

ISG Austria is your professional service provider in all personnel matters!

With more than 60 consultants, 25 trainers and 18 offices we provide you with our services all around Austria. Our team is made up of experienced experts in various industries, working to optimally meet your requirements. The collaboration of our consultants allows for a combination of local and global expertise and assistance across industries.

As a full-service provider in all areas of personnel management we offer support in Personnel Consulting, Executive Search, Training & Development, Outplacement and Media / Employer Brand Consulting.


Franz Erhardt

Managing Partner


After graduating from commercial school Franz Erhardt started his professional career in accounting and payroll as well as head of IT at Raiffeisen Group in Burgenland.

At only 29 years of age Franz Erhardt became Managing Director of the newly-founded Raiffeisen automotive and agriculture technology company in Burgenland and, thus, was responsible for 10 service locations and 110 employees.

In 2002 he changed to Wiesenthal and took over the General Management of the Mercedes-Benz car shop in Oberpullendorf. He also opened the Citroen shop in Oberwart in his function as Managing Director. Additionally, Franz Erhardt was Citroen Brand Manager for the entire Wiesenthal group for many years.

Franz Erhardt has more than 22 years of experience as Managing Director and can offer his clients significant know-how in company leadership and comprehensive consulting regarding all personnel matters.

Empathy, extensive practical experience and quick and direct execution of tasks make Franz Erhardt a competent partner in all personnel-related topics.

A service-oriented and collaborative relationship is as important to him as the respectful and professional relationship to his contact persons.

Franz Erhardt provides competent support in all central personnel management topics:

  • Personnel consulting and handling of the recruitment process
  • Personnel search and selection
  • Executive Search and headhunting
  • Interim management and quality temporary employment
  • Potential assessments and diagnostics
  • Media and mailbox services
  • Personnel development and training

Motto: “The secret to success is to never give up.”


Mag. Dagmar Erhardt

Managing Partner


I worked in the social, health and care support sector in an advisory capacity for a very long time. Due to my study of law, I switched into the legal field and led proceedings in labor law and discrimination matters as a negotiator for several years. This enabled me to gain extensive knowledge of labor and social law, the Disability Employment Act and the Federal Disability Equality Act. Another focus of my professional career was the recruiting and controlling of personnel agendas.

Further education:

  • Psychological counselling – personal coach
  • Certified yoga teacher

Motto: “Happiness is, what YOU make of it”

Professional emphases:

  • executive search of specialists
  • search of specialists and industrial staff
  • preselection of candidates with direct staffing
  • online job advertisements on national and international job forums
  • consultancy
  • coaching of candidates

Rehab El-Shikh, BCom

General Manager Middle East & North Africa | Country Manager Egypt | Managing Partner


Rehab El-Shikh studied business and commercial sciences at Ain-Shams University in Cairo.

Born in Egypt, she comes from a social work background. Her professional career is characterized by strong commitment and a deep conviction that changes and challenges can be met with courage and expertise. Her approach always focuses on supporting and encouraging people individually – because she firmly believes that every individual has the potential for change.

As General Manager Middle East & North Africa, she specializes in recruiting specialists from the Arab region. The main focus of her work is to connect companies and people in a long-term and sustainable way.

Further information for applicants from the Middle East and North Africa can be found here:

Motto: “The future belongs to those who have the power to integrate and promote talent from all over the world.”


Dipl. Ing. Klaus Gieber

Managing Partner


After finishing his studies in mechanical engineering at the Vienna University of Technology, Klaus Gieber started with an Austrian CAD provider as a product manager.

After several successful years he switched to an international software house for process control engineering, where he continued to work as a member of the board (CTO and HR). In this role, Mr. Gieber was responsible for building up the organizational structure of the company including the establishment of subsidiaries in Germany, Switzerland and Holland, as well as increasing personnel from 20 to 140 employees. He was responsible for the implementation of an employee stock ownership programm, the introduction of a new salary structure and the realization of a Management-Buy-out.

As an independent consultant, Mr. Gieber also took over the management and coordination of ERP migration projects.

Based on his professional experience Klaus Gieber is available for all your personnel consulting concerns.


Ferdinand Kamenicky

Managing Partner


Ferdinand Kamenicky started his professional career on a trainee program at Citibank, where he was soon entrusted with management responsibilities as Financial Controller, Senior Branch Operations Officer and Relationship Manager for multi-national corporate customers. Following that he was the Managing Director and Chairman of Citibank in Retail Banking.

In the following challenging years as Project Manager and Senior Director for Sales Strategy at Creditanstalt, he obtained experience in the merging of departments and banks.

As a member of the Board of Directors and Managing Director of Volksbank Krems-Zwettl AG, he became familiar with the special nature and strengths of regional banks in multi-layered bank structures.

Since 2005 Ferdinand Kamenicky is an independent company consultant, a qualified coach and registered mediator (specialisations: corporate culture, the costs of conflict, generation conflicts etc.) and since the middle of 2011 has been supporting his customers, as an ISG partner, in the following areas:

  • Personnel consulting – Recruiting specialists and executives both nationally and internationally
  • Executive search for sector experts
  • Outplacement/new placement coaching and job application consulting
  • Resolving inner company conflicts/mediation and corporate and conflict culture

Motto: “Clarity before harmony.”


Udo Steininger

Senior Consultant


Perfekt im Auftreten und mit dem nötigen Gespür für den richtigen “Match” zwischen Auftraggeber und dem ideal passenden Kandidaten zählt Udo Steininger definitiv zu Österreichs besten Consultants für Recruiting und Executive Search. Im Kremser Team nimmt er seit vielen Jahren eine tragende Rolle ein und entwickelte den Standort auch zu einem bedeutenden Anteil selbst weiter.

Mit Hartnäckigkeit Ausdauer und Durchsetzungskraft verbeißt sich Udo Steininger geradezu in seine Head Hunting und Recruiting Projekte und wird sowohl von Kundeninnen und Kunden sowie auch Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten für sein überdurchschnittliches persönliches Engagement und sein außerordentliches Maß an Einsatz geschätzt.

Udo Steininger besetzt bereichsunabhängig sämtliche Fach- und Führungspositionen in ganz Österreich verteilt sowie auch im Zusammenarbeit mit internationalen ISG Kolleginnen und Kollegen in einer Vielzahl von europäischen Ländern. Udo Steininger kann selbst in besonders diffizilen Angelegenheiten als Garant für nachhaltige Erfolge herangezogen werden.

Den kompletten Personalberatungsprozess von der Akquise über die Findung des richtigen Kandidaten durch die datenbankgestützte Suche sowie über Soziale Medien (Research, Active Sourcing, Head Hunting) bis hin zur finalen Besetzung in Unternehmen meistert Udo Steininger seit Jahren mit dem größten Erfolg und zur Zufriedenheit zahlreicher Kundeninnen und Kunden.

Diskretion, Vertraulichkeit und Kommunikation auf Augenhöhe machen ihn zu einem geschätzten Gesprächspartner in sämtlichen beruflichen Angelegenheiten.


  • „Wer suchet, der findet.“
  • „Wenn du eine Lösung hast, die nicht auf dein Problem passt, dann ändere einfach das Problem.“

Gabriele Wachter

Managing Partner


Gabriele Wachter began her professional career at Austria’s leading bank where she successfully worked as a credit advisor for a number of years before being promoted to senior consultant for commercial clients.

During maternity leave, Gabriele Wachter graduated in economic sciences from the Open University in Hagen, Germany, focusing on HR, industrial and organisational psychology as well as financial management. In the course of her studies she specialised in personnel and organisational development, her main topic being questions arising from change management processes and the resulting resistance as well as the development of criteria for furthering their acceptance.

Since mid-2000 Gabriele Wachter supports ISG’s team as a management consultant for Eastern Austria based in St. Poelten, Lower Austria. A growing number of customers from all areas of business ranging from the industrial to the service sector as well as non-profit organisations and commercial clients value her dedication, competence, power in implementation and pronounced empathy towards not an empty phrase but a personal and professional imperative to her in daily business.


  • Search and selection of specialists and executives
  • Personnel development
  • Design and implementation of executive search projects
  • Design and performance of assessment centers
  • Conception and implemenation of outplacements
  • Consultancy and audit on family & career

Motto: „Customers are entitled to the highest lasting quality.“


Mag. Alexandra Bugram

Managing Partner



  • University of Economics Vienna
  • Field of specialisation –Human Resources


  • ISG Managing Partner since 2002
  • HR-Management of an manufacturing company
  • Head of HR of an international electronic group


  • Recruiting and Personnel Development
  • in particular presentation and implementation of assessment centers


  • Head of sales CEE
  • Country Manager Switzerland
  • Country Manager Austria
  • General Manager Czech Republic
  • General Manager Hungary
  • Plant Management Bulgaria
  • Assistant to Head of Sales Bulgaria

Motto: “Always have an open ear for all people.”


Ing. Hans Georg Stadlober

Senior Consultant


After the studies at the technical collage HTBL Engineering / Foundry Technology in Vienna he started his career at a well-known company in the metal industry (Hutter & Schantz), where he passed different departments, starting as technical designer. Finally he became a member of the sales team. As a sales representative of the company he visited architects, designer, building companies and private clients on order to make business with them.

Through a career move into an international company in the steel industry (Bekaert), he developed within ten years from sales representative to the local CEO of Austria. His function was to led the CEE region as a sales manager of building products. He was responsible for the selection and training of his employees in this region. During eight years he realized the objectives together with his team with great success. Reporting and participation in global processes for developing the division took on.

Hans Georg Stadlober thus spent two years as a member of the central team at the headquarter in Belgium. As a marketing specialist, he developed new services and products and strengthened further development and communication within the division worldwide. Recently, he took during three years the position as CEO of a major German steel group (HOESCH Bausysteme, a group member of ThyssenKruppAG) . As head of the lead company in the CEE region, he was responsible for the different sales offices and two production facilities.

Ongoing internal and external training accompanied him throughout his professional career. He has extensive experience with the function of different positions in particular in international production companies, construction and related trades. The tools of modern business management he is well known as a critical user. One of his key success factors is the recognition of the importance of motivated, qualified employees how to achieve this status and to reinforce them.

Early 2011, he took the decision to join ISG. His aim is, to use his knowledge in order to serve companies and candidates in a professional manner, to educate and train people as an executive can.


Mag. Philipp Pelzelmayer

Senior Consultant


After graduating from high school in Eisenstadt Philipp Pelzelmayer studied at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration. His focus was on trade and marketing.

Besides studying he was working on creating an e-learning program for DaimlerChrysler. Because of his interest in people he chose to work in the HR-Business. Since June 2008 he works as a consultant in the ISG team Oberwaltersdorf.

His focus lies on the construction industry and real estate.

Open Communication, satisfied clients and applicants are very important for him.


  • Creating job advertisements
  • Research
  • Job interviews
  • Management of applicant interviews
  • Recruiting

Mag. (FH) Birgit Roschitz, MSc

Managing Partner


Birgit Roschitz started her career with PriceWaterhouseCoopers in Vienna, auditing international, listed group of companies, additionally with focus on insurance companies. She attended the University of Applied Sciences in Wiener Neustadt and completed her degree in accounting and auditing, real estate management as well as in organisational development and human resources consultancy with excellence.

Due to her insights gained in different sectors (industry, trade and commerce, services etc.) she enhanced her analytical structure-centered view of things. Furthermore she found her preference in solving the employees’ „troubles of communication“. Following Paul Watzlawick’s motto „you cannot avoid to communicate“ she graduated the study of mediation and conflict-management, is therefore listed at the Austrian ministry of justice and presently publishing her international master-thesis concerning chances of mediation within companies. At the same time she started her own business

During her maternity break she decided to work part-time for ISG in 2004, primarily to get knowledge of telemarketing and acquisition in addition to her longtime experience in the fields of bank, insurance, tax consultancy, auditing and accounting, controlling, project-management, start-up-consultancy and human resources consultancy. On the basis of her definitive interest in human resources management, her pleasure in contact with clients as well as her above-average personal effort she has been operating as managing partner of ISG with her own team and office in Guntramsdorf (Lower Austria) since 2006.


  • acquisition and customer care
  • personnel search and selection
  • headhunting
  • outplacement consulting
  • mediation and conflict-management within companies
  • It’s always the person who should be focused!

Motto: Coming together is a beginningKeeping together is progress. Working together is success Henry Ford


Dr. Gottfried Jägersberger

Senior Consultant


After completing secondary school Gottfried Jägersberger graduated from a university of applied sciences degree program for military leadership. Working in various capacities with personnel and disciplinary responsibility for up to 200 employees he gained extensive experience in training, further education, and managing employees.

After graduation in the social and economic sciences he shifted his professional interest to the field of personnel management. Gottfried Jägersberger joined the ISG team in Oberwaltersdorf in the fall of 2010.

Areas of consulting:

  • Personnel search and selection
  • Executive Search
  • Development of individual assessment centers
  • Micro-politics and lobbying

Patrick Adler, MA

Managing Partner



  • Bachelor- sowie Masterstudium “Wirtschaftsberatung und Unternehmensführung” jeweils mit Fokus Human Resources
  • Senior Recruiter mit 10 Jahren Search-Praxis – davon 7,5 Jahre im Consulting und 2,5 Jahre inhouse
  • Schwerpunkt im Bereich Active Sourcing / Direktansprache
  • Know-how im strategischen Recruiting bzw. Projekt- und Prozessmanagement (neue Konzepte, Tools, Prozesse)
  • Erfahrung in der Führung von Teams und der fachlichen Verantwortung von Fachbereichen
  • Professioneller und moderner Arbeitsstil auf höchstem Niveau
  • Ausgeprägte Flexibilität und Anpassungsfähigkeit in der Handlungs- und Kommunikationsweise


  • Produzierende Industrie (Metallverarbeitung, Elektrotechnik, Maschinen- und Anlagenbau)
  • Logistik & Transport
  • Automotive
  • Banken & Finanzdienstleister & Versicherungen
  • Immobilien & Bauwesen
  • Airline Industrie
  • Kunststoff & Recycling
  • Pharma
  • Dienstleistungssektor


  • Diverse Leitungspositionen
  • Produktionsplanung, Qualitätswesen, Instandhaltung, Forschung und Entwicklung, Verfahrenstechnik
  • Einkauf, Lager, Disposition, Supply Chain Management
  • Sales, Produktmanagement, Marketing
  • Prozessmanagement, Projektmanagement, Changemanagement
  • Controlling, Rechnungswesen, Buchhaltung
  • Technische und kaufmännische Sachbearbeitung, Assistenzfunktionen
  • Human Resources

Niemand, der sein Bestes gegeben hat, hat es später bereut


Harald Bracher

Managing Partner


After graduating from the Commercial Academy, Mr. Bracher began his professional career at the Vienna Trade Fair in the area of sales and organization.
In 1993 he changed to Renault Austria – with area sales management for Upper Austria, Lower Austria, Burgenland and Vienna – and finally 3 years as sales coordinator for the whole of Austria.

At the age of 35, he received an offer from the Wiesenthal Group and took over the sales management of all Mercedes-Benz car dealerships in Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland. He was thus jointly responsible for a total of 13 companies within the Wiesenthal Group as well as 17 affiliated partners for sales and approx. 550 employees.

Mr. Bracher took over the management of the Wiesenthal Autohaus Sankt Pölten with approx. 60 employees from 2005 – 2012 and was responsible for the entire operation.

From 2013 – April 2020, Mr. Bracher was again responsible in the area sales management for FCA Automobiles for the provinces of Lower Austria, Vienna, Burgenland and Styria.

Mr. Bracher has a wide range of company experience in large corporations, both in sales and in management and employee management, and offers his corporate clients a great deal of know-how in corporate management and comprehensive advice on all personnel issues.

Since May 2020 Harald Bracher is the new Managing Partner for ISG.

Motto: “The secret of success is beginning.” (Marc Twain)


Dipl.-Ing. Hubert Petz, MSc

Managing Partner


Born close to the „Iron Curtain“ in eastern Austria Hubert allready discovered his interest in combining result orientation, process development & management and technique/IT as well during high school. His university studies in industrial engineering connected with electronics, production planning and control, systems engineering, organizational development and leadership crucialy encouraged this path.

Starting at Steyr Daimler Puch Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH – today the biggest part of Magna Steyr International – he was challenged with projects as reorganizing IT, implementation of new production planning and control systems, CAD-CAM-integration or business process optimization as a „greenhorn“ and learnt to handle big issues.

Hereinafter he was reached by a call from the fashionretailers Leder & Schuh AG with its brands Humanic, Shoe4You etc. in the role of the Chief Process & Information Officer/Head IT to design and implement three main paradigm shifts: Transition from a former shoe producing company to an entire shoe retailer including building of standardized and integrated processes, applications and IT-systems as a basis for fast and international growth and international expansion of the business and last but not least implementation of fully integrated eCommerce procedures in an very early stage. After this 27 “years of apprenticeship” Hubert decided in 2014 to relaunch as an independent business consultant on these areas. During this time he could manage several projects for international retail or production companies successfully and partially in an interim management’s role including recruiting of permanent specialist and leaders, too.

His expertise:

  • HR consulting
  • Recruiting of specialists and leaders in national and international areas
  • Executive Search of experts in industry sectors and IT

His expertise in industry sectors:

  • Industry und Automotive
  • Retail: International wholesale and retail
  • IT: Process-, technology-, application- und servicemanagment

Motoo: “Don’t we dare because it is difficult or is it difficult because we don’t dare?” (Seneca)


Mag. Thomas Kaufmann

Managing Partner


Born in Carinthia Thomas Kaufmann started his career with an apprenticeship to become a retail salesman at Austria’s biggest furniture company.

