:
Before his career in the Executive Search started, Michael Zirbes held leading positions in human resources management for more than 20 years, including functions as Head of HR, Division Manager of Human Resources and member of the executive board as well as Director of Corporate HR. His management and industry experience ranges from the steel industry and materials trading (ThyssenKrupp) to medium-sized manufacturing companies (engine construction) up to large retail companies (Ihr Platz drugstores, Fressnapf/MaxiZoo pet food).
Due to many years of management and consulting experience, he is focused on understanding the particular requirements of medium-sized family business as well as the complexity of globally operating group companies and implementing them professionally in the search and selection of right candidates with the best „cultural fit”.
Michael Zirbes is a trained teacher at secondary school and holds a degree as a business economist. In addition to his diverse professional activities, he is interested in history, literature and art. He finds a sporty balance through alpine hiking and fitness training.
Motto: “It is not that we do not have a lot of time, but rather that we have a lot of time that we do not use.” (Seneca)
André Butzlaff
Managing Partner
André Butzlaff is Managing Partner of ISG Personalmanagement Deutschland GmbH in Magdeburg. Born in Magdeburg, he studied business administration and has been successfully supporting numerous companies in their personnel search and recruitment as a personnel consultant for 28 years.
In his work, he focuses on absolute trust and ethically correct behavior. Close contact with potential candidates is just as important to him as very intensive customer loyalty.
His areas of expertise:
- Executive Search / Headhunting
- Personnel consulting, search & selection of executives and specialists
- Personnel selection & aptitude diagnostics
- Career Counseling
His focus:
Automotive (trade), banking and financial services, real estate, energy supply and services, mechanical and plant engineering, legal and tax advice, transport and logistics
Motto: “The real existence of your company does not lie in the factory, the facade of the business, the rational production methods or the computer equipment, but in the hearts and minds of its employees.“
(William A. Band)
Gabriela Paul
Managing Partner
“Empathetic, experienced and well connected.”
Gabriela Paul is Managing Partner of the ISG Personalmanagement GmbH in Ravensburg (Baden-Wuerttemberg). She is a passionate HR consultant and has over 25 years of international professional experience in the areas of HR and sales.
Since 2010, she has established herself as an HR consultant in the region of upper Swabia/Lake Constance, placing specialists and executives in small and medium-sized companies as well as corporations in a wide variety of industries. After almost 1000 personal interviews with applicants of all cultures, nationalities, age groups and educational levels, she has a wealth of experience and a good sense for the right selection of potential candidates for open positions.
Yasmin-Felice Berger
Sales Manager ISG-Americas | Executive Managing Partner ISG-Healthworld
Ms Yasmin-Felice Berger is Managing Partner of ISG Personalmanagement GmbH in Saxony/Thuringia.
Due to her extensive professional experience, Yasmin-Felice Berger can serve a variety of industries. These include industry, IT & telecommunications, rail, the public sector and healthcare.
She places particular emphasis on transparent and long-term business relationships.
- completed diploma studies in the field of media in Salzburg
- Sales activity in the telecommunications industry
- Power of attorney of a medium-sized company
- leading sales activities in industry/ rail/ IT
- several years of voluntary work in the health care sector
Yasmin-Felice Berger is happy to answer any questions you may have about personnel consulting.
- Saxony/ Thuringia
- Industry
- IT & Telecommunications
- Health service
- Rail
- public sector
Jens Siebrecht
Managing Partner
Jens Siebrecht is your ISG contact person and hr consultant, primarily in the Brandenburg/Berlin region, but also throughout Germany for specific industries. After studying electrical engineering in Hamburg and a career as an officer in naval aviation, Mr. Siebrecht first pursued his professional career in sales in the IT industry before changing to international sales and business development in the aerospace industry. Mr. Siebrecht is characterized by a high level of integrity, management and leadership competence, international experience as well as profound sales and marketing competence, which he has demonstrated over a period of more than 25 years at Europe’s largest aerospace group in several responsible positions.
As ISG Managing Partner, Mr. Siebrecht mainly supports regional medium-sized companies in the Brandenburg/Berlin area and companies of all sizes throughout Germany in aerospace, security and defence industries for personnel recruitment / recruiting, for executive search/headhunting as well as for hr management.
We strive for our continuous development and the ongoing improvement of our services to exceed your expectations!