After his apprenticeship he relocated to Graz where he attended an evening business school and, at the same time, worked in sales and in several leading positions in the trading sector.

He then successfully completed his business administration studies with focus on marketing and HR management.

Following a short period working as an HR Manager in a trading company in St. Pölten, Thomas Kaufmann has been working in the HR field for the last ten years.

He has been engaged in secondment of personnel as well as staff placement and consulting in the entire Styrian area. Moreover, he was active as a managing partner in Styria before that.

Due to his profound professional experience Thomas Kaufmann is the contact person for the following areas:

  • Comprehensive HR consulting
  • Professional recruiting and provision of personnel
  • HR placement and secondment in the employee range
  • Try & hire and payroll alternatives
  • Issues concerning working law
  • Contact person for referral to head hunting, tests, career coaching and HR development

Dipl. Soz.Päd. Christine Widmoser

Senior Consultant


After finishing her A-Levels at the higher school of Agriculture and Food, Christine Widmoser started her professional career at the department of education of an agricultural nonprofit organization. She was working in the Youth Activity Section as well as an organization for peasant women.

She decided to start an in-service training as social educator / social pedagogue which she finished at the social institute of Stams. After her studies she started to work as an assistant and was later in charge of a day-care center for disabled people.

Her focus lies on leadership, personnel management, networking with different stakeholders, quality assurance and strategic planning.

In 2007 she started working for the ISG International Service Group as a Senior Consultant.

Motto: „Experience is the mother of wisdom.” (Chinese Proverb)


Mag. (FH) Sebastian Widmoser

Managing Partner


Sebastian Widmoser studied Human Resources and organizational studies at the Management Center Innsbruck. In the course of his professional career, he has gained a lot of experience as a specialist and executive staff member in Austrian corporations with international context.

His focus in personnel management lies on the field of in-firm training and on-the-job training as well as on personnel development and coaching. He used his broad experience in handling projects such as the introduction of SAP modules in the personnel administration and development.

In 2007 he started at the ISG International Service Group as Managing Partner for Tyrol, Vorarlberg and South Tyrol.

His role includes recruiting, structuring adult education, developing business ratios concerning human resources as well as qualitative and quantitative company manpower planning.

Thanks to 18 years of professional experiences in the middle and upper management he is a competent partner in all HR belongings.

His main focus is:

  • Personnel Selection & Search for specialists and executive staff with an emphasis on engineering and industry especially in the field of Executive Search
  • Quality leasing for technicians and higher administrative positions
  • Creating conceptual designs for leadership trainings and team development
  • Conducting workshops and systemic coaching for specialists and executive staff

Motto: “He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have”.(Socrates)


Mag. Elifa Velagic

Senior Consultant


Elifa Velagic completed her studies in International Business Administration with an emphasis on International Business, Human Resource Management and Austrian & European Labour and Employment Law.

During her studies she participated in several exchange programs in Kiev, Hanoi or Yogyakarta and got the possibility to enhance her technical and intercultural competences. She also gained practical experience from several internships, especially in the field of recruiting at a well-known Austrian company.

At the end of 2010 Elifa Velagic started her career at ISG. As a Consultant she is responsible for international Search & Selection Projects and supports customers of different sectors and industries.

Motto: „To be able to start is strength. To be able to finish is power.” Lao-Tse


Mag. Birgit Prochazka

Senior Consultant


Since 2004, Ms. Prochazka has been working for ISG. She is ISG’s expert in the health care, medical devices and pharmaceutical industry, as well as in the field of FMCG and renewable energy, covering the DACH- and CEE-Region. Together with her team, she focuses on leadership and senior specialist roles. In 2006, the power of attorney was assigned to her.

Previously, she was in the consulting business. She lived and worked for a top management consulting and education company, the Management Zentrum St. Gallen, in Switzerland and was able to gain experience abroad. Subsequently, Ms. Prochazka worked for the same company from an Austrian location (serving clients in Austria, Germany and Switzerland). Particularly, she dealt with soft skills topics: Change Management, Leadership, Corporate Culture and Human Resources Management. With reference to Human Resources her responsibilities included the development of concepts and the execution of management education programs. The main focus was on issues arising from the health care sector.

Ms. Prochazka studied psychology with focus on industrial and economic psychology. In 2000, she received an honorary award by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture for outstanding studying performances.

For nearly 10 years Ms. Prochazka (née Geitzenauer) was employed in a well-known Austrian hospital as a nurse. Additionally, she worked on nursing-quality management and introductory programs for new employees and mentoring of nursing students.


  • Headhunting as well as classic search and selection for leadership and senior specialist roles
  • Management of international recruiting and headhunting projects
  • Implementation of assessment centers and potential analyses

Mag. Silvia Niemeczek

Senior Consultant, Bewerbungs- & Karrierecoach


During her studies of organizational- & economic psychology and a 2 year fulltime course of market communication & advertising Silvia Niemeczek was working at renowned advertising agencies as market researcher and strategic planner.

After finishing her studies (focus on diagnostics & economic psychology) in 2006 she conducts her career as international sales & marketing specialist (CEE & Asia) at the worldwide leading company for psychological computerized test procedures.

Business Development, establishing new partner agencies around the world, consulting of HR clients, and analysing and improvement of HR solutions were her main tasks.

She supported companies & institutions with the implementation of personnel selection- and development tools, held workshops and trainings (inland & abroad), and she was strongly cooperating with the intern Research & Development and IT department to develop new tools.

For a deeper and more direct HR access she decided to join ISG Vienna in October 2008. She is consultant with a focus on sales positions. Her clients are from industry, trading, science and economic. She also supports job seeking persons as well as persons who are looking for a new career opportunity as application- & careercoach.

What counts for her: open and direct communication with clients AND applicants, fast and longlasting results, satisfied customers at company side AS WELL AS at application side.

Motto: When walking – walk! When sitting – sit! And above all: don’t seesaw.


Olympia Anna Blanck, MA

Head of CEE & Prokurist


Ms. Blanck studied Economics and Business Psychology with a focus on Human Resource Management at the University of Applied Sciences in Wiener Neustadt.

She is originally from Bratislava where she gained extensive professional experience within an international working environment.

Her professional career commenced at the Delegation of the European Commission, furthermore she worked in an international marketing agency for cross-border projects and she carried out work for a law consultancy with a focus on Central & Eastern Europe.

Maintaining a consistently high standard of work, enthusiasm and intercultural competence gained through her experience puts Ms. Blanck in the position to be a competent contact partner for national and international clients.

Her areas of expertise:

  • Executive Search / Headhunting
  • International recruiting with a focus on Austria and Central & Eastern Europe
  • Personnel consulting, search & selection of managers- and specialists positions
  • Interim management
  • Coordination of cross-border projects in the DACH region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) as well as in CEE region.
  • Career consultancy.

Her industry focus:

Industrial sector: automotive, aviation, chemical industry, food processing, packaging industry, energy and construction
Service sector: legal consultancy, tax and audit advisory, marketing and advertising, financial services, tourism and transport
Trade: import, export, retail, wholesale
Motto: „The journey is the destination” (Confucius)


Katharina Rudolf, MA

Managing Partner


As part of her bachelor’s degree in “Management – Entrepreneurship”, Katharina Rudolf has specialized in HR management and gained professional experience in this area. While studying for her master’s degree in “European Economy & Business Management”, she worked in an Austrian boutique recruitment consultancy, where she gained experience in particular in the areas of IT and telecommunications, finance, industry and in the start-up industry.

Katharina Rudolf has been Managing Partner of the ISG in Vienna since 2018 and serves currently national and international clients in the areas of IT, industry and healthcare.

Her IT affinity and strong customer and candidate-driven approach characterizes her work as well as trust, discretion and flexibility.

Personal industry focus:

  • General Industrials
  • Packaging Industry
  • IT & New Technologies
  • Healthcare & Life Science
  • Chemicals & Materials
  • Start-up Industry

Motto: “Hire Character. Train Skill” (Peter Schutz)


Mag. Thomas Bauer

Managing Partner


After completing his studies in commercial sciences with focus on marketing and logistics at the University of Economics in Vienna, Thomas Bauer started his career as salesman and project manager in an IT personnel service company, where he gained his initial experiences in finding specialists with very specific skill sets.

After an excursion into the branded article industry as key account manager he began his career in the logistics sector and joined a young express transport company, where he worked his way from salesman to branch manager to operations director.

2003 he changed to a subsidiary of an international express service provider and became managing director of the Austrian and Hungarian national organizations. Thomas Bauer worked at this company for more than 10 years and also provided support with interim management tasks in other Eastern European countries. Personnel development, finding and fostering the appropriate team members as well as a modern leadership concept were always key elements of his management goals.

2014 he accepted the position of operations director in the German affiliate company and managed a turnaround process until the sales of the organization in the summer of 2016.

After a short employment at the express subsidiary of a large Austrian forwarder, he finally fulfilled his long-held ambition to become a self-employed consultant and partner in the area of personnel management and, thus, became partner of ISG focusing on transport and logistics.

He specializes in positions at all levels in the logistics, transport and SCM area and supports his clients with the search and selection of the best candidates in this very competitive market through his experiences and his network.

Motto: “The secret to success is to understand the viewpoint of others.” (Henry Ford)


Dr. Gerhard Klein

Senior Consultant


In addition to studying journalism and political science at the University of Vienna, Gerhard Klein worked for ORF (Austrian Radio and TV Station).

After graduation he worked as an editor in a publishing house for seven years, where he acquired proficiency and experience in the media sector. Then he changed to ” the client side ” and was (again, seven years) responsible for public relations and various prevention projects for “Aids Hilfe Wien”. He is the winner of the Print-Oscar (best PR project in Austria), was Head of the International Fundraising Group, Executive Editor of “Radio PosiHIV ” and chief editor of the television series “TV + “.

For two years he took over the PR of “SDW” (addiction and drug coordinaton in Vienna) and also served as press spokesman for the Vienna drug coordinator. In this position he worked closely with the City of Vienna.

Since 2009 he has been working as a consultant for ISG and supports his customers in the fields of:

  • Staffing / Recruiting
  • Executive Search
  • Newplacement

Motto: „Today is the beginning of the rest of your life“ Carpe diem


Mag. Martina Petzl

Managing Partner


Martina Petzl began her professional career after her studies of business management at the University of Graz. After a two-year stint with a marketing agency for tourism in Graz, she began working in the HRM department of the Bundesrechnungszentrum GmbH. Her scope of duties included personnel development, recruiting and personnel marketing as well as media and public relations on the job market.

Furthermore, she was entrusted with designing and implementing various projects for the management board (e.g. HR and FM benchmarks, potential and employee satisfaction analyses, affirmative action plans, re-employment strategies after (maternal) leave, development of workforce compensation plans, re-organisation of personnel administration to SAP).

Before venturing into freelance personnel consultancy, Martina Petzl worked at ORF, the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, on a comprehensive redesign of ORF’s HR management focusing on the development of “ORF-Recruiting” as the main service entity within the media enterprise.

Due to her highly developed analytical abilities Martina Petzl can quickly master the most difficult problems and situations and conceive the suitable solutions. Her strengths also include a high sense of responsibility, cost and budget consciousness as well as relevant in-depth knowledge and dedication.


  • personnel development, personnel marketing as well as extensive support to businesses in all matters arising from personnel consulting.
  • Analysis of principal tasks and professional and general requirements of a position
  • Advertisement and data base research
  • Structured interviews
  • Research and direct approach
  • Selection assessment centers
  • Presentation of applicants and decision processes
  • Implementation of employee appraisal interview techniques
  • Development centers
  • Design of applicant’s communication
  • Design of advertisements

In the course of a seminar on advertising and sales at Vienna University of Economics, Martina Petzl was able to delve into issues dealing with personnel marketing, corporate culture, corporate identity and design as well as with media and public relations.

Martina Petzl has been a member of ISG since 2002. Due to her personal background in the city of Graz, her main geographical focus is southern Austria therefore offering services to the Styrian business community (computer and IT technologies, pharmaceutical enterprises as well as marketing firms and media).

Motto: A problem is half solved if it is clearly stated.”


Mag. Guido Leissinger

Chief Executive Officer & Founder


After completing his studies at Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Guido Leissinger began his professional career in management consultancy. His successful activities included organisational consultancy in many different companies dealing in a variety of commercial fields. Due to his very distinct interest in people, he switched from management to personnel consultancy.


  • Search & selection of specialist workforce and executives
  • HR development
  • Start-up and expansion of companies in Central and Eastern Europe
  • Design and implementation of promotion and selection assessment centers
Thanks to his wide knowledge and his strong sales orientation, he was made departmental manager after a short time. From 1993 to 1999, he successfully led CATRO as general manager being in charge of 60 employees in Austria and the Eastern European subsidiaries.

Guido Leissinger founded ISG in 1999 and has since built up the company from zero to more than 500 people in 23 countries.


  • Personnel consulting
  • HR development
  • Trainings

His leadership style is characterised by the notion that the human being should always be the central focus of all considerations. ISG’s long-term success can only be achieved through teamwork, mutual respect and understanding as well as constant on-the-job training.

Motto: „Success is not a coincidence“


Horst Neumayer

Head of Sales & Recruiting D.A.CH

Universitätsring 14
A-1010 Wien


During his training at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Munich, Horst Neumayer focused on marketing and sales. He was able to apply and successfully implement the professional skills he had acquired at various companies in German-speaking countries.

Horst Neumayer has been supporting the ISG sales team at the Vienna headquarters since 2008.

Due to his many years of experience and acquired professional expertise, he was given operational responsibility for the development and expansion as well as the management of the DACH sales team by the management in 2019 and the management of the recruiting department in 2022. When working with his team, he relies on open communication, respectful cooperation and continuous development. Humor is also a welcome companion in his eyes.

Motto: “It’s not enough to know – you also have to apply. It is not enough to want – you must also do.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Dr. Richard Rudolf

Executive Managing Partner & Head of Industry Sector Group


After receiving a MSc degree in Atmospheric Science and a PhD degree in Experimental Physics from the University of Vienna, Mr. Rudolf joined the Austrian based Stölzle Group, one of the major European manufacturers of primary glass packaging for the pharmaceutical industry.

During the first years at the Stölzle Group Mr. Rudolf managed the business unit Medical, a profit center and commerce business serving universities, hospitals and drug stores with laboratory equipment and specific small scale packaging solutions.

After intermediate career steps as Sales Director Austria & Switzerland and Director of Business Unit Pharma & Medical he finally took over full P&L responsibility as CSO of Business Unit Healthcare & Consumer, covering global sales of Pharma and Consumer packaging containers and solutions to international pharmaceutical accounts in EMEA, CIS, North-America, South-America and APAC.

Having been member of the Executive Director Steering Team of Stölzle Group and member of the board of Stölzle Russia during a substantial period, Mr. Rudolf joined in 2014 Nipro Europe, an essential part of Nipro Corporation based in Japan. In his function as Business Unit Director he steered and organized sales of pharmaceutical primary packaging containers and prefilled syringes made from tubular glass within EMEA.

Combining his passion for the healthcare industry with his long-lasting and thorough senior managerial experience, Mr. Rudolf decided in 2016 to join ISG Healthworld as Global Managing Partner.


  • Executive Search & Selection
  • New Client & Candidate Acquisition on Global Level
  • Recruitment of Professionals, Senior- & C-Level Managers
  • Robust Network within the Pharmaceutical Industry & Market
  • Professional, efficient & effective Cooperation with Clients and Candidates
  • Entrepreneurial Spirit | Passionate & Committed | Well-Organized
  • Wide Angel Business View | Analytic Best-In-Class Approach

Alexander Schaffer

Managing Partner

Universitätsring 14
A-1010 Wien


Mr. Alexander Schaffer has completed his apprenticeship and acquired a certificate of competence as a forwarding agent and a concession for cargo transportation with motor vehicles

In his 40-year career he was, among other things, responsible for the establishment, development, restructuring and reorganization of departments and offices in Austria and abroad. He also expanded forwarding services in Eastern Europe and, for many years, acted as Director and Head of the Eastern Region in well-known forwarding companies.

His activities focused on personnel management, recruiting, training and development and on the advancement of apprentice training (which was awarded a state prize).

In 2018 he took the opportunity to start his own business as a management and personnel consultant, in 2019 he joined the ISG.

Moto: “At the end of the day, it’s THE RESULT that counts.”


Elmar Scheuba, M.A.

General Manager Americas | Global Head of Sector Group Healthworld | Executive Managing Partner



Europe / EMEA, USA & CANADA, CENTRAL- AND SOUTHAMERICA (LATAM), Asia, Middle- & Far East / U.A.E.


Healthcare private equity and venture capital funds in the range of $50M to $500B AUM / Global Life Sciences, Biotech, Pharma, Medical Devices/Diagnostics, Innovation & Digital Health Transformation / Healthcare Private Equity and Venture Capital backed companies / Privately and public held firms (for-profit) in the range of $10M to $500B / Start-up, Spin Offs, small-, mid- and large-size enterprises, turn-around operations / Multinational Blue chip organizations.


C-Suite & Board Level Search / Board-Level and CEO appointments / Senior Vice President and VP roles / General Management appointments / Senior Directors & Directors / Middle Management Appointments / Engineers / Scientists / Specialists




Commercial Marketing & Sales | Business Development / Health Economics & Market Access | Pricing & Reimbursement / Regulatory Affairs | Quality Management & Safety / Hospital Administration & Management / Medical Assignments / Scientific Research (Biotechnological & Pharmaceutical) / Preclinical & Clinical Development / Medical Manufacturing | Production, Prototyping & OEM / Bioprocessing | Pharmaceutical Engineering & Packaging / Health Care IT Management | Medical- & Bio-Informatics


Mr. Scheuba shows an excellent and unique knowledge of international medical devices, pharmaceutical, biotech and health care markets in general. From his university background perspective, Elmar Scheuba is an international health economist and graduate of “health care management” master studies at International Management Center Krems (IMC) / Austria with the focus on international pharmaceutical management, international hospital management and international health care consulting.

Mr. Scheuba possesses over 20 years of professional work experience during which he has had the opportunity to gain substantial financial health care experience as a global buy side equity analyst for an exclusive health care investment-boutique in Switzerland, where he was responsible for worldwide medical services research (hospitals, distributors, HMO’s, health care IT). During his several professional assignments he could also gain valuable experience in the endovascular medical devices industry at Medtronic Corporation and received an extensive insight in Novartis pharmaceutical Drug Regulatory Affairs (DRA) business. Apart from that, he was later performing as an international product manager for a leading European supplier of consumer medical products and could further contribute to Deloitte’s Life Science consulting business in Zurich where his profound industry expertise and personal dedication made him a valuable asset as a global subject matter expert for topics associated with medical devices, life science, pharma and health care providers.

Prior to setting up his own global recruiting and executive search company Mr. Scheuba was able to successfully build up his strong personal competence in health care recruiting and executive search by performing as a European senior business manager for medical devices and pharma on board of two globally renowned major executive search companies, located in Germany and the UK respectively.

Elmar Scheuba represents a high caliber manager and visionary leader in the following sub-industrial and functional executive search segments:

Covered (Sub-)Industries:

  • Medical Devices, Surgical & Implantology
  • Pharma and Generics
  • Biotechnology, Cell Biology & Life Sciences
  • Medical Capital Equipment & Imaging Technology
  • Medical Diagnostics, Laboratory & Testing
  • Health Care IT, Digital Health & Medical Informatics
  • Dental Medicine & Orthodontology
  • Medical Rehabilitation and Robotics
  • Hospitals and Senior Residences
  • Consumer Healthcare
  • Animal Health and Veterinery Medicine
  • Clinical Nutrition, Clinical Food & Dietary Products
  • Health Insurance & Health Care Finance
  • Chemicals, Fine Chemicals & Specialty Chemicals
  • Cosmetics, Perfumes & FMCG
  • Medical Automation, General Engineering & OEM
  • Micro & Nanotechnology, Material Sciences
  • Sports Medicine & Fitness
  • Health Care Consulting Industry
  • Health Insurance & Health Care Finance
  • Medical Communications & Advertising Industry
  • Health Tourism, Spa & Medical Travel
  • Alternative Medicine, Beauty & Well-Being
  • International Aid & Non-Profit Organizations
  • Medical Professionals

Covered Functions:

  • Commercial Marketing & Sales | Business Development
  • Regulatory, Quality & Safety
  • Market Research & Business Intelligence | Medical Education
  • Scientific Advisory & Medical Education
  • Health Economics & Market Access | Pricing & Reimbursement
  • Scientific Research (Biotech & Pharma)
  • Clinical Discovery & Development
  • Medical Manufacturing, Production & Prototyping
  • Bioprocessing | Pharmaceutical Engineering & Packaging
  • Environmental Health and Safety | Occupational Medicine
  • Hospital Administration & -Management
  • Health Care IT Management & Informatics
  • Medical Controlling & DRG Management
  • Health Consulting & Health Advisory
  • Medical Communications, PR & Advertising
  • Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing
  • Controlling & Finance
  • Logistics & Supply Chain Management
  • Human Resources & Legal
  • Medical Assignments

Representative Search Projects


Dr. Thomas Wladika

Managing Partner

Universitätsring 14
A-1010 Vienna


After completing his doctoral studies in Business Administration (specialization: Banking Management and Trade, SMEs) at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, Dr. Thomas Wladika started his professional career in 1989 with Girozentrale und Bank der österreichischen Sparkassen AG, later GiroCredit (trainee program, subsequently corporate banking).

In 1992, he transitioned to Catro Personalberatung, where he led the financial services division.

After working in corporate customer service for Deutsche Bank in Vienna and Raiffeisenlandesbank Niederöstereich-Wien, as of 2000, he managed a corporate customer profit center for the Bank Austria Group. In 2005, he became deputy head of the Lower Austria (South) and Burgenland region. From 2006, he served as head of corporate customer business in Lower Austria. After serving as a global account manager in the multinational corporate department, he committed himself to strategic tasks and was responsible for a number of global processes and projects in the corporate & investment banking division of Bank Austria until the end of 2017. Afterwards, he joined an acquisition project of Oberbank AG in Vienna.

In addition, Dr. Wladika participated in numerous management, sales, technical and personality development seminars and training courses in Switzerland (Prof. Malik) and Belgium (Management Center Europe). 

Since 10/2018 he is ISG Managing Partner. 

Main focus:

  • Personnel Consulting
  • Search and selection of executives and specialists (advertisements, database and active approach), nationally and internationally
  • Headhunting
  • Sales trainings with focus on acquisition

Motto: “Nothing is more convincing than success”


Mag. Michaela Wessely

Senior Consultant / Prokuristin & Head of Business Consultancy Sector Group


After graduation from the Vienna University of Economics, specializing in human resource management and English, Michaela Wessely started her professional career as consultant with CATRO Personalberatung GmbH.

As a result of her distinct commitment, excellent know-how in several industries and her professional performance the power of attorney was assigned to her.

Covering the same position, she joined the newly founded ISG Personalmanagement GmbH in 1999, where she carried on successfully attending to Austrian and international clients of various industries (production, trade, services, IT and telecommunication). For years, clients and candidates have been appreciating her custom-made, result oriented approach and her confidentiality.


  • Search and selection of candidates
  • Selection of executives and specialists via advertisement, database and direct search nationally and internationally
  • Design and implementation of recruiting and promotion assessment centers
  • Coaching
  • Know-how transfer in an EU-wide project for consultants, HR Managers and CEO in the Ukraine
  • Internal training
Motto: „Continuance is based on change.“

Mag. (FH) Silke Selinger

Managing Partner Consulting & Coaching


Mag. (FH) Silke Selinger berät seit dem Jahr 2007, in Ihrer Funktion als Senior Consultant, renommierte Unternehmen aus den Bereichen Life Science & Health Care.

Ihre exzellente Branchenkenntnis gepaart mit ihrem Zu- und Umgang mit BewerberInnen und ebenso auf Kundenseite machen sie zu einer wertvollen Mitarbeiterin der ISG. Sie überzeugt Kunden sowie Kandidaten mit individuellem Service, Engagement, persönlicher Wertschätzung und absoluter Diskretion. Kunden schätzen besonders ihre hervorragende Branchenkompetenz, ihr hohes Maß an Pflichtbewusstsein und Projektverantwortung, persönlichen Einsatz und ihre Fähigkeit Aufgabenstellungen und Situationen rasch zu erfassen und die richtigen Lösungsansätze zu konzipieren.

Sie ist Absolventin mit ausgezeichnetem Erfolg des berufsbegleitenden Master Studiums „Health Management“ am International Management Center Krems (IMC) und spezialisierte sich auf die Bereiche Pharmamanagement, Krankenhausmanagement und Int. Health Consulting.

Zudem ist sie ISO-zertifiziert als systemischer Personal- & Businesscoach. Zur weiteren Vertiefung hat Frau Selinger den akademischen Universitätslehrgang „Psychosoziale Beratung“ an der Sigmund Freud Privatuniversität mit ausgezeichneten Erfolg abgeschlossen.

Ihr Motto:
„Energy flows, where the attention goes.“ (Milton Erickson)


Oliver Messner, MSc

Managing Partner


Oliver Messner brings extensive experience in the entire field of sustainable corporate management. Through his long-term roles in international technical sales and as Managing Director of Technology & After Sales, he was able to build comprehensive know-how in quality management, combined with continuous efficiency improvement. This led him to increasingly focus on the full scope of sustainability management. With his expertise, Oliver Messner is among the leading experts when it comes to the establishment, implementation, and permanent integration of ESG measures in companies. As a sought-after keynote speaker, he imparts his knowledge at conferences and other lecture formats. He is regularly booked by various industry representatives and companies to conduct impulse lectures, workshops, and trainings. Furthermore, he teaches in Austria and Germany at various universities on topics such as climate change, sustainability/ESG, CSRD/ESRS, supply chain management, carbon accounting, sustainability reporting, sustainable (strategic) corporate leadership and development, and more.

In his MSc studies in Applied Business Management, he focused on strategic corporate and organizational development, leadership and human resource management, and innovation management. Through his training as a climate & system dynamist at MIT (in conjunction with Climate Interactive), Oliver Messner is also a certified MIT climate ambassador and En-ROADS consultant. Furthermore, he has successfully completed training as a Sustainable Business Transformation Manager and HRM-Green-Manager. In addition, he is an ISO-certified climate protection officer, environmental management officer + auditor (14001), energy management officer + auditor (ISO 50001 + 50002/EN 16247).

With his years of experience in sustainability management, international project management, sales & after-sales, and personnel and corporate management, he now supports as Managing Partner of ISG Personalmanagement GmbH & Head of Division ISG Green companies so that they can continue to develop successfully both economically and sustainably.


  • Green HR-Management & Green-Recruiting
  • Executive Search for industry and sustainability experts
  • Recruiting (search & selection)
  • Strategic Human Resource Management
  • Derivation and implementation of ESG measures & criteria
  • Development of tailor-made ESG strategies
  • Integration of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)
  • CSRD/ESRS including sustainability reporting
  • Corporate carbon accounting (Scope 1-3)
  • Site analysis (ESG maturity modeling)
  • Climate risk analysis
  • Stakeholder analysis
  • Materiality analysis (double materiality)
  • Energy and environmental management
  • Personnel development (training, workshops)
  • Innovation and transformation management
  • Interim management

Company sizes:

  • Start-ups | SMEs | Corporations

Industry expertise:

Industry | Technology | Manufacturing | Pharmaceutical Industry + Healthworld | Automotive | FMCG + Trade | Financing | Business Consultancy | Scientific Institutions | Construction & Design


  • Passion for working with people
  • Individual and tailor-made consultation
  • Uncomplicated communication at eye level
  • Visionary thinking • Entrepreneurial mindset
  • Above-average commitment
  • Competence and professionalism in action
  • Hands-on mentality
  • Excellent network at all levels and hierarchy levels

His motto: “Sustainable corporate development is no accident – it is the result of decisions”

Let’s shape the future of your company today.

I look forward to it!


Dr. Peter Muckenhuber

Managing Partner


Dr. Peter Muckenhuber completed his degree in production and management at the Steyr University of Applied Sciences in 2002, followed by part-time studies in economics at the Johannes Kepler University and doctorate at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences in Vienna.

With almost 20 years of professional experience the range of track record of Dr. Muckenhuber lasts from project experience to leadership experience as team and branch manager as well as interim manager. The professional experience covers manufacturing and industry, agriculture, energy supply, technical services / IT / robotics and mechanical engineering.

The individual needs of customers and their organizations are met through the broad experience of Dr. Muckenhuber identified efficiently and precisely and enables a holistic view of it. Thanks to the extensive service portfolio (personnel, IT special service, headhunting, training, outplacement, interim management), the right solution for customers, employees and potential new employees can be developed and implemented.


Credo: „The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change“ (Heraklit)



  • Technology
  • Industry
  • Business Consultancy / Interim management
  • Public & Government (Energy)
  • Agriculture

Gerald M. Nitsche

Managing Partner


Gerald Nitsche has many years of experience in major account management in direct and indirect IT solution sales. He has an excellent network in the IT environment, primarily in the finance and insurance sector as well as in the public sector, and provides in-depth knowledge of the specific requirements for employees in these industries.

Gerald has more than 30 years of experience in the IT sector as a sales manager, senior account manager and key account manager in national and international companies.

Based on his experience in leadership, he can identify if the candidate matches with the new area of responsibility and the team.


Barbara Sebera (formerly Rammer)

Managing Partner


Barbara Sebera – active in personnel consulting for over 30 years.

After completing a Commercial Academy, Barbara began her career working in sales and controlling for a food industry company in Vienna for five years. She then moved in the field of personnel consulting and recruitment in 1990. Since then, Barbara has been working in the personnel consulting and recruitment business for well-known companies in Upper Austria. Over the last 16 years she was a division manager for commercial and technical positions.

With ISG since January 1st, 2021 as Managing Partner.

Barbara Sebera has extensive professional experience in the classic field of search & selection of Specialists and Executives in various industries. This includes Executive recruitment and guarantees professional handling and support throughout the consulting and recruitment process.

Barbara has completed numerous training courses in the areas of leadership, communication, sales and training as a systemic solution-oriented coach throughout her professional career.

In addition to systemic search and selection as well as analytical selection, Barbara Sebera is a successful personal consultant and recruitment professional today as she provides above all empathy, communications skills, hands-on mentality, absolute reliability and confidentiality which customers and candidates hold in high regard and value.


  • Professional Search & Selection
  • Executive Search
  • Coaching
  • Outplacement


  • Industry & Consumer Goods
  • Retail & Wholesale
  • Financial Services
  • Transportation & Logistics
  • Consulting Services

Mag. Verena Mollner

Managing Partner


After graduating in Business Education with a specialization in Transport and Logistics Verena Mollner started her career in the purchasing for CEE in fashion retail.

Due to her interest in working with people and their personnel development she continued her career in different HR-roles – always with a focus on recruiting. With her experience in various industries (e.g. manufacturing industry, media, logistics, retail) Verena Mollner supports companies from different branches and sectors with tailor-made recruitment solutions.


Focus areas of work:

  • personnel search and selection for experts and executives
  • development of assessment center
  • competence and potential analysis
  • out- and newplacement consulting

Motto: “Knowing is not enough – we have to apply. Willing is not enough – we have to do.” ~Johann Wolfang von Goethe


Chunxia Kuang


+86 138 2937 0556
WeChat ID: 13829370556


Chunxia Kuang has extensive experience in telecommunications in the Chinese market, where she was responsible for sales, marketing, and the expansion/rollout of broadband services.  In addition, she gained valuable experience working for a provider of mobile solutions and the marketing of services. Mrs. Kuang has an extensive knowledge of the Chinese market, speaks Chinese and German and will be part of the team working on the expansion to China.


Manuel Major

Deputy Head of Sales & Recruiting D.A.CH

Universitätsring 14
A-1010 Wien


Manuel Major has been Deputy Head of Sales & Recruiting for the D.A.CH region at ISG since 2022.

After graduating from AHS De La Salle in Vienna, he completed his military service. As a sportsman, he is passionate about soccer – his ability to act as a team player is something he also brings to his new role at ISG.

Manuel has turned his passion for meeting people into a profession thanks to his sound scientific education and his professional career with positions in the public sector and HR consulting.

Motto: “Anyone who stops learning is old. He may be twenty or eighty.” (Henry Ford)


Mag. (FH) Sonja Schmid, MA

Managing Partner


Sonja Schmid studierte Exportmanagement und internationales Weinmarketing mit den Schwerpunkten interkulturelles Management, Organizational Behavior und Team Entwicklung.

Sie verfügt über mehr als zwanzig Jahre Erfahrung in Marketing, Kommunikation, Produktentwicklung und Verkauf im Bereich Lebens- und Genussmittel, davon zehn Jahre im Management und als Führungskraft. Ihre Kompetenzen und Fertigkeiten für Prozessmanagement, Organisation und Kommunikation vertiefte Sie im Rahmen von Merger&Acquisition Projekten. Veränderungsprozesse in Unternehmen gestaltete sie mit bei Unternehmenszusammenführungen, Systemumstellungen, Standortschließung und Neuorganisation von Abteilungen und Teams.

Bei der ISG hat Frau Schmid ihre besondere Leidenschaft für die Verbindung von Unternehmensinteressen mit den dahinterstehenden Menschen zum Beruf gemacht. Seit 2022 ist Sonja Schmid Teil des ISG Teams in Krems an der Donau.



  • Personalberatung – Suche und Auswahl von Fachspezialisten und Führungskräften
  • Executive Search & Direktansprache (Head Hunting)
  • Online Jobinserate auf nationalen und internationalen Plattformen
  • Lösungsorientierte Kundenberatung
  • Karriereberatung


Motto: „Stay committed in your decisions but stay flexible in your approach.“  (Tony Robbins)


Mag. Melanie Helm

Managing Partner


Melanie Helm graduated from Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien) with a [master`s degree specializing in integrated corporate accounting]. Afterwards she started her professional career in the field of strategic HR management working for the Federal government. In that role she assumed numerous reporting tasks focusing on collaboration and key figure-based development of the various HR-areas. From her years of experience, she gained valuable, cross-sector knowledge and expertise in the financial sector. In addition, since 2012 Melanie Helm has been teaching business classes in the adult education sector.

Her motto is: „Where the focus geos energy flows”

Melanie Helm joined the ISG-Team in 2022 bringing forth her goal-oriented, focused way of approaching complex challenges and as Managing Partner is responsible for

  • Personnel consulting
  • Personnel search and selection
  • Direct approach & database search
  • Design and implementation of testing

Natalia Jamernik



Natalia studied Business Management in London, where she specialised in Human Resource Management. After acquiring some HR experience in London and graduating she decided to come back to Austria. Shortly after Natalia was hired by ISG as a Recruitment intern, where she grew further admiration for recruiting. She was responsible for assisting her senior in hiring for various branches and her tasks included telephone screenings, interviews, as well as data base and social media head hunting. Here Natalia realised her passion for head hunting. She is currently working as a Researcher in the Executive Search team in ISG.

Motto: “You only live once


Sandra Mahrhofer

Managing Partner


Sandra Mahrhofer completed her master’s degree in business administration with a focus on human resource management and recruiting as well as human resources and organisational development at the FH Wiener Neustadt.

Already during her studies, Ms. Mahrhofer discovered her great passion for human resources consulting.

The human resource is becoming increasingly important for companies. Skilled workers are in demand, and the selection of the right employees is a decisive factor for the success of a company. However, not only HR consulting, but all HR-related topics are of enormous importance for companies if they want to remain competitive.

Sandra Mahrhofer has sound knowledge of this at the most up-to-date level and is pleased to be able to support companies in Austria & Germany.


Theresa Kalenda, BA



Theresa Kalenda completed a degree in business administration. Due to her great interest in working with people, she started her career in personnel consulting.

She has been working as a consultant in the healthcare sector since 2019 and supports a successful team of pharmaceutical and medical technology companies in the search and selection of suitable candidates for various roles.


Angela Exenschläger, MSc

Junior Consultant


Angela Exenschläger absolvierte ihr Bachelorstudium mit Fokus auf Internationale Betriebswirtschaft an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien. In ihrem laufenden Masterstudium an der Universität Wien spezialisiert sie sich auf den Bereich Organization & Personnel.

Ihren Berufsweg in der ISG startete sie Anfang 2021 als Praktikantin im IT-Recruiting. Seit September 2021 arbeitet sie als Junior Consultant im Team von Birgit Prochazka und unterstützt Unternehmen im Healthcare-Bereich bei der Suche und Auswahl passender KandidatInnen in verschiedenen Funktionen.


Mathias Rieger



Mathias Rieger ist seit 2022 bei der ISG Personalmanagement tätig. Während seines Bachelorstudiums auf der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, mit einem Schwerpunkt auf Betriebswirtschaftslehre, hat er seine Begeisterung für den HR-Bereich entdeckt! Sein Masterstudium mit einem Schwerpunkt auf Sozioökonomie wird er im Herbst 2023 beginnen. Dadurch wird er sich einen ganzheitlichen Blick auf die Verflechtungen von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft verschaffen und optimal für zukünftige Herausforderungen gerüstet sein!

Bis zu seinem zweiundzwanzigsten Lebensjahr war Mathias Rieger als Handballer und somit als Profisportler in ganz Österreich im Einsatz. Diese Zeit als Leistungssportler lehrte ihm wertvolle Lektionen und formten seinen Charakter. Die Tugendenden, welche er im Laufe seiner sportlichen Karriere erlernt hat, helfen ihm nun auch in seiner Position als Recruiter.

Motto: “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard” – Tim Notke


Alexander Rauchwarter



Alexander Rauchwarter ist seit 2023 bei der ISG Personalmanagement GmbH als Recruiter tätig.

Momentan studiert er Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien und hat im Rahmen dessen den Bereich Human Resources für sich entdeckt. Demzufolge hat er sich auf Personalmanagement und Wirtschaftstraining & Bildungsmanagement spezialisiert und sich dafür entschieden, beruflich in diese Richtung zu gehen.

In seiner Freizeit spielt er seit vielen Jahren Fußball und Tennis.

Motto: „Gib das, was dir wichtig ist, niemals auf, nur weil es nicht einfach ist.“ (Albert Einstein)


Mariam Abdel-Wahab, BA



Mariam Abdel-Wahab studied Transcultural Communication at the University of Vienna. Through her translation studies, she acquired intercultural competence, which she uses with her language skills in German, English, French and Arabic in national and international projects.

She carries out her work as a personnel consultant at ISG on a daily basis with the highest level of motivation and above-average enthusiasm. The main focus is always on connecting companies and people in a long-term and sustainable way. She attaches particular importance to professional service, trust and quality.

Main focus:

  • Search and selection of specialists and managers in Germany and abroad
  • Personnel consulting
  • Headhunting
  • Internal training
  • Recruitment of skilled workers from the Arab region

Motto: “Success has two letters: DO.”


Mag. Günter Horvath

Managing Partner


Günter Horvath studierte Betriebswirtschaft und Exportwirtschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Unternehmensführung an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien.

Seine berufliche Karriere begann Herr Horvath im Medienmanagement. Als Verkäufer, bald als Marketing-/Vertriebs- & Abo-Leiter, später Verlagsleiter und Geschäftsführer eines mittelständigen Verlages in Wien waren die weiteren Stationen. Seit 2007 ist Günter Horvath als selbständiger Unternehmens- & Personalberater (exklusiv für die „ISG“), Coach, Trainer und psychologischer Berater tätig.

Kunden- & Kandidatenorientierung steht für Günter Horvath an erster Stelle. „Unternehmen Top-Mitarbeiter und Kandidat*innen Wunsch-Jobs vermitteln zu können ist der schönste Beruf der Welt“.

Seine Expertise:

  • Personalberatung, Suche & Auswahl von Führungs- und Fachkräften
  • Executive Search / Headhunting
  • Karriereberatung / Coaching

Spezielle Branchenkompetenz im Dienstleistungssektor, insbesondere im Medien-/Agentur- & Consultingbereich. Inhaltlich mit hoher Kompetenz für Verkaufs- & Marketingjobs sowie den kaufmännischen Bereich.

Motto: “Es scheint immer unmöglich, bis es vollbracht ist“ (Nelson Mandela)


Ing. Mag. Richard Doberer

Managing Partner


From practice – for practice

Mr. Doberer has been Managing Partner of ISG Austria since January 2024. He had been self-employed since 2017 (engineering office for mechanical engineering), supporting Austrian plant and mechanical engineering companies with customised technical (mechanical + electrical) solutions

Before becoming self-employed, he worked in technical sales / customer service / project management for Upper Austrian machine and plant manufacturers for 12 years.

After graduating from high school (HTL Braunau / Communications Engineering and Computer Science), Mr Doberer studied Economics at Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria.

Main focus of his work:

  • Personnel consulting
  • Search & selection of technical personnel (technical sales, project management, design engineers, programmers, commissioning engineers,…)
  • Headhunting


  • Mechanical engineering
  • Plant engineering
  • Intralogistics

Motto: “Every step is a step towards the goal, this also applies to the steps backwards.” (Ernst Jünger)


Mag. Thomas Fellner

Managing Partner


Thomas Fellner comes from Vienna and graduated in 1981 from Austrian High School in Vienna’s 18th district.

While he was still studying business administration at the Vienna University of Economics, he began working in various call center companies, first as an agent, then as a team and call center manager and after finishing his degree he went to marketing.

In 1999 he moved to the world’s leading recruitment agency Manpower and built up a separate division for the placement of call center staff in the next few months in Austria.

After a year he received an offer from Dun & Bradstreet, the leading provider of company data. After a stint as HR manager Thomas Fellner moved again early in 2001 to sales. As head of the telesales department at D & B, he was responsible for nearly 1,000 existing customers. In the years 2002 and 2003 he won the competition for most successful salesman at D & B Austria

In 2004, he began as a sales manager with the data broker Deltavista. Within two years he managed to substantially increase sales and built a strong customer base in Austria and establish Delta Vista as one of the leading suppliers in the industry.

After six years in the distribution of corporate data, Thomas Fellner founded in 2006 the company „Success Inkasso“ which was specialized in collections for leasing companies.

In summer 2007, he sold his shares to his partners and faced a new challenge: as Managing Partner at ISG, he has since been responsible for building the temporary work department. The best service and the highest quality for the customer are always paramount for Thomas Fellner.


Sonja Kupka-Wolf, MSc.pharm.

Executive Managing Partner


25 years of professional experience in smaller and large companies in the life sciences qualify Sonja Kupka-Wolf as an excellent expert in this branch. She is a pharmacist, gained experience in clinical research and changed to product and project management after passing a marketing- and sales university degree. With European-wide product launches in different therapeutic areas, Sonja Kupka-Wolf set new standards in new therapies and developed herself in leadership of different marketing- sales- market access and business development positions in Austria and Europe. She experienced different structures, cultures and working areas in renowned corporations such as Novartis, Takeda, Abbott, Roche and Aventis.

Since 2015 Sonja Kupka-Wolf has worked as a management consultant and interim manager in the life science sector. Passionately she is supporting companies during the current structural changes and developing them to integrated service providers in the healthcare system.

Sonja Kupka-Wolf is the classic “implementer” and reformer with a “hands-on” mentality. Curious and empathetic, she finds innovative processes and solutions during the current disruptive changes in the life science environment. She now continues providing her service and experience at ISG, advising companies in the healthcare sector and filling open vacancies in the best possible way. Her motto “Close the Gap”.

Educational Background and Professional Experiences

  • Master of Pharmacy at the University Vienna
  • 25 years of professional experience in the life science sector (pharmaceuticals, biotech)
  • Commercial license for the manufacture and wholesale of pharmaceuticals
  • License of Entrepreneurship / Chamber of Commerce
  • Management consulting and interim management life sciences


Personal skills

– Strong in implementation and solution-oriented

– Reformer with an innovative spirit

– Motto: “Stay hungry, stay foolish” (Steve Jobs)



  • Central- and Eastern Europe



  • Start-up companies, medium and large corporations
  • Global Life Sciences
  • Private & Public Corporations in the Healthcare Sector


Business Focus

  • Middle Management Appointments
  • Directors and Board Members
  • General Management Appointments
  • CEO / COO / CFO / CMO
  • Specialists and Scientists
  • Scientific and Research Appointments
  • Interim Management


Industry Focus

  • Pharmaceuticals & Generics
  • Biotechnology / Life Sciences
  • Chemical Industry
  • Medical Devices / Medical Products
  • Hospitals / Laboratory / Medical Diagnostics
  • Healthcare Consulting Industry


Functional Coverage

  • Marketing & Sales
  • Medical Affairs
  • Business Development
  • Market Access & Health Economics
  • Market Research & Communication
  • Regulatory Affairs & Quality Management
  • Pharmacovigilance
  • Pre-clinical & Clinical Research
  • Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
  • Training & Innovation Management

Stefan Preyss

Managing Partner


Stefan Preyss verfügt über eine fundierte Ausbildung in den Bereichen Buchhaltung, Personalverrechnung sowie Human Resources. Mit seiner umfassenden Expertise konnte er in den letzten Jahren maßgeblich zur erfolgreichen Personalarbeit in verschiedenen Unternehmen beitragen.

Bis 2024 war Stefan Preyss als Leiter Human Resources im Konzernumfeld der VIVATIS Holding AG tätig, wo er bei renommierten Unternehmen wie Weinbergmaier und Senna seine Fähigkeiten und Führungsqualitäten unter Beweis stellte. Dabei verantwortete er die strategische und operative HR-Arbeit und trug maßgeblich zur Weiterentwicklung der Personalabteilungen bei.

Seit Sommer 2024 bringt Herr Preyss seine Erfahrung und sein Fachwissen bei der ISG Personalmanagement ein.

Warum die ISG:
Vor allem die Dynamik und das innovative Umfeld der ISG in Österreich haben mich überzeugt. Die ISG bietet mir die Möglichkeit, meine Leidenschaft für Human Resources in einem modernen, internationalen Beratungsunternehmen weiterzuentwickeln sowie maßgeschneiderte Recruiting-Lösungen für unsere Kunden zu finden.
Die enge Zusammenarbeit mit Unternehmen sowie die individuelle Betreuung von Talenten und Führungskräften waren für mich ausschlaggebend.



  • Personalberatung – Suche und Auswahl von Fachspezialisten und Führungskräften
  • Executive Search & Direktansprache
  • Online Jobinserate auf nationalen und internationalen Plattformen
  • Lösungsorientierte Kundenberatung
  • Karriereberatung

Motto: “Die einzige Möglichkeit, großartige Arbeit zu leisten, ist, das zu lieben, was man tut.” – Steve Jobs


Mag. Guido Leissinger

Chief Executive Officer & Founder


After completing his studies at Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Guido Leissinger began his professional career in management consultancy. His successful activities included organisational consultancy in many different companies dealing in a variety of commercial fields. Due to his very distinct interest in people, he switched from management to personnel consultancy.


  • Search & selection of specialist workforce and executives
  • HR development
  • Start-up and expansion of companies in Central and Eastern Europe
  • Design and implementation of promotion and selection assessment centers
Thanks to his wide knowledge and his strong sales orientation, he was made departmental manager after a short time. From 1993 to 1999, he successfully led CATRO as general manager being in charge of 60 employees in Austria and the Eastern European subsidiaries.

Guido Leissinger founded ISG in 1999 and has since built up the company from zero to more than 500 people in 23 countries.


  • Personnel consulting
  • HR development
  • Trainings

His leadership style is characterised by the notion that the human being should always be the central focus of all considerations. ISG’s long-term success can only be achieved through teamwork, mutual respect and understanding as well as constant on-the-job training.

Motto: „Success is not a coincidence“


Harald Mörtenhummer

Executive Search / Managing Partner


Harald Mörtenhummer started his career as a constructor for the Siemens AG. In 1985 he participated in a trade training program (BILLA AG), after which he took over the responsibility for the training of new employees and executives (from apprenticeship to executive management) and established and managed the HR – department.

Subsequently he completed numerous trainings and took on various challenges in marketing as marketing manager (LOWA GmbH), managing director sales (Bauhaus GmbH) and as restructuring manager of several trade organisations. In 2002 different international appointments followed, such as CEO (bauMax AG) or managing director CEE (Praktiker AG), which involved international procurement marketing, category management and logistics assignments. His experience as a supervisory board member in the food- & non-food sector round off his extensive expertise.

Currently he is managing partner at the ISG Executive Search Competence Centre and is looking after clients in the following sectors:

  • Board services
  • Management- and HR-consulting
  • Executive search (head hunting) of industry experts
  • Recruitment of management- and other pivotal positions on a national- and international level
  • Monitoring of change processes

Short CV

Executive consultant, interim- & project manager, supervisory board member, managing director of CEE-countries, management board and director of international companies


Praktiker International GmbH, Forstinger GmbH, bauMax AG, MediaMarkt GmbH, LÖWA GmbH, Digital Equipment Corp., BILLA AG, Siemens AG


Olympia Anna Blanck, MA

Head of CEE & Prokurist


Ms. Blanck studied Economics and Business Psychology with a focus on Human Resource Management at the University of Applied Sciences in Wiener Neustadt.

She is originally from Bratislava where she gained extensive professional experience within an international working environment.

Her professional career commenced at the Delegation of the European Commission, furthermore she worked in an international marketing agency for cross-border projects and she carried out work for a law consultancy with a focus on Central & Eastern Europe.

Maintaining a consistently high standard of work, enthusiasm and intercultural competence gained through her experience puts Ms. Blanck in the position to be a competent contact partner for national and international clients.

Her areas of expertise:

  • Executive Search / Headhunting
  • International recruiting with a focus on Austria and Central & Eastern Europe
  • Personnel consulting, search & selection of managers- and specialists positions
  • Interim management
  • Coordination of cross-border projects in the DACH region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) as well as in CEE region.
  • Career consultancy.

Her industry focus:

Industrial sector: automotive, aviation, chemical industry, food processing, packaging industry, energy and construction
Service sector: legal consultancy, tax and audit advisory, marketing and advertising, financial services, tourism and transport
Trade: import, export, retail, wholesale
Motto: „The journey is the destination” (Confucius)


Ferdinand Kamenicky

Managing Partner


Ferdinand Kamenicky started his professional career on a trainee program at Citibank, where he was soon entrusted with management responsibilities as Financial Controller, Senior Branch Operations Officer and Relationship Manager for multi-national corporate customers. Following that he was the Managing Director and Chairman of Citibank in Retail Banking.

In the following challenging years as Project Manager and Senior Director for Sales Strategy at Creditanstalt, he obtained experience in the merging of departments and banks.

As a member of the Board of Directors and Managing Director of Volksbank Krems-Zwettl AG, he became familiar with the special nature and strengths of regional banks in multi-layered bank structures.

Since 2005 Ferdinand Kamenicky is an independent company consultant, a qualified coach and registered mediator (specialisations: corporate culture, the costs of conflict, generation conflicts etc.) and since the middle of 2011 has been supporting his customers, as an ISG partner, in the following areas:

  • Personnel consulting – Recruiting specialists and executives both nationally and internationally
  • Executive search for sector experts
  • Outplacement/new placement coaching and job application consulting
  • Resolving inner company conflicts/mediation and corporate and conflict culture

Motto: “Clarity before harmony.”


Martin Tamussino

Executive Search & Managing Partner


During his studies of tourism management at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Martin Tamussino started his professional career with Lauda Air in 1986.

After eight years of recruiting and training cabin crews, and having professional and disciplinary responsibility for over 300 flight attendants he changed to CATRO Personalconsulting. Due to his interest and know-how of the service sector he was successful in search and selection of candidates for various management positions.

In his function as Resident Manager and Managing Director for Trade Legality of a ****star hotel in Vienna, he was responsible for the management, the establishment of new business structures, the implementation of innovative business strategies and sales.

After one year abroad in Switzerland, he worked five years in the biggest Austrian Hotel Group as Director of Sales, responsible for the coordination of Sales & Marketing activities with 26 hotels in Austria.

Since 2002 he has been strengthening the ISG team with his dedication to work for people in the service sector. With his enthusiastic style he continuously works for the right solution for his clients in various industries. Due to his commitment he was given power of attorney in 2003.


  • Search and selection of specialists and executives
  • Design and implementation of recruiting and promotion assessment centers
  • Research and Coaching
  • Support of Outplacement projects

His work style is characterized by offering his clients personal commitment, high performance and customer-oriented services.

Motto: „To place trust in oneself and in others“


Claudia Gschiel

Senior Research Consultant & Teamlead


Head hunting research – a typical job for students – evolved into more than just a sideline when Claudia Gschiel moved from Vorarlberg to Vienna some 20 years ago.

Concurrent with her studies of English and History to become a teacher, she worked with a renowned Personnel consulting agency in telemarketing and research as early as 1993. Her work proved to be such a success that she was recruited by ISG Personalmanagement in 1999.

From 2000, Claudia Gschiel focused her work at ISG on headhunting research assignments of specialists and executives for various projects in all areas of trade. While closely co-operating with the respective senior advisor, she was able to expand her expert knowledge to a growing number of areas and markets.

Due to growing demand in all fields pertaining to executive search, Claudia Gschiel has headed an efficient and competent research team since 2005 with whom she enthusiastically shares her expert knowledge on a regular basis.

Motto: Love it, change it or leave it”


Mag. Martina Petzl

Managing Partner


Martina Petzl began her professional career after her studies of business management at the University of Graz. After a two-year stint with a marketing agency for tourism in Graz, she began working in the HRM department of the Bundesrechnungszentrum GmbH. Her scope of duties included personnel development, recruiting and personnel marketing as well as media and public relations on the job market.

Furthermore, she was entrusted with designing and implementing various projects for the management board (e.g. HR and FM benchmarks, potential and employee satisfaction analyses, affirmative action plans, re-employment strategies after (maternal) leave, development of workforce compensation plans, re-organisation of personnel administration to SAP).

Before venturing into freelance personnel consultancy, Martina Petzl worked at ORF, the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, on a comprehensive redesign of ORF’s HR management focusing on the development of “ORF-Recruiting” as the main service entity within the media enterprise.

Due to her highly developed analytical abilities Martina Petzl can quickly master the most difficult problems and situations and conceive the suitable solutions. Her strengths also include a high sense of responsibility, cost and budget consciousness as well as relevant in-depth knowledge and dedication.


  • personnel development, personnel marketing as well as extensive support to businesses in all matters arising from personnel consulting.
  • Analysis of principal tasks and professional and general requirements of a position
  • Advertisement and data base research
  • Structured interviews
  • Research and direct approach
  • Selection assessment centers
  • Presentation of applicants and decision processes
  • Implementation of employee appraisal interview techniques
  • Development centers
  • Design of applicant’s communication
  • Design of advertisements

In the course of a seminar on advertising and sales at Vienna University of Economics, Martina Petzl was able to delve into issues dealing with personnel marketing, corporate culture, corporate identity and design as well as with media and public relations.

Martina Petzl has been a member of ISG since 2002. Due to her personal background in the city of Graz, her main geographical focus is southern Austria therefore offering services to the Styrian business community (computer and IT technologies, pharmaceutical enterprises as well as marketing firms and media).

Motto: A problem is half solved if it is clearly stated.”


Marisa Otto, BA LLB.oec



Marisa Otto studied law, economics and sociology at the University of Salzburg. There she specialized in the areas of strategic management and personnel.

After graduating, she began as a trainee in the ISG Executive Search team, which she has supported as a consultant in the search and selection of qualified candidates since 2013.


  • Consulting national and international clients about search strategies
  • Text formulation and layout of job advertisements
  • Research | Executive Search
  • Personnel search and Selection
  • Carrying out candidate interviews

Motto: “Paths are made by walking them.” Franz Kafka


Mag. Sabrina Kriechbaum

Executive Search


Sabrina Kriechbaum graduated in Socio-economics at the Vienna University of Economics. The study is a combination of Economics and Sociology with a specialization in Finance, international organization and personnel management. In order to deepen her theoretical knowledge, Sabrina Kriechbaum was employed at Bank Austria, as well as L’Oreal in Human Resources Management. In July 2006, Sabrina Kriechbaum started at ISG Personalmanagement GmbH as a consultant and she now works for a variety of national and international companies in different industries such as financial services, commerce, production etc.


  • Search and selection of specialists
  • Search and selection of executives with a focus on headhunting
  • Design and implementation of recruiting and promotion assessment centers
  • Coaching

Since early 2009, Sabrina Kriechbaum has been an integral part of the executive search team in the direct approach of managers and professionals within the financial services industry and she now holds the position of senior consultant.

Sabrina Kriechbaum supports her customers in the recruitment process for all related positions.
Her motivation is a professional service for both clients and candidates. Her work style is characterized by trust, discretion, flexibility and quality.

Motto: Carpe Diem”


Dr. Richard Rudolf

Executive Managing Partner & Head of Industry Sector Group


After receiving a MSc degree in Atmospheric Science and a PhD degree in Experimental Physics from the University of Vienna, Mr. Rudolf joined the Austrian based Stölzle Group, one of the major European manufacturers of primary glass packaging for the pharmaceutical industry.

During the first years at the Stölzle Group Mr. Rudolf managed the business unit Medical, a profit center and commerce business serving universities, hospitals and drug stores with laboratory equipment and specific small scale packaging solutions.

After intermediate career steps as Sales Director Austria & Switzerland and Director of Business Unit Pharma & Medical he finally took over full P&L responsibility as CSO of Business Unit Healthcare & Consumer, covering global sales of Pharma and Consumer packaging containers and solutions to international pharmaceutical accounts in EMEA, CIS, North-America, South-America and APAC.

Having been member of the Executive Director Steering Team of Stölzle Group and member of the board of Stölzle Russia during a substantial period, Mr. Rudolf joined in 2014 Nipro Europe, an essential part of Nipro Corporation based in Japan. In his function as Business Unit Director he steered and organized sales of pharmaceutical primary packaging containers and prefilled syringes made from tubular glass within EMEA.

Combining his passion for the healthcare industry with his long-lasting and thorough senior managerial experience, Mr. Rudolf decided in 2016 to join ISG Healthworld as Global Managing Partner.


  • Executive Search & Selection
  • New Client & Candidate Acquisition on Global Level
  • Recruitment of Professionals, Senior- & C-Level Managers
  • Robust Network within the Pharmaceutical Industry & Market
  • Professional, efficient & effective Cooperation with Clients and Candidates
  • Entrepreneurial Spirit | Passionate & Committed | Well-Organized
  • Wide Angel Business View | Analytic Best-In-Class Approach

Elmar Scheuba, M.A.

General Manager Americas | Global Head of Sector Group Healthworld | Executive Managing Partner



Europe / EMEA, USA & CANADA, CENTRAL- AND SOUTHAMERICA (LATAM), Asia, Middle- & Far East / U.A.E.


Healthcare private equity and venture capital funds in the range of $50M to $500B AUM / Global Life Sciences, Biotech, Pharma, Medical Devices/Diagnostics, Innovation & Digital Health Transformation / Healthcare Private Equity and Venture Capital backed companies / Privately and public held firms (for-profit) in the range of $10M to $500B / Start-up, Spin Offs, small-, mid- and large-size enterprises, turn-around operations / Multinational Blue chip organizations.


C-Suite & Board Level Search / Board-Level and CEO appointments / Senior Vice President and VP roles / General Management appointments / Senior Directors & Directors / Middle Management Appointments / Engineers / Scientists / Specialists




Commercial Marketing & Sales | Business Development / Health Economics & Market Access | Pricing & Reimbursement / Regulatory Affairs | Quality Management & Safety / Hospital Administration & Management / Medical Assignments / Scientific Research (Biotechnological & Pharmaceutical) / Preclinical & Clinical Development / Medical Manufacturing | Production, Prototyping & OEM / Bioprocessing | Pharmaceutical Engineering & Packaging / Health Care IT Management | Medical- & Bio-Informatics


Mr. Scheuba shows an excellent and unique knowledge of international medical devices, pharmaceutical, biotech and health care markets in general. From his university background perspective, Elmar Scheuba is an international health economist and graduate of “health care management” master studies at International Management Center Krems (IMC) / Austria with the focus on international pharmaceutical management, international hospital management and international health care consulting.

Mr. Scheuba possesses over 20 years of professional work experience during which he has had the opportunity to gain substantial financial health care experience as a global buy side equity analyst for an exclusive health care investment-boutique in Switzerland, where he was responsible for worldwide medical services research (hospitals, distributors, HMO’s, health care IT). During his several professional assignments he could also gain valuable experience in the endovascular medical devices industry at Medtronic Corporation and received an extensive insight in Novartis pharmaceutical Drug Regulatory Affairs (DRA) business. Apart from that, he was later performing as an international product manager for a leading European supplier of consumer medical products and could further contribute to Deloitte’s Life Science consulting business in Zurich where his profound industry expertise and personal dedication made him a valuable asset as a global subject matter expert for topics associated with medical devices, life science, pharma and health care providers.

Prior to setting up his own global recruiting and executive search company Mr. Scheuba was able to successfully build up his strong personal competence in health care recruiting and executive search by performing as a European senior business manager for medical devices and pharma on board of two globally renowned major executive search companies, located in Germany and the UK respectively.

Elmar Scheuba represents a high caliber manager and visionary leader in the following sub-industrial and functional executive search segments:

Covered (Sub-)Industries:

  • Medical Devices, Surgical & Implantology
  • Pharma and Generics
  • Biotechnology, Cell Biology & Life Sciences
  • Medical Capital Equipment & Imaging Technology
  • Medical Diagnostics, Laboratory & Testing
  • Health Care IT, Digital Health & Medical Informatics
  • Dental Medicine & Orthodontology
  • Medical Rehabilitation and Robotics
  • Hospitals and Senior Residences
  • Consumer Healthcare
  • Animal Health and Veterinery Medicine
  • Clinical Nutrition, Clinical Food & Dietary Products
  • Health Insurance & Health Care Finance
  • Chemicals, Fine Chemicals & Specialty Chemicals
  • Cosmetics, Perfumes & FMCG
  • Medical Automation, General Engineering & OEM
  • Micro & Nanotechnology, Material Sciences
  • Sports Medicine & Fitness
  • Health Care Consulting Industry
  • Health Insurance & Health Care Finance
  • Medical Communications & Advertising Industry
  • Health Tourism, Spa & Medical Travel
  • Alternative Medicine, Beauty & Well-Being
  • International Aid & Non-Profit Organizations
  • Medical Professionals

Covered Functions:

  • Commercial Marketing & Sales | Business Development
  • Regulatory, Quality & Safety
  • Market Research & Business Intelligence | Medical Education
  • Scientific Advisory & Medical Education
  • Health Economics & Market Access | Pricing & Reimbursement
  • Scientific Research (Biotech & Pharma)
  • Clinical Discovery & Development
  • Medical Manufacturing, Production & Prototyping
  • Bioprocessing | Pharmaceutical Engineering & Packaging
  • Environmental Health and Safety | Occupational Medicine
  • Hospital Administration & -Management
  • Health Care IT Management & Informatics
  • Medical Controlling & DRG Management
  • Health Consulting & Health Advisory
  • Medical Communications, PR & Advertising
  • Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing
  • Controlling & Finance
  • Logistics & Supply Chain Management
  • Human Resources & Legal
  • Medical Assignments

Representative Search Projects


Dr. Roman Seligo

Managing Partner


Managing Partner & International Practice Group Leader Life Sciences

With over 20 years of management experience in the consumer goods industry, working for large corporations, such as Vice President and GM CEE Austria Tabak (Japan Tobacco), as well as for SMEs including General Manager Eastern Europe at Kotányi, and before that in Marketing (Unilever) Roman Seligo transitioned to become a corporate and personnel consultant in 2011. His focus centers on the Life Sciences industry (as the International Practice Group Leader), Consumer Goods (FMCG), Technology (Automotive Electronics/Supply, Telecom, IT), and international projects.

Als Life Science Practice Group Leader Roman Seligo has successfully placed more than 100 positions with mostly international searches for vacant positions in Austria (rd. 80%) and CE and other regions (rd. 20%), Managing Director, M&S, as well as specific QM and other positions.

Roman Seligo, who holds a degree in economics with a doctorate and completed his studies in the USA, has been teaching at Webster Private University since 2014 as an Adjunct Professor at the Business & Management Institute. He is bilingual in English and German, and also proficient in French and Czech.

In addition to Executive Search and the recruitment of hard-to-find specialists, Roman Seligo oversees areas such as Executive Coaching and Market Entry, the latter based on operative managerial experience with such projects in the CEE region.


Dipl. – Sozw. Miriam Murg

Training & Development


Miriam Murg studied social sciences at the Friedrich-Alexander University in Erlangen / Nuremberg (Germany), with an emphasis on “industrial and organizational psychology” and “Personnel Economics”. During her studies she was active for four years as a trainee student at one of the world’s largest technology companies, where she first gained professional experience and insight into the business processes of global players.

On the basis of her study focus and her passion for working with people, Miriam Murg started her career in early 2005 with ISG in the field of HR, where she primarily supported well known companies in finding and selecting new employees.

Among her special areas of expertise are the development and monitoring of strategic training programs with a focus on apprenticeship, traineeship, High Potential and junior programs, and the design and implementation of potential analysis, such as Assessment / Development Center, structured interviews and 360 ° – feedback.
The development and implementation of employee appraisal meetings, as well as the implementation of apprenticeship training round out her activity profile.

Of particular importance for Miriam Murg is the development of people, taking into account their abilities and potentials , without losing the connection to the company and her respective goal.

In early 2006, Miriam Murg switched within ISG from personnel consulting to the training and development department where she has since been particularly active in the field of human resource development.

Motto: „A secret of success is to understand the other person’s perspective.“


Karin Wahl

Training & Development



  • Seminars and trainings on communication and sales
  • Individual and team coaching
  • Personality and team development
  • Conflict Management and Negotiation
  • Mediation and Conflict Resolution


Since 2006, working succesfully as a registrated mediator, trainer und coach

  • 14 years as an employee and manager in sales, marketing and consulting
  • Marketing and sales for e-learning and blended learning projects (spin-off TU Vienna)
  • Design and active tutoring in blended learning courses (process and project management)
  • Consulting for interactive media projects (internet, intranet, CD-ROMs, interactive teletext)
  • Business development of an online auction house with a focus in the areas fo sales, marketing and technical service
  • Specific study of “succes factors for young technology companies in Austria”(TU Vienna)
  • Field, broker and sales support in class of insurance

Motto: „If you can dream it, you can do it.“


Wolfgang Gsur

Trainer & Coach


While studying business informatics Wolfgang Gsur has discovered his interest in teamwork. He was fascinated by the different team-constellations – while some teams are high-performing-teams, whose cooperation and teamwork is an enrichment for everyone, some teams are low-performance-teams, who interfere with each other and ultimately perform in a sub-optimal way, although both teams did the same – inefficient – efforts in the project.

Since then he has focused on team-dynamics and team-competencies, which roles within a team are important and how they perfectly complement each other.

After his studies he has worked in the training & development department of a financial company. In 2009 he switched into the Consulting, furthermore he successfully completed the training to be a trainer and individual coach and later on he managed some project in the “Coachingalerie”. Since 2017 he successfully supports the team of the ISG Personalmanagement GmbH.


  • Conception and monitoring of personnel development measures
  • Management Development
  • Establishing and expanding communication skills
  • Individual Coaching
  • Moderation of workshops

Motto: „Tomorrow, you will wish you had started today!“


Daniel Schröder

Trainer & Coach


After his commercial education, Daniel Schröder was working for a number of different companies such as Alfa Romeo, Lancia and Mercedes Benz. After moving to Vienna in 1996, he soon finished his education in Business Training and Coaching and began his professional career as manager of a team of sales trainers at one of Austria‘s largest insurance companies. In this role, his main activities included recuriting and assessment, design and deployment of workshops, trainings and coachings in HR and Sales.

Daniel took early notice of his great people skills that he could well incorporate and further develop during his wide professional career in the areas of Sales, Management, HR and Coaching. His great passion for all matters of communication were the ground stone for his decision to start a career in Training and Development. His high level of expertise in all matters of communication and sales derives not only from his wide work experience but also from ongoing studies and trainings in the respective fields. Having worked as a successful trainer for many years, his greatest strenght may be found is his ability to always communicate straight to the point and transfer knowledge with great practical relevance.

Daniel Schröder runs his own business in Training & Coaching since 2002 with clients all over the market. He holds a diploma as Symbolon-Personality Coach since 2003.

His focus areas include:

  • Sales trainings with strong focus on practical relevancen
  • Leadership seminars in the context of Management Curricula
  • Presentation techniques & Train the Trainer
  • Basics in Project Management
  • Seminars on Language, Body Language, Voice
  • Individual Coaching, Training on the job

Motto: „For a good conversation, step outside the „I“ and knock at the doors of the „You“. – Albert Camus (1913-60), French author an philosopher


Josef Hinterecker

Trainer & Coach


The art of „conquering in peace“ is the inspiration of Josef Hinterecker`s profession as martial artist and awareness-trainer. Since three decades he supports people with the 3-sense-method (hearing, seeing and feeling).

As trainer and coach the martial artist confronts his participants with the term „fighting“ in both a physical and mental way. He considers fighting not only as an act of blunt violence but also as the strength of facing challenges instead of avoiding them.

He is using the 3-sense-method in combination with techniques of Taekwondo, Judo, Shaolin Kung Fu and Tai Chi for working on topics as conflict-management, communication, team, vision and leadership.

He is instructor for fitness, health and sports-rehabilitation and a certified life-coach & trainer.  Under his own brand WolffloW (alias Joe Wolf) he writes books about awareness and the fact of how mindfulness can influence one’s life in a positive way.

Motto: Watch your thoughts for they will become words. Watch your words for they will become your actions. Your actions will become habits. Your habits will become your character. And your character will become your destiny.


Marlies Metzich

Team assistent


During her school career, with the focus culture-tourism, Marlies Metzich has noticed her strong interest in working with people. She loves to develop a project, solve problems and motivate each other within a team. During her school career she completed two several-months internships in Menorca, Spain. Because of these internships she was able to strengthen her interest in teamwork and consolidate her foreign language skills. After graduation she started her working-career in a Hospitality & Promotion agency as Project Assistant. After that she worked as an administrative assistant in a pharmaceutical company. During these steps Marlies Metzich has discovered her interest in administration & organization and teamwork.

Since March 2017 she supports the Training&Development department of the ISG as a Team Assistant.


  • Administration & Preparation of seminars and trainings
  • Preparation of Assessment-, Development- & Orientation Centers
  • Hotel bookings, Appointment- and travel organization for the trainers
  • Preparation & Translation of Training Documents
  • Preparation of Offers and Presentations
  • Administration of the Training & Development Area

Motto: „Let your smile change the world, but don‘t let the world change your smile.”


Harald Gesell, MBA

Training & Development


Harald Gesell began his professional career in database development and computer literacy. After only a short time he discovered his natural communication skills and from 1994 worked as a self-development trainer.
In addition to his work he completed a number of further trainings, including Train-the-Trainer, coaching and systemic trainings.


  • Development of leadership models and training of required skills
  • Introduction of mentoring systems
  • Implementation of appraisal interviews
  • Development of agent scorecards measuring customer orientation
  • Design and implementation of business and departmental strategies
  • Business evaluation of educational measures

Harald Gesell’s strengths lie in the ability to apprehend complex commercial contexts identifying necessary changes. His professional experience includes work in financial services, in the automobile industry, telecommunications, IT and with various manufacturers. The extent of his operational experience is an enrichment to facilitation, consultancy and training.


  • Leadership – executive and junior executive development
  • Business games
  • Leadership instruments – performance management and target agreement systems
  • Strategies – mission statement, leadership motto, business and departmental strategies
  • Change processes – restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, team processes
  • Sales development– strategic positioning on the market, sales management

Mag. Alexandra Kamper-Neulentner

Trainerin und Beraterin

Johann Hoffmann Platz 16
A-1120 Wien


Alexandra Kamper is a trainer and coach, as well as a learning architect and consultant for ISG Personalentwicklung. She has been working in the field of leadership development, as well as verbal and non-verbal communication for over 20 years and is a trained and licensed Mimikresonanz ® trainer. As a learning architect, she successfully designs programs and development measures for national and international companies of all industries and sizes at all levels of the company and accompanies them during implementation. With her many years of experience in the field of human resources development, Alexandra is happy to contribute her expertise to projects in an advisory capacity.

Alexandra is a trainer and coach from the bottom of her heart, her passion to accompany people in their personal development is noticeable in every seminar and every coaching.

Her motto “The shortest distance between 2 people is a smile” reflects her attitude towards life. She sees working with people and the opportunity to learn from each other as an ongoing chance for development.

Subject areas

  • Training offers in the areas of verbal and non-verbal communication, in body language
  • Leadership development
  • Self- and stress management
  • Systemic certified coaching
  • Creation of comprehensive development programs and -concepts

Fatma Stieger

Beraterin, Trainerin, Teambegleiterin und Coach

Johann Hoffmann Platz 16
A-1120 Wien


Fatma Stieger hatte schon seit Ihrer Jugend die Möglichkeit in mehreren Ländern, Kulturen und Kontinenten zu leben, zu studieren und zu arbeiten. Die Diversität dieser Erfahrungen hat sie frühzeitig geprägt und so konnte sie bald Menschen mehrdimensional betrachten, verstehen lernen und auf ihrem Entwicklungsweg beraten und begleiten. Dieser beinhaltet nicht nur die Vermittlung von Kompetenzen und Methodenwissen, sondern auch die Förderung der Fähigkeiten sich mit den eigenen Werten, Haltung und Einstellung auseinander zu setzen, zu reflektieren und neu zu orientieren. Die kontinuierliche Selbstentwicklung und Lernen beziehungsweise herausfordern des „Status Quo“ ist ihr bei sich genauso wichtig wie bei ihren Kunden.

Als Beraterin, Trainerin, Teambegleiterin ist ihre Intention individuelle Lösungen für die Bedürfnisse der jeweiligen Unternehmen und deren Kultur zu finden und diese mit den traditionellen und agilen Methoden zu unterstützen um den bestmöglichen Erfolg für Teams und Unternehmen zu erreichen.


  • Konzeption und Begleitung von Führungskräfteentwicklung, Leadership und High Potential Programme
  • Teambuilding, Moderation von Workshops und Managementklausuren
  • Trainings zum Thema Kommunikation, Konflikt, Teamdynamik & Change, Interkulturelle Führung und Kommunikation, Self-Leadership
  • Coaching von Führungskräften, Führungsteams und Mitarbeiter
  • Keynote Speaker zu den Themen Self-Leadership, Generationenvielfalt, Leadership und Kultur

Mag. Andrea Matauschek-Gitzi

Training & Development


During her studies at University Vienna the prospective psychologist worked as a client counselor in
different fields like IT, print media and production.
With transferring to a Communications and Marketing Agency’s trainings department and graduating
from trainer education she found her passion and took the first steps towards Personnell

Her first experience as a trainer was the implementation of seminars focusing on customer oriented
negotiations, tele marketing, customer complaints as well as stress management.
At the same time, Andrea started focusing her studies on business phsychology, thus being able to
further develop her seminar topics.

Many years of work in project management, developing educational programs, selection of
personnell, carreer coaching as well as teaching at Business University lead current focal points of

  • Conceptual design and implementation of personnell development programs
  • Design and presentation of assessment centers
  • Workshop topics: team building, team forming, team work, my ego within the team
  • Coaching personnell and management
  • Seminar and coaching topics: appearance and self presentation, self confidence, communication, diversity management

Working with different personalities as well as valuing communication motivates and drives me in
my professional activity.

Motto: “Experience different personalities
           Honest communication leads to accaptance
           Good relationship is the base for succsess”


Mag. Susanne Stiastny MBA

Training & Development


During her studies of economics Susanne Stiastny pursued her interest to put the obtained knowledge into action. She therefore began to include her economic knowledge into her service & catering management skills from the beginnings. Hence she was part, supported and led the successful establishment of three restaurants in the course of her studies. The topic of her master thesis led her into the area of in and outdoor team development, where she discovered her likings for the work with people; it also marked the beginning of her career as trainer. During the process of supporting executives and manager through sensitive change processes she started her personal research regarding the sustainability of training processes. She therefore worked within several companies in different business areas. Her following professional journey led her into a training position for an established trainings institute. There she designed a managed different trainings programs for 10 years. In her position as trainer she supported several participants in stress and time management and burnout prevention, Health promotion, communication and conversation techniques, mental fitness and motivation, regenerative training and Qi Gong. She puts a special emphasis on the development of character and sustainability with the convincement that change has to start within to be lived and realized on the outside.

Since 2015 Susanne Stiastny contributes her passion and professionalism within the support of people and years of experience in the trainings area to the ISG.

Area of Focus:

  • Design and support of personnel development measures
  • Health management and health-oriented leadership in the company – promoting healthy leadership
  • Expansion and training of communication and leadership skills
  • Experience-oriented team development
  • Support for change processes
  • Promotion of individual personality development, attitude, and mindset
  • Burnout prevention, stress management, resilience enhancement
  • Self-management and work-life integration
  • Mental training, executive coaching

It´s important to her to use a holistic approach and different perspectives when considering specific topics or issues, understand different dynamics and connections, to develop an reflective ability as well as finding the courage to change. Her objective is to guide people and teams to a sustainable success.

Motto: „Life isn´t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself“ George Bernard Shaw



Robert Tomczak, MA

Training & Development


During his studies in corporate management Robert Tomczak soon realized the importance of Sales, at the centerpiece of every company. A centerpiece fueled by the essential impulse of customer satisfaction. This knowledge has, combined with his joy of connecting and working with people, initiated his passion for sales.

Subsequent to the following successful part-time master studies in business consulting (specialization: Marketing & Sales) he consulted numerous companies besides his activity as salesman. In this function he designed concepts for client acquisition, which in combination with praxis-related on the jobs trainings, guaranteed a successful implementation. Therefore he has been able to gain cross-sector experience in consulting and sales in the last four years.

In addition he still supports students of his alma mater during the preparation for international sales competitions, since he himself won the first price at the European sales Competition in 2012, during his college days.

His enthusiasm and his winning smile have leaded him to the ISG in 2014, where he actively supports the Training & Development as Junior Sales trainer.

Area of Focus:

  • Telemarketing
  • Telephone trainings
  • Joint Visits

Motto: „Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” – Emmerson


Mag. pharm. Gabriele Ostermann

Training & Development


Gabriele Ostermann began her professional career after her studies of Pharmacy at the University of Vienna as a pharmacist. In addition to her interest in natural science she discovered a new passion: taking delight in communication, sales and deep interest in people, their values, mindset and behaviors’.

So it was obvious to starting a new professional career with consistent further development and increasing responsibilities. Gabriele Ostermann has experience in a variety of management and senior leadership areas including

  • 9 years of extensive experience as member of Affiliate Management Teams at 3 international pharmaceutical companies
  • 6 years Business Unit Director und 3 years Head of Sales (Strategic Marketing, Launch Excellence, Medical and Sales Management, Market Access, Patient Relations und Communication, Human Resource and Organizational Development)
  • Sales Manager
  • Sales Representative
  • Head of Marketing & Public Affairs at Medtech company

She also successfully completed an ISO trainer`s certificate to further support the ongoing development of her staff members, which helps her extensively in building up new organizational structures.

Her passion for people and her enthusiasm for practically orientated and effective sales and leadership trainings triggered switching into training and development areas.

Main focus:

  • Sales and Leadership trainings
  • Individual coaching for senior leadership, team leaders and employees
  • Moderation of workshops, meetings and events
  • Communication
  • Moderation of strategic workshops for team leaders and senior leadership
  • Marketing und launch excellence workshops

Motto: „Evolution does not let time lapse away, evolution capitalizes time.“


Mag. Martina Süssl

Training & Development


Parallel to her studies of psychology with the focus on occupational, organizational and industrial psychology at the University of Vienna, Martina Süssl began her professional career in the service team of DO & CO. To be host with all her heart and soul and to fulfill the highest quality standards was a daily challenge to be met. The awareness that customers are the only reason for the existence of a business, affects her working style to this day.

During this ten-year stint she was responsible for the organization and direction of numerous projects and in 1997 she was – based on her success – appointed as manager of a profit-centre. In this function she was able to gather important experience in management and was able to deploy instruments of personnel management as well as recruiting, implementing and leading appraisal interviews, developing and carrying out in-house workshops. Cost responsibility and result responsibility helped her understand the ways of business and entrepreneurial thinking.

Her intense interest in human resource management and her passion for customer-services were the reasons to change into the field of consultancy. Since the beginning of 2003, she has been a successful member of the ISG’s consultancy team. She supports numerous renowned companies in different industries (production, trade, service, non-profit) in the area of recruitment procedures. Her special interest values the individual abilities of people – the evaluation of high potential candidates in personnel development projects is one of her core competencies.


  • Search & Selection of specialists and senior staff
  • Design and implementation of assessment centres
  • Potential analysis and psychological diagnostics
  • Outplacement projects

Due to her above-average commitment she looks after her customers providing highest quality and sustainability.

Motto: „The only way to improve something is by questioning it.“


Mag. Birger Gerritsen



Birger Gerritsen is an aptitude diagnostician and a specialist in the “Employee Life Cycle” domain.

He firmly believes that a holistic and professional support of employees throughout their journey within a company not only significantly impacts people’s satisfaction but also substantially enhances employees’ commitment to the company.

In the field of aptitude diagnostics, he emphasizes a strengths-oriented approach because he believes that every individual possesses a wide array of potentials. However, these must be deliberately identified and analyzed before they can be utilized effectively in practice.

Areas of Expertise:

  • Design and facilitation of potential analyses and diagnostic procedures
  • Development and implementation of online-based surveys and multisource feedback
  • Personality assessments and testing
  • Training and development of executives in the realm of “Professional Recruiting”
  • Outplacement consultation and support

Herbert Steinhauser



Herbert Steinhauser’s career started in the automobile industry. His success as a salesperson for Volkswagen, Audi and Porsche paved the way for his career as key account manager for major commercial clients. A strong passion for communication in general and sales in particular led to his decision to move into the training profession. Following an intensive Train-the-Trainer-course with a highly reputed consulting firm, he worked for a number of organisations as a trainer and coach.

During this time he acquired extensive know-how in the training and development of managers and sales personnel as well as technical and back office staff.

Thus, as a sales manager, he led his teams to great success whilst gathering valuable experience in leadership. During that time he was in charge of the start-up of three B2B-units and a staff of up to 30.
Since 2001, Herbert Steinhauser has been responsible for ISG’s Training & Development unit. Customers from diverse industries, often market leaders, work with him and benefit from individually tailored training concepts.


  • Sales and Acquisition
  • Communication
  • Personal Skills Development
  • Motivational Training
  • Leadership Styles and Tools
  • Presentation Techniques
  • Teambuilding and Potential Analysis

Herbert Steinhauser’s training feature a high degree of practicability with respect to daily business. He is intensively concerned with Change Processes in organisations and is highly successful in positively influencing employees’ reactions and behaviours in order to make change happen.

Motto: „Energy cannot be destroyed.“


Mag. Susanne Steinhauser

Projektmanagement & Controlling


After a successful graduate degree in international marketing and management with emphasis on Controlling and corporate governance, Susanne Steinhauser started her career at ISG Personalmanagement GmbH as HR consultant. Next to her responsibilities of recruiting qualified personnel, she was assigned assistant activities for the management. Soon she assumed control of administration and coordination department.

As of 2010 she reinforces team of HR-Training& Developement


  • Controlling und cost analysis for HR-Training and Developement
  • Key account manager
  • Quality management and business process optimization
  • Coordination of ISG Intensive-Training
  • Concept and Implementation of 360° Mystery Checks
  • Studies of business potential and Analysis

Motto: Everyone has his own fortune.


Iris Hinterecker, MSc

Personalentwicklerin, Trainerin und Coach


Iris Hinterecker ist als Beraterin, Trainerin und Coach für die Personalentwicklung und das Training von Mitarbeiter:innen und Führungskräften in nationalen und internationalen Firmen tätig.

Das Interesse am Menschen und dessen Entwicklung hat Iris Hinterecker stets inspiriert und durchs Leben begleitet. Daher steht bei ihr die individuelle Weiterentwicklung jedes Einzelnen und eine qualitative Teambegleitung im Fokus. Wesentliche Faktoren sind für sie Nachhaltigkeit, Qualität, Reflexion und (Selbst- und Team)Wirksamkeit in jedem Setting.

In ihrer Vergangenheit hat Iris außerdem eine sportliche Karriere im Kampfsport verfolgt. Als mehrfache Staatsmeisterin bezieht sie wertvolle Erfahrungen daraus in ihre Seminare, Trainings und Workshops mit ein und ermöglicht den Teilnehmer:innen Erkenntnisse auf mentaler und körperlicher Ebene zu erleben, die direkt in den Berufsalltag integriert werden können.


  • Führungskräfteentwicklung
  • Teamentwicklung und Moderation
  • Konfliktmanagement und Deeskalation
  • Trainings/Seminare zum Thema Kommunikation, Gesprächsführung, Konflikt, Change, Generationenmanagement uvm.
  • Erlebnispädagogische Trainings, Incentives und Kampfkunst
  • Systemisches Einzelcoaching

Mag. Alfred Schaider

Training & Development


“Supporting people and businesses along the way towards their goals”, is Alfred Schaider’s main objective which he chose early on, inspired by early experiences as teamleader and in sales, during his studies in business management in Graz and Manchester. Consequently, this led him to specialise in personnel and organisational development as well as knowledge management.

To supplement his academic management know-how, Alfred Schaider also completed self-awareness-oriented trainer courses and further seminars such as radio and stage presentations, conflict partnership, coaching and team-development.

Alfred Schaider’s distinct talent to combine diverse approaches as well as dealing with people in an authentic, humorous and appreciative way, contributed vastly to his success as a trainer since 2000.
After training and coaching thousands of people from various business backgrounds, levels of education and age groups in the areas of leadership, sales, teamwork, conflict management, communication, self-marketing and issues arising from professional orientation he joined ISG in in 2006. He currently works on making his vision (and yours?) reality through customised team development, leadership and sales trainings and individual coachings – accommodating both economic and personal aspects in organisations assuring a company’s success.

In contact with managers, employees and HR of different branches Alfred Schaider developed as very special training-focus since 2010: „Making people happy at work!“
Combining scientifically-sound interventions from “positive psychology” (cf. Seligman, Peterson, Lyubomirsky, Diener, Csikszentmihalyi, Fredrickson, Cameron e.a) a relatively new branch of research, as well as techniques out of the Systemic and Logotherapeutic context he offers “Happy at work” as keynote-speech, seminar-program, teamworkshop or individual coaching-process.

Motto: „Meaning can´t be given, but it can be found;in our work, in our relationships and in our lives.“


Dr. Stephan Proksch, MAS

Training & Development


Stephan Proksch started his professional career in the industrial sector in the field of Quality Management and later changed to the insurance business. He managed the implementation of an inhouse conflict management system.

In 2003 he started his professional career as a mediator, consultant and trainer. From 2004 until 2008 he was spokesman of the experts group business mediation of the consulting branch of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKO). Parallel to this assignment he wrote his doctoral thesis in the field of conflict management. He has been running the training courses in business mediation of the WKO for more than ten years.

His studies at the University of Economics and Business in Vienna as well as at the University of Illinois/USA awakened his passion for international projects and trainings, which he runs in German and English.

His intensive interest for people and collaboration lead him to complete a number of trainings in the field of Coaching, Organizational Development, Group Dynamics, Training, and Mediation. He has written several books, among them “Conflict Management” which was published by Springer.

Area of Focus:

  • Conflict Management
  • Mediation
  • Team Development, Collaboration & Cooperation
  • Negotiation
  • Conception and Realization of Leadership trainings
  • Design and Support of Organization Development projects
  • Support and Supervision of Inhouse Change projects and Culture Change programs
  • Lecturer at Universities (University Graz, Sigmund Freud University, FH Wien)
  • Course Management

Motto: „Love, Live, Laugh, Give.“


Christian Watzenig

Training & Development


With a background in the furniture industry, he then specialized in carpentry and interior design, and quickly moved from there to consulting and sales in the high-end furniture trade. He was instrumental in setting up two franchise locations in the center of Vienna and soon had the opportunity to lead his own team. In short time he was able to really make these teams successful.

Christian Watzenig was responsible for the successful management of both franchise locations for four years.  He developed his own training program within the company to make successful employees even more successful.  The focus of these internal trainings was: sales, presentation, and communication.

After becoming a trainer (Competences: economic and social affairs), he supported a medium-sized company in the upscale furniture trade (approximately 250 employees) as a sales manager.


  • Sales
  • Leadership

His goal is to be practically oriented and effective

Motto: „Die Qualität der Saat bestimmt die Qualität der Ernte.


Mag. Claudia Wallner

Expert in "Leadership Development" and "Strategic Developmentprograms"


Claudia Wallner serves numerous national and international companies. As a business informatics graduate, mental coach, and personality trainer, she leverages her diverse expertise to design innovative and practical life-long learning solutions.

Valuing the uniqueness and versatility of individuals, she creates a training environment where each participant can develop highly individually. In other words, her great passion lies in guiding individuals and teams through competence development processes.

Focus Areas:

  • Strategic Human Resources Development and Blended Learning
  • Modern Leadership, Change Leadership, and Healthy Leadership
  • Self- and team leadership in change and New Work environments
  • Leadership tools, communication, and conflict management
  • Coaching and mental training
  • Train the Trainer


Motto: „Things are never as they are. They are, what we make of them.“


Roman Schmidt

Training & Development


At the beginning he started in the consulting business, focusing on business consulting for small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as the IT training of the entire MS Office range from beginners to programmers. Thus from the beginning on he focused on financial and economic topics, supported by an efficient computer use.

During his time in the automotive industry, where he supported a variety of enterprises in budgeting and reporting and developed together with dealers a benchmarking system, also the efficient use of the tools played an important role. Tools should always be a means to an end and not an end in itself.

After moving into the real estate investment industry and becoming partner and managing director, he set the focus on the optimal organization of the financial department following the motto: The right information at the right time and right place at the right addressee. In particular, the cross-border issues with different accounting rules, IT systems, languages and mentalities (it was necessary to coordinate some 140 employees) resulted in exiting projects.


  • Analysis & Planning (budgeting, business plans, target / actual comparisons, liquidity management, etc.)
  • Reporting (design and implementation of reporting solutions)
  • Calculation (profitability analysis, profit center management, business valuation, etc.)
  • Handling of Controlling tasks in the context of outsourcing projects
  • Interim Management
  • IT Training

Motto: „Die Tugend des Erfolgreichen zeigt sich ebenso groß im Vermeiden wie im Überwinden von Gefahren!“



Alexander Degenhart



Alexander Degenhart is a cooperation partner of ISG in the area of ​​personnel development and training. As a consultant, trainer and lecturer at universities, he supports companies in strategic sales issues.

His customers include small and large organizations from a wide variety of industries, but especially customers with a technological background. Alexander focuses on the design and development of sales and training models and their introduction.

  • Development of management skills in sales
  • Design of sales and training models
  • Performance of business games and business simulations
  • Design and implementation of sales channel organizations
  • Lectures on sales, customer relationship management and leadership behavior in sales
  • Performance management and leadership models in sales

“I am inspired by visionary business ideas! Entrepreneurship fascinates me! That’s why I like to work hard!”


Katharina Sigl, MAS, MSc., MBA, MA

Senior Beratung Employer Branding & Customer Engagement


Katharina Sigl loves the creative and communicative challenges that arise when reaching employees and customers.

Finding the real benefits for customers and employees and packaging them in smart and effective concepts is particularly important to her.

She is convinced that sustainable corporate success is only possible through strict commitment on the part of both stakeholder groups – regardless of the industry or company size

 Happy works!


  • Employer Value Proposition & Position
  • Employer Journey & Branding Campaigns
  • Engagement Concepts
  • Analysis and optimization of existing lead and customer categorizations
  • Development of individual company personas
  • Customer or user journey with success factors
  • Customer and benefit surveys
  • Service and customer design processes


Motto: “Courage + enthusiasm = future”



DI Thomas Johann Nowotny

Trainer, Coach


Thomas Nowotny, consultant, coach, and cooperation partner of ISG, is convinced that one can grow together with joy and ease in a appreciative togetherness. In his collaboration with other people, he sees all participants as equal partners because he believes that sustainable connections are formed, leading to meaningful results. His industry focus is on life science, and he has over 20 years of leadership experience in dynamic and complex companies both domestically and internationally, which he incorporates into his trainings in a practical manner.

In coaching, he invites his clients to take on new perspectives, explore solution spaces with curiosity, and supports them in achieving the defined goals.

Areas of expertise:

  • Leadership development
  • Self and stress management
  • Coaching of executives and employees
  • Workshop facilitation

Eva Krummholz

Berater, Trainer und Coach


Eva Krummholz ist als Trainer, Berater und Coach für Personalentwicklung. Mit Leidenschaft begleitet sie Menschen und Organisationen in Veränderungsprozessen. Sie unterstützt Menschen gerne dabei, Prozesse aus verschiedenen Perspektiven zu betrachten und kreative Lösungen zu entwickeln.

Als Trainerin bietet sie Schulungen und Workshops an, um Führungskräfte und Teams auf Veränderungen vorzubereiten und ihnen die notwendigen Fähigkeiten und Werkzeuge zu vermitteln.


  • Teamentwicklung u. Workshopmoderation
  • Kommunikation in der Führung und im Team
  • Systemisch-lösungsorientiertes Einzelcoaching

Michael Walzek



Michael Walzek is a cooperation partner of ISG in the field of training as well as personnel and organizational development. He describes Human Resources as his “professional passion” and refers to many years of a “happy partnership,” whether in senior HR roles in international corporations, in academic teaching, or as an independent consultant, coach, and trainer.

Human Resources is at the center of a positive, successful, and enabling organizational culture. Theory and practice from various areas, including traditional HR management, systemic organizational development, or agile and innovative work culture, are interconnected.

Focus Areas:

  • HR strategy development and transformation
  • HR process design, outsourcing, HR-IT systems
  • “New Work” in Human Resources
  • Designing Employee Experiences (EX) and Experience Journeys
  • Change-by-Design & Lean Change Management
  • Enabling Leadership & Leadership Experience
  • Innovation, Design Thinking & “Doing”

Motto: „Human centered design – It all starts with empathy!”


DI Dr. Bernd Schossmann, MBA



Bernd Schossmann is a consultant who specializes in quickly grasping complex issues and developing a structured approach together with the customer. His expertise covers market analyses, strategy development and process optimization as well as in-depth experience in interface management between IT and business. He has extensive industry experience in the fields of pharmaceuticals, IT (including AI), retail, and industrial goods.

His specializations include:

  • Market analysis
  • Strategy development
  • Process analysis and optimization (also with regard to IT)

“Simplicity does not precede complexity, it follows it.” (Alan Perlis)


Renate Ecker



Renate Ecker has years of experience in team leadership, project management, event organization, and strategy process development. After completing her additional education with a Master’s in “Training & Development” in 2022, she specialized in personnel, organizational, and personality development as well as employer branding.

She is a passionate personnel developer, team developer, trainer, and coach. Her clients can feel this passion. The focus of her work is always on the person or the team with all their strengths and areas for development. To achieve a constructive and successful collaboration, she works intensively on personality development.


  • Strategic personnel development
  • Team development and workshop facilitation
  • Communication in leadership and teams
  • Strategic organizational and team development processes
  • Development of employer branding strategies
  • Employee leadership, communication, rhetoric & presentation
  • Team development & conflict resolution in teams
  • Facilitation of retreats & workshops
  • Training on leadership, communication, conflict, and team dynamics
  • Systemic – solution-oriented individual coaching

Her motto: Making good things better. With a plan and strategy to success.


Erik Meinhart, MA

Personnel developer, aptitude diagnostician, trainer


Erik Meinhart is a passionate personnel developer, aptitude diagnostician and trainer.

The aim of his work is to help people gain a better understanding of their values, strengths and areas for development. This enables them to develop in a targeted manner and select the tasks and roles that are a good fit for their interests and skills.

When working together, Erik emphasizes a solution-oriented approach, clear and transparent communication and respectful interaction.

Subject areas

  • Design and support of tailored diagnostic procedures and assessments (individual assessments, development centers, hearings/assessment centers)
  • Personality and behavioral analyses (Big Five, DISG, OPQ)
  • Support for online-based multi-source feedback and satisfaction surveys
  • Designing and advising on strategic and structured personnel development measures
  • Training and individual coaching (self-management, motivation, communication, conflicts)

Emily Zuna-Kratky

Junior Consultant


Emily Zuna-Kratky started her journey at ISG Personalmanagement in September 2022, where she joined as an HR consulting intern with a specialization in IT recruiting. Throughout her six-month internship, she got to know the wide recruitment landscape, sourcing and assessing candidates from diverse sectors while improving her consulting skills. Continuing her career hat ISG, Emily transitioned into the role of Junior Consultant after the internship.

Driven by a desire for continuous growth, Emily now sets her sights on a new chapter in her career at ISG. She has chosen to join the esteemed team in Spain with their expertise in IT positions, as she endeavors to further enhance her knowledge and skills in this field. With a strong commitment to professional development, Emily is focused on contributing her expertise and make a lasting impact within the realm of IT recruitment at ISG.


Dipl.-Psych. Tillmann Gehlhoff

Managing Partner


Tillmann Gehlhoff is a partner of ISG Germany GmbH at the company location Bielefeld.

As a qualified occupational and organizational psychologist with a focus on human resources and personnel development, he worked for several years in a medium-sized textile-industry company as the head of the personnel department.

Tillmann Gehlhoff has been working since 1994 as a human resources and organizational consultant, personnel developer and management coach among other roles for Kienbaum Management Consultants, the Neuhaus+Partner Advisory Group.  Since 1999 he has been a founder and managing partner of INTRAC GmbH, an institute for HR consulting and management training. His clients include both nationally and internationally successful companies and corporations.

As a specialist and coach on the topic of change management his consultant focus is on the search for and development of personnel in the context of rapidly changing entrepreneurial environments. His search for and integration of new professionals and executives is based on a comparison of the client’s requirements and the candidate’s professional and personal qualifications. At your request he can also perform a detailed analysis of the candidate’s actual capabilities and the desired situation for both the company and the team.

In interviews with specialists and executives, his training in client-centered talk therapy provides his customers with greater insight into candidate personality when selecting employees.

For over 20 years Tillmann Gehlhoff has been advising companies on issues of personnel development, especially in matters of leadership development. The spectrum of his activities ranges from the building up of management development programs to the implementation of specific programs, workshops, and individual coaching.

Areas of expertise:

  • Search & Selection for specialists and executives / Executive Search
  • Advising senior executives
  • Management development programs

Motto: “Those who can’t change their minds, can’t  change anything.” (George Bernard Shaw)


Jörg Hohlfeld

Trainer, Coach & Berater


Jörg Hohlfeld is a partner of ISG Personalmanagement Germany GmbH and responsible for Training & Development at the Augsburg site.

After successfully training to become a state-approved electrical engineer, Jörg Hohlfeld began as a service technician in the IT industry. His further professional development led him into the areas of sales and training with the world’s leading ICT service provider, Ingram Micro. As a sales manager there, he headed sales teams for several years in the areas of key accounts and pan-European accounts, before he became the Regional Sales Manager in Germany responsible for international customers. At the same time he served as a trainer for in-house workshops in the fields of CRM and ERP, as well as sales department trainings. In addition, Jörg Hohlfeld developed himself further as a consultant in the areas of body language, communication skills and personality development for private clients and SMEs. To polish it all off he completed the training to become a certified personnel and business coach, before he started his own consulting, coaching and training business.

Jörg Hohlfeld delivers over 25 years of practical experience from the industrial, service, and commercial sectors, and serves to develop the potential of technical and management personnel as well as in the professional support of employees in the areas of business coaching and training. His entrepreneurial know-how from the economy and his leadership positions, in addition to his cross-industry experience in service, form the practical and value-oriented basis for successful personal development and sustainable business success.

Training focus:

  • Developing the potential of professionals and executives (including coaching guidance during the first 100 days of the new management role)
  • Sales analysis, sales consulting and sales coaching (also on site)
  • Trainings for communication, discussion and negotiation, leadership development, successful selling, customer and key-account management, personal development and knowledge of human nature
  • Consulting and creation of programs to develop potential and leadership

Motto: “Progress does not consist of the improvement of what was, but in directing what will be.” (Khalil Gibran)


Petra Vsetecka

Media Consultant


Petra Vsetecka has worked in the field of personnel and job advertising for over 26 years. With her in-depth knowledge of job markets she helps her clients to find the best suited candidates quickly and professionally.

Since 2016, she supports ISG in Vienna as a media consultant, assisting companies from a wide range of industries in placing job advertisements. She attaches particular importance to an appreciative, service-oriented support.


  • Consulting in media selection (print and online; national and international)
  • Quotations
  • Order completion
  • Customer service

Motto: “The measure of our actions is customer satisfaction.


Mag. Sabine Rössl-Stastny

Media Consultant


After having successfully completed her studies in Journalism & Communication Science, Sabine Rössl worked in time recording and access control in customer service and sales (program extensions).

Subsequently, she transitioned to a personnel advertising agency, where she was responsible for the processing of job advertisements from customer requests to media placement.

Since 2016, she supports ISG in Vienna as a media consultant for the placement of declared ads in print and online media (national and international).
She focuses on a quick, service-oriented and appreciative support of customer concerns.


  • Consulting in media selection (print and online; national and international)
  • Quotations
  • Order completion
  • Customer service

Motto: “Never start quitting and never quit starting!


Dr. Martin Kopsa

Head of Sales


Studied Business Administration at the Vienna University of Economics and Business: Graduation in 2003

Studied Political Science at the University of Vienna: Graduation in 2005 and 2014

Strengthening ISGs Viennes team, Martin Kopsa joined in June 2016 as a sales manager. Previously, he was a sales manager at CATRO/Media4Jobs and brings in eight years of experience in media service and sales.


Johannes Bösze, MBA



Johannes Bösze started his professional career in newspaper sales. As an area manager, he was responsible for the delivery of Krone and Kurier, demonstrating his ability and organizational skill for several years.

In 1999, he transitioned to temporary staffing, acting as account manager and personnel consultant. From 2000, he continued his career with the global market leader for HR services. He successfully completed the qualifying examination for trades in temporary employment; his diverse professional training includes a diploma for personal accounting.


Horst Neumayer

Head of Sales & Recruiting D.A.CH

Universitätsring 14
A-1010 Wien


During his training at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Munich, Horst Neumayer focused on marketing and sales. He was able to apply and successfully implement the professional skills he had acquired at various companies in German-speaking countries.

Horst Neumayer has been supporting the ISG sales team at the Vienna headquarters since 2008.

Due to his many years of experience and acquired professional expertise, he was given operational responsibility for the development and expansion as well as the management of the DACH sales team by the management in 2019 and the management of the recruiting department in 2022. When working with his team, he relies on open communication, respectful cooperation and continuous development. Humor is also a welcome companion in his eyes.

Motto: “It’s not enough to know – you also have to apply. It is not enough to want – you must also do.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Manuel Major

Deputy Head of Sales & Recruiting D.A.CH

Universitätsring 14
A-1010 Wien


Manuel Major has been Deputy Head of Sales & Recruiting for the D.A.CH region at ISG since 2022.

After graduating from AHS De La Salle in Vienna, he completed his military service. As a sportsman, he is passionate about soccer – his ability to act as a team player is something he also brings to his new role at ISG.

Manuel has turned his passion for meeting people into a profession thanks to his sound scientific education and his professional career with positions in the public sector and HR consulting.

Motto: “Anyone who stops learning is old. He may be twenty or eighty.” (Henry Ford)


Tobias Auer



Tobias Auer ist seit 2022 bei der ISG Personalmanagement GmbH als Recruiter tätig.

Er zeichnet sich durch seine zuverlässige Arbeitsweise und beeindruckende Zielstrebigkeit aus. Seine große Freude, täglich mit Menschen zusammenzuarbeiten, spiegelt seine Begeisterung für Human Resources wider. Herr Auer studiert derzeit an der WU Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften mit Schwerpunkt HR, um seine Expertise kontinuierlich weiterzuentwickeln. Mit seinem umfassenden Wissen trägt er maßgeblich zum Erfolg seines Teams bei.

Sein Motto “Wer will, findet Wege – wer nicht will, findet Gründe” zeigt ein hohes Maß an Motivation, das von seinen KollegInnen und KundInnen sehr geschätzt wird.


Gabriele C. Goldynia

Managing Partner


After successfully finishing her business management education, Ms. Goldynia started her career in the field of international sales and marketing in a variety of large enterprises. Subsequently, she worked in various well-known companies in the field of sales and marketing, project management, HR and organisational development.

Before joining ISG, she successfully worked as manager in the field of qualification and consulting for many years. Working for a number of years in small companies as well as in leading companies of different trades, Ms. Goldynia acquired vast experience in the fields of human resources, organisational development and strategic management, with the main focus being on sales and marketing.

For about ten years she gained further experience by attending various education programs in the fields of coaching, human resources and organisational development, NLP, HR analysis of potentials, communication training and special issues in the field of human resources consulting.

Ms. Goldynia has been a member of the ISG team since March 2005. As a Carinthian based in Villach, she concentrates on serving the Carinthian market.

The key aspects of her activities are:

  • HR consultancy
  • Personnel selection and search
  • HR development
  • Analysis of potential as TMS ®, SDI ®, MBTI® ao.
  • Outplacement and implacement consultation
  • Culture change
  • Selection and development assessment centers

Francesca Pripfl, BA

HR-Assistenz Medienservice/Search (international)


Ms. Francesca Pripfl studied Business Management at the Carinthian University of Applied Sciences in Villach. Her specializations included marketing as well as human resources management. As part of her studies, she completed a three-month professional internship in the areas of marketing and HR. Thereby she was not only able to put her acquired knowledge into practice but also to further strengthen her compentences. Francesca will start her Master’s degree in Business Development & Management at the FH Kärnten in Villach in September and will support the ISG team as an HR assistant.

Motto: ,,Success consists of two letters: DO’’ – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Peter Aschenwald

Managing Partner

A-4053 Haid – OÖ
Nettingsdorferstraße 68

A-6370 Kitzbühel – Tirol
Kirchbergerstraße 62a


Peter Aschenwald – with more than 20 years of management experience and a focus on human resources, provides comprehensive consulting and high utility to his customers.

He was Managing Director and CEO for many years at the market leader in retail sporting goods and since 2003 offers his expertise as a consultant.

A strong sense of empathy and understanding, broad practical experience, and fast uncomplicated implementation make him a competent partner for all human resource consulting issues.

Motto: „A cool head, a warm heart and working hands!“


Mag. Erwin Ortner, MBA

Managing Partner


Completed his undergraduate degree in business administration at the Johannes Kepler University of Linz with a focus on marketing and accounting, and his postgraduate education at the LIMAK Linz with an MBA in General Management. He has a total of 26 years of professional experience in technical and management positions in Austrian and international companies in the sectors of financial auditing services, food industry, logistics, and the petroleum industry. Since 2004 he has been a freelance company and personnel consultant, and since 2008 an independent partner and consultant for ISG Personnel Management GmbH.

Erwin Ortner can inform you about the following focuses of his personnel consulting work:


  • Machine and factory construction
  • Electro-technology / electronics, automation, robotics
  • Pharmaceuticals / chemicals / plastics
  • Food industry
  • Building materials industry and trade
  • Logistics
  • Banking and insurance
  • Legal and tax consulting, auditing
  • Research / education / science


  • TECHNOLOGY (mechanical, electro-technology, automation, mechatronics, process engineering, environmental engineering, quality management, chemistry, renewable energy, production-oriented managers with other educational and training focuses)
  • DISTRIBUTION (mainly in the business-to-business technical environment)
  • HR roles with different key tasks and responsibilities

Barbara Sebera (formerly Rammer)

Managing Partner


Barbara Sebera – active in personnel consulting for over 30 years.

After completing a Commercial Academy, Barbara began her career working in sales and controlling for a food industry company in Vienna for five years. She then moved in the field of personnel consulting and recruitment in 1990. Since then, Barbara has been working in the personnel consulting and recruitment business for well-known companies in Upper Austria. Over the last 16 years she was a division manager for commercial and technical positions.

With ISG since January 1st, 2021 as Managing Partner.

Barbara Sebera has extensive professional experience in the classic field of search & selection of Specialists and Executives in various industries. This includes Executive recruitment and guarantees professional handling and support throughout the consulting and recruitment process.

Barbara has completed numerous training courses in the areas of leadership, communication, sales and training as a systemic solution-oriented coach throughout her professional career.

In addition to systemic search and selection as well as analytical selection, Barbara Sebera is a successful personal consultant and recruitment professional today as she provides above all empathy, communications skills, hands-on mentality, absolute reliability and confidentiality which customers and candidates hold in high regard and value.


  • Professional Search & Selection
  • Executive Search
  • Coaching
  • Outplacement


  • Industry & Consumer Goods
  • Retail & Wholesale
  • Financial Services
  • Transportation & Logistics
  • Consulting Services

Mag. Christoph Leitner

Managing Partner


Christoph Leitner studied economics at the Johannes KeplerUniversity Linz in the core areas of Personalwirtschaftt,controlling, corporate development and legal affairs. In addition, he completed in addition to numerous otherembodiments, the certification examinations (master exams) for the business of temporary employment and recruitmentas well as the travel agency industryhe is alsoakkredidierter trainer in adult education after SystemCert.

Was he responsible for the start of his career for the travelmanagement to its customers as a tourism and businesstravel managers (Quote: had to take the chance in a largetravel group walkto look at the world and to managebetween customers, airlines, hotels and travel agencies andconvey what had made huge fun ), he has beenmore than 10 years of HR and management consultant and is a service in advising companies and job and career guide foremployees and applicants.

There is always an uplifting experience with his customers to be successful, to generate solutions and to find the right fit with the appropriate staff. We are here and why we ask our customers!”

Mag Leitner is managing partner of the ISG Personalmanagement GmbH Your partner for quality time andwork, personnel consultancy, human resource development and executive search.

Motto: Dissatisfaction is the beginning of the success


Silke Mörtenhuber, MSc

Managing Partner


Silke Moertenhuber began her professional career with a well-known car manufacturer. After some successful years in this area, Mrs. Moertenhuber decided on re-orientation, began her studies of psychology and sociology and changed into the field or personnel consultation.


  • Search & selection of technical specialist and senior staff
  • Customer-related project completion and co-ordination in executive research
  • Compiling job descriptions and definition of job requirements
  • Recruiting of personnel and presentation to the customer
  • Selection and organisation of all internal and external trainings

Mrs. Moertenhuber particularly excels in her empathy fo people, her commitment and her communication skills. Due to her vast interest in personal as well as professional advancement training, she completed training courses in the fields of coaching, NLP, presentation and communication, HRM, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) as well as in systemic and gestalt-therapeutical consultation.
Additionally, Mrs. Moertenhuber extended her field of knowledge as a trainer and coach in one of the leading adult education institutes, in the domains of personality development, and occupation orientation.

Since March 2004, Mrs. Moertenhuber has been active for ISG Personalmanagment GmbH. Her office is located in Linz and serves customers in all of Upper Austria.


  • Personnel consultancy
  • Personnel search & selection
  • Design and implementation of assessment centers
  • Headhunting
  • Outplacement
  • Coaching

Motto: „If you can dream it, you can do it“ Walt Disney



Dr. Peter Muckenhuber

Managing Partner


Dr. Peter Muckenhuber completed his degree in production and management at the Steyr University of Applied Sciences in 2002, followed by part-time studies in economics at the Johannes Kepler University and doctorate at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences in Vienna.

With almost 20 years of professional experience the range of track record of Dr. Muckenhuber lasts from project experience to leadership experience as team and branch manager as well as interim manager. The professional experience covers manufacturing and industry, agriculture, energy supply, technical services / IT / robotics and mechanical engineering.

The individual needs of customers and their organizations are met through the broad experience of Dr. Muckenhuber identified efficiently and precisely and enables a holistic view of it. Thanks to the extensive service portfolio (personnel, IT special service, headhunting, training, outplacement, interim management), the right solution for customers, employees and potential new employees can be developed and implemented.


Credo: „The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change“ (Heraklit)



  • Technology
  • Industry
  • Business Consultancy / Interim management
  • Public & Government (Energy)
  • Agriculture

Mag. Erwin Ortner, MBA

Managing Partner


Completed his undergraduate degree in business administration at the Johannes Kepler University of Linz with a focus on marketing and accounting, and his postgraduate education at the LIMAK Linz with an MBA in General Management. He has a total of 26 years of professional experience in technical and management positions in Austrian and international companies in the sectors of financial auditing services, food industry, logistics, and the petroleum industry. Since 2004 he has been a freelance company and personnel consultant, and since 2008 an independent partner and consultant for ISG Personnel Management GmbH.

Erwin Ortner can inform you about the following focuses of his personnel consulting work:


  • Machine and factory construction
  • Electro-technology / electronics, automation, robotics
  • Pharmaceuticals / chemicals / plastics
  • Food industry
  • Building materials industry and trade
  • Logistics
  • Banking and insurance
  • Legal and tax consulting, auditing
  • Research / education / science


  • TECHNOLOGY (mechanical, electro-technology, automation, mechatronics, process engineering, environmental engineering, quality management, chemistry, renewable energy, production-oriented managers with other educational and training focuses)
  • DISTRIBUTION (mainly in the business-to-business technical environment)
  • HR roles with different key tasks and responsibilities

Barbara Sebera (formerly Rammer)

Managing Partner


Barbara Sebera – active in personnel consulting for over 30 years.

After completing a Commercial Academy, Barbara began her career working in sales and controlling for a food industry company in Vienna for five years. She then moved in the field of personnel consulting and recruitment in 1990. Since then, Barbara has been working in the personnel consulting and recruitment business for well-known companies in Upper Austria. Over the last 16 years she was a division manager for commercial and technical positions.

With ISG since January 1st, 2021 as Managing Partner.

Barbara Sebera has extensive professional experience in the classic field of search & selection of Specialists and Executives in various industries. This includes Executive recruitment and guarantees professional handling and support throughout the consulting and recruitment process.

Barbara has completed numerous training courses in the areas of leadership, communication, sales and training as a systemic solution-oriented coach throughout her professional career.

In addition to systemic search and selection as well as analytical selection, Barbara Sebera is a successful personal consultant and recruitment professional today as she provides above all empathy, communications skills, hands-on mentality, absolute reliability and confidentiality which customers and candidates hold in high regard and value.


  • Professional Search & Selection
  • Executive Search
  • Coaching
  • Outplacement


  • Industry & Consumer Goods
  • Retail & Wholesale
  • Financial Services
  • Transportation & Logistics
  • Consulting Services

Peter Aschenwald

Managing Partner

A-4053 Haid – OÖ
Nettingsdorferstraße 68

A-6370 Kitzbühel – Tirol
Kirchbergerstraße 62a


Peter Aschenwald – with more than 20 years of management experience and a focus on human resources, provides comprehensive consulting and high utility to his customers.

He was Managing Director and CEO for many years at the market leader in retail sporting goods and since 2003 offers his expertise as a consultant.

A strong sense of empathy and understanding, broad practical experience, and fast uncomplicated implementation make him a competent partner for all human resource consulting issues.

Motto: „A cool head, a warm heart and working hands!“


Traude Rathgeb

Managing Partner


Mit Empathie und Erfahrung verbindet Traude Rathgeb Menschen, die zusammenpassen.

Frau Rathgeb ist Managing Partner der ISG Österreich und seit 2019 als Unternehmensberaterin selbstständig.
Mit ihrer Beratungsfirma „The Sound Of Export“ unterstützt sie Betriebe im Außenhandel, Internationalisierung und Organisationsentwicklung ( Neben obigen Themen ist die Personalsuche in vielen Organisationen eine stetige Herausforderung. Mit der ISG unterstützt Traude Rathgeb professionell Ihre Kunden auch in der Personalsuche.

Sie war über 20 Jahre erfolgreich als Exportexpertin in leitenden Positionen in Vertrieb, Marketing und HR, vorwiegend in Produktionsbetrieben tätig. Als Chief HR Officer in einem Familienkonzern entwickelte sie HR-Projekte. Der Fokus lag auf Führungskräfte-Planung, Sicherstellung des Wissens-Transfers bei Pensionierungen, On- und Offboarding und Employer Branding zwecks Facharbeitergewinnung 

Traude Rathgebs Begeisterung für das Arbeiten mit Menschen und ihre jahrelange Führungsverantwortung hat ihre Überzeugung gestärkt, dass die richtige Personalauswahl und Diversität auf allen Unternehmensebenen erfolgsentscheidend sind.


  • Suche und Auswahl von Fach- und Führungskräften
  • Executive Search
  • Personalberatung


  • Industrie & Gewerbe
  • Finanzdienstleistung
  • Transport & Logistik
  • Beratungsdienstleistung

Frau Rathgeb hat ausgezeichnete Beziehungen zu Frauen in C-Level Positionen in ganz Europa. Sie ist Mitglied des Europäischen Frauen-Leadership-Netzwerks EWMD. Mehrere Jahre war sie Präsidentin des Chapters Linz, Austria-Präsidentin sowie Mitglied im International EMWD Board.

Ihren Ausbildungsweg in der Kombination aus Bürokauffrau-Lehre in Linz, Universitätslehrgang an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien und umfangreicher Praxis auf internationaler Ebene sieht Traude Rathgeb als großen Vorteil. Im Jahr 2016 wurde Frau Rathgeb in Oberösterreich zur Managerin des Jahres gewählt.


Dr. Peter Muckenhuber

Managing Partner


Dr. Peter Muckenhuber completed his degree in production and management at the Steyr University of Applied Sciences in 2002, followed by part-time studies in economics at the Johannes Kepler University and doctorate at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences in Vienna.

With almost 20 years of professional experience the range of track record of Dr. Muckenhuber lasts from project experience to leadership experience as team and branch manager as well as interim manager. The professional experience covers manufacturing and industry, agriculture, energy supply, technical services / IT / robotics and mechanical engineering.

The individual needs of customers and their organizations are met through the broad experience of Dr. Muckenhuber identified efficiently and precisely and enables a holistic view of it. Thanks to the extensive service portfolio (personnel, IT special service, headhunting, training, outplacement, interim management), the right solution for customers, employees and potential new employees can be developed and implemented.


Credo: „The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change“ (Heraklit)



  • Technology
  • Industry
  • Business Consultancy / Interim management
  • Public & Government (Energy)
  • Agriculture

Mag. Margit Hofer UNIV. HCM

Managing Partner


Very early on Margit Hofer started her career in the public sector and worked there for many years. In
addition to her law degree, she successfully completed a healthcare management education.

Later on she was active in the insurance/healthcare sector, and advanced to working in human resources for an Austrian organization in healthcare management.

In 2009 she joined the ISG team as a managing partner and strengthens the core team of ISG Salzburg and mainly supervises the areas of Salzburg and Bayern.

Her vast experience in versatile areas makes her the perfect contact person in human resource affairs.


  • Personnel recruitment
  • Personnel selection
  • Personnel consultancy
  • Personnel development
  • Executive search


Motto: „There is only one proof of ability – doing“ Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach


Mag. Hannes Maier

Managing Partner


Our ISG Managing Partner, Hannes Maier, holds a degree in International Economics from the Universities of Innsbruck and Siena. In 2004, he founded his own management consulting, coaching, and training company.

Hannes’s career journey includes roles as a marketing consultant, sales and marketing manager, and management consultant & trainer, all of which paved the way for his successful transition into self-employment.

He is a certified systemic management consultant with extensive additional training in recruiting, management assessment, coaching, communication, employer branding, and more.

As an expert and senior consultant, Hannes Maier specializes in executive search, recruiting, employer branding, HR marketing, change management, strategy consulting, and organizational development. His clientele spans internationally active companies across the DACH region, encompassing industries such as trade, commerce, public administration, and healthcare.


Wolfgang Mark, MSc

Managing Partner


As an expert with over 30 years of management experience in various positions and companies, I look forward to working with ISG to support our customers in the Vorarlberg Region, Austria, and contribute to their success.

My expertise covers national and international experience as well as a high level of competence in all sales topics, especially in the construction, commercial, and industrial sectors. I have extensive expertise and a passion for supporting companies to optimize their sales strategies, and find and select the best people for the challenges they face.

Together with ISG, we strive to offer our clients innovative solutions and help them to achieve their goals. We want to inspire our clients, not just win them. Don’t hesitate to contact us to find out more about our services and how we can help you.

We look forward to working with you!